Faculty Awards

2040.1 Purpose

Purpose The University recognizes outstanding achievements of faculty through the nomination of candidates and selection of recipients for the following awards:

  • Trustees' Award for Faculty Excellence
  • University Professor
  • Distinguished Professor
  • President's Award for Faculty Excellence: Early Career Achievement Award
  • President’s Award for Outstanding Non-Tenure Eligible (NTE) Faculty: Teaching
  • President’s Award for Outstanding Non-Tenure Eligible (NTE) Faculty: Service
  • President's Award for Faculty Excellence: Community Engagement Award

Annually, the Provost solicits nominations and sets a deadline for their submission. The University Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews all nominations and submits its recommendations to the Provost for transmittal to the President and the Board of Trustees.

2040.1.1 Trustees' Award for Faculty Excellence

The Wright State University Trustees' Award for Faculty Excellence is the highest award given by the university. It is an annual award given to outstanding Wright State University full-time, fully-affiliated faculty who have demonstrated a sustained and balanced contribution to the teaching, research, and professional service mission of the university. The award is intended to honor those who serve as the most outstanding of role models for all faculty. A faculty member may receive the award only once, and may not hold an administrative position above the rank of chair. Generally, one award may be made each year.

The Trustees' Award for Faculty Excellence carries a cash award of $3,500.

Any Wright State University college or unit, including the University Promotion and Tenure Committee, may nominate candidates for the Trustees' Award. The nominations should include the following:

  • a cover letter summarizing the achievements of the candidate(s);
  • a curriculum vitae and appropriate supporting evidence of the nominee's outstanding achievements in teaching, research, and/or professional service; and letters of support from the head of the nominating unit and the college/school dean.


2040.1.2 University Professor

The title University Professor is a special rank awarded by the Board of Trustees. It is reserved for full professors who have made outstanding contributions beyond the confines of their own discipline. No more than three members of the faculty may hold the title of University Professor at any one time, and there may be no more than one University Professor in a college or school simultaneously. The initial appointment is for a period of five years. A University Professor may be reappointed for one additional five-year term upon being nominated again by the appropriate college or school committee, recommended by the University Promotion and Tenure Committee, and approved by the Board of Trustees.

The title of University Professor carries an annual cash award of $2,000 and a grant of $3,000 for professional development.

A college or school promotion and tenure committee or professional development committee must nominate candidates for this award. Nominees must be full-time, fully-affiliated faculty at the rank of professor. The nomination should include the following:

  • a cover letter summarizing the achievements of the candidate
  • a curriculum vitae, and appropriate supporting evidence concerning the nominee's teaching, research, and professional service
  • a letter of support from the dean.

2040.1.3 Distinguished Professor

The title Distinguished Professor is a special rank awarded by the Board of Trustees, in three categories:

  • Robert J. Kegerreis Distinguished Professor of Teaching
  • Brage Golding Distinguished Professor of Research
  • Frederick A. White Distinguished Professor of Professional Service

Nominees for Distinguished Professor of Teaching must have demonstrated outstanding skills as teachers and advisors, as evidenced by student and peer evaluations, course development, and improvement and/or scholarly publications in the area of teaching. Nominees for Distinguished Professor of Research must have produced a significant body of work in scholarship, research, or the creative arts, which brings distinction to the University and national or international recognition to the faculty member. Nominees for Distinguished Professor of Professional Service must have provided exceptional service to the University and the community through outstanding leadership and other significant contributions. Normally, three awards will be given each year: one in teaching, one in research, and one in professional service. No more than nine distinguished professors can exist during any given year, three in each category.

The title of Distinguished Professor is awarded only once, for a three-year period, and carries an annual cash award of $1,000 and a grant of $1,500 for professional development.

A college or school promotion and tenure committee or professional development committee should nominate candidates for these awards. Nominees must be full-time, fully-affiliated faculty at the rank of associate professor or above. The nomination should include the following:

  • a cover letter summarizing the achievements of the candidate
  • a curriculum vitae, and appropriate supporting evidence concerning the nominee's teaching, research, or professional service, depending on the category for which the faculty member is being nominated
  • a letter of support from the dean.

2040.1.4 Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence: Early Career Achievement Award

The Presidential Award for Early Career Achievement recognizes excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service during the formative years (the first four years) of a junior faculty member's initial appointment. While nominees may excel in one or two areas, they must be successfully contributing in all three. Up to three awards can be made annually.

The Presidential Award for Early Career Achievement carries a cash award of $750.

A college or school promotion and tenure committee or professional development committee must nominate candidates for these awards. Nominees must be full-time, fully-affiliated faculty at the rank of assistant professor. The nomination should include the following:

  • a cover letter summarizing the achievements of the candidate
  • a curriculum vitae, and appropriate supporting evidence concerning the nominee's teaching, scholarship, or professional service, or description of all three, where pertinent
  • a letter of support from the dean.

2040.1.5 President��s Award for Outstanding Non-Tenure Eligible (NTE) Faculty: Teaching

The President’s Award for Outstanding NTE Faculty: Teaching recognizes a full-time, non-tenure track faculty members who demonstrates excellence in teaching while still successfully contributing in all aspects of faculty responsibilies, and participates in professional development. One award will be made annually.

The President’s Award for Outstanding NTE Faculty: Teaching carries a cash award of $750.

Any student, staff, or faculty member may nominate an instructor or lecturer for this award. Nominees must be full-time, non-tenure track faculty at the rank of instructor, lecturer, senior lecturer, clinical instructor or clinical assistant professors. Nominations should be submitted to the department chair of the nominee and include the following:

  • a cover letter summarizing the achievements of the candidate
  • a curriculum vitae, and appropriate supporting evidence concerning the nominee's contributions to teaching at Wright State University
  • a letter of support from the dean.


2040.1.6 President’s Award for Outstanding Non-Tenure Eligible (NTE) Faculty: Service

The President’s Award for Outstanding NTE Faculty: Service recognizes a full-time, non-tenure track faculty members who demonstrates excellence in service while still successfully contributing in all aspects of faculty responsibilies, and participates in professional development. One award will be made annually.

The President’s Award for Outstanding NTE Faculty: Service carries a cash award of $750.

Any student, staff, or faculty member may nominate an instructor or lecturer for this award. Nominees must be full-time, non-tenure track faculty at the rank of instructor, lecturer, senior lecturer, clinical instructor or clinical assistant professors. Nominations should be submitted to the department chair of the nominee and include the following:

  • a cover letter summarizing the achievements of the candidate
  • a curriculum vitae, and appropriate supporting evidence concerning the nominee's contributions to university service at Wright State University
  • a letter of support from the dean.


2040.1.7 Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence: Community Engagement Award

The Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence in Community Engagement recognizes a faculty member at any rank who has been instrumental in helping the university achieve its mission of transforming the communities it serves. For the purpose of this award, community engagement is defined as faculty work involving a partnership with the public that achieves university goals and benefits the community in a significant way. The award can recognize teaching, research and/or service that demonstrate the ways community partnerships (local, regional/state, national and global) can enhance learning and serve the public good. One award will be made annually.

The Presidential Award for Community Engagement carries a cash award of $750. A college or school promotion and tenure committee or professional development committee must nominate candidates for these awards.

Nominees must be full-time, fully-affiliated faculty at any rank. The nomination should include the following:

  • a cover letter summarizing the achievements of the candidate
  • a curriculum vitae, and appropriate supporting evidence concerning the nominee’s community engagement activities
  • a letter of support from the dean.