Non-Retaliation Policy

Temporary / Emergency Policy

Note: This policy was adopted on December 14, 2023 under the temporary / emergency policymaking provisions of the University's Policy on Policies. It will revert on August 22, 2024.

Information about this policy change, and any proposals for further policymaking, can be accessed at the University Policy website. Students and employees may submit comments on those proposals through the Proposed Policy Change Comment Form, which is accessible through the site.

1281.1 Policy Statement

The University is committed to conducting its activities in a manner that is legal, ethical, compliant with all applicable regulatory authorities, and consistent with applicable University Policies. In furtherance of that objective, the University often requires or encourages members of the University community to report actual or suspected misconduct. It is the Policy of Wright State University to prohibit Retaliation against any member of the University community.

1281.2 Definitions

A. As used in this Policy, Misconduct means a violation, by the University itself or any member of the University community, of any applicable law, regulation, ethical or professional standard, or University policy.

B. As used in this Policy, Retaliation means intimidation, attempted intimidation, retaliation, or attempted retaliation against any other member of the University community who:

  • Makes a truthful and good faith report, to the University or any governmental entity concerning actual or suspected Misconduct;
  • Investigates reported Misconduct on behalf of the University;
  • Discloses truthful information to the University or any governmental entity during the course of an investigation into reported Misconduct;
  • Participates (or declines to participate, when such participation is optional) in any capacity in any investigation, hearing, or resolution process associated with reported Misconduct;
  • Exercises other rights protected by law or University policies

1281.3 Unrelated Actions

This Policy does not prohibit the institution or imposition of disciplinary action, adverse employment action, corrective action, or other measures when the same are appropriate, in good faith, and unrelated to the activities described in Section B of this Policy.

1281.4 Reporting

University employees who know that a violation of this Policy has occurred are required to report it, unless they are legally prohibited from doing so (e.g. when the knowledge was acquired through a legally privileged communication that the employee cannot waive). Employees and others who suspect that a violation may have occurred are encouraged to report it.

Reports filed through the University’s EthicsPoint system, or the University’s Department of Public Safety Dispatch Center, will receive the most immediate response:

Reports may also be filed with the following offices:

Filing a report with the University does not preclude or limit in any way one’s right to file a report or complaint with any governmental agency with jurisdiction over such matters, including without limitation the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, and/or the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.

1281.5 Response

Reports will be forwarded to the Vice President for Compliance and Chief Enterprise Risk Officer (the “Compliance Officer”), or their delegate, for further action. The Compliance Officer is authorized to adopt procedures to discharge their responsibilities under this Policy and to enforce it.

Responses may include informal inquiries or formal investigations. The Compliance Officer will forward the results of any inquiry or investigation to the appropriate University official for further action, potentially including disciplinary action or other corrective measures.

1281.6 Violations

A violation of this Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal (for students) or termination of employment (for employees). Violations of this Policy by University contractors may result in termination of the contractor’s affiliation with the University.

Persons and organizations that violate this Policy may also be subject to the authority of non-University authorities.