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A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.

A geometric object whose volume is conjectured to be related to scattering amplitudes. It is used mostly in string theory.
30 questions
An insulated state in a non-interacting system arising from the destructive interference among multiple-scattering paths in a condensed matter system.
43 questions
The conserved quantity arising from a rotational invariance. Combine with rotational-dynamics for the classical mechanics approach and quantum-mechanics for the QM interpretation
The time derivative of angular position used when studying rotating objects or systems.
808 questions
Problems concerning oscillators that are not harmonic (i.e. for forces that are not linearly proportional to position).
101 questions
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The interfaces between radio waves propagating through space and electric currents moving in metal conductors, used with a transmitter or receiver. Antennas are essential components of all radio equip…
383 questions
This can be used for the strong or weak anthropic principle. Please be sure to mention in your question which you are talking about.
46 questions
Anti-de-Sitter (AdS) spacetime is a spacetime with a constant negative Ricci Scalar.
185 questions
Analogous to matter, but with charge of the particles opposite to their ordinary matter counterparts.
953 questions
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Anyons is the generic name for the particles which interchange among other according to the representation(s) of the braid group.
147 questions
A concept related to the asymmetry of time, usually related to the second law of thermodynamics, which says that entropy always either increases or stays the same.
212 questions
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This is a tag for asteroids, not dwarf planets or any other astronomical object.
109 questions
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The science dealing with objects and phenomena located beyond Earth. In particular, this applies to observations and data. At its core, astronomy is the physically informed cataloging and classifying …
Imaging of astronomical objects or large regions of the sky.
41 questions
The application of physical theory to celestial systems such as stars, planets, galaxies, supernovae, and black holes. Astrophysics proper is concerned with explaining phenomena more so than making ob…
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The study of the composition or dynamics of the gaseous layers around planets, often applied to questions on Earth's atmosphere but can be applicable to all planets & moons in the solar system.
1197 questions
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Use for atomic clocks - not any other type of clock.
57 questions
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Atomic physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus. It is primarily concerned with the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and t…
A nucleus made of protons and neutrons surrounded by a cloud of electrons equal in number to the protons.
884 questions
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