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Questions tagged [ethiopia]

Questions related to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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How broad was the rejection of the Ethiopia-Somaliland deal in the Somaliland parliament?

AA has a piece (from Feb) that says that legislators in the Somaliland parliament rejected the deal with Ethiopia (roughly a naval base for recognition): Lawmakers in Somalia's breakaway region of ...
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Why do some Somalilanders hold that Ethiopia is their primary enemy?

AP: Somaliland’s defense minister has resigned to protest his government signing an agreement to allow landlocked Ethiopia to access Somaliland’s coastline. “Ethiopia remains our number one enemy,�� ...
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Have other countries said what they'd do if Ethiopia recognizes Somaliland's indepedence?

Reuters: Feb 23, 2024 Landlocked Ethiopia agreed a memorandum of understanding on Jan. 1 to lease 20 km (12 miles) of coastline in Somaliland - a territory that Somalia says it owns, even though the ...
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Can the ICC try Ethiopia or any country involved in the Tigray war for war crimes?

Kassahun Molla Yilma, former head of Jimma University School of Law and prosecutor, argued in February 2021 that for the Mai Kadra massacre of the Tigray War and other atrocities taking place in ...
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Why would the US have started the civil war in Ethiopia?

The Eritrean leader Isaias Afwerki constantly refers to "TPLF and their masters in Washington" nowadays. Why Afwerki is upset with the US is pretty clear because the US demanded that ...
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Did the USA meet its goals for leading Ethiopia to invade Somalia in 2006? [closed]

It lead to the rise of Al Shabaab and the return of anarchy in Somalia. What was the USA aiming to achieve, and did they achieve it?
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Why did the Afar forces (allegedly) attack the Somali town of Garbaiisa?

I'm confused on the possible reason for the attack in July 2021 (allegedly) carried out by Afar forces in Garbaiisa, a town in the neighboring region of Somali (not to be confused with the independent ...
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Is it permissible under international law to militarily attack a country/region if it's conducting a total blockade, including of foodstuff?

Tigray (TDF) regional authorities say they are now attacking the neighboring Amara and Afar regions (which have different regional governments under Ethiopia's federal constitution) because Tigray ...
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8 votes
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Who is helping the Tigray TDF?

Last year the Ethiopian army quickly overran the capital of Tigray (Mekelle) and drove the Tigray Defense Forces (TDF) into the mountains, caves, forests etc., seemingly turning the conflict into a ...
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6 votes
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Controversial Tigray regional election

As I understand it, one of the points of contention in the conflict between the government of Ethiopia and the Tigray region are contested regional elections in September at 2020. These have been ...
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Why is Egypt not able to stop the building of a dam in Ethiopia?

I was watching this video. This video portrays Egypt as a victim of the dam built by Ethiopia. Egypt is a regional power with arguably the strongest military in Africa. It is also well-connected to ...
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