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82 votes

Why is Voyager 1 approaching Earth?

Voyager $1$ is headed away from the Sun at around $17$ km per second at an angle to the ecliptic of around $35$º. The orbital velocity of the Earth is $29.8$ km per second, and multiplying by $\cos ...
John Rennie's user avatar
54 votes

If absolute velocity does not exist, how can we say a rocket accelerates in empty space?

Within the context of Newtonian mechanics, there's a simple answer: velocities are not absolute, but differences in velocities are. So you can state that acceleration occurs unambiguously. In ...
knzhou's user avatar
  • 103k
49 votes

Is there any physical evidence for motion?

According to classical physics: no. It is impossible to tell how fast something is moving from a snapshot. According to special relativity: yes. If we choose a frame of reference where one of the ...
AccidentalTaylorExpansion's user avatar
41 votes

How can any speed be defined as a constant?

Speed of light is actually a pretty special case compared to how we typically think of speed (as far as I understand it). Movement is always relative to some frame of reference. In the case of a ...
JMac's user avatar
  • 15.3k
39 votes

Does Special Relativity Imply Multiple Realities?

I'm not going to really touch what one could mean by "multiple realities", but I think this can still be useful. Let's say we are facing each other. I see a building to my left. You see a building to ...
BioPhysicist's user avatar
  • 57.2k
33 votes

Flying a drone in a moving car/airplane

Very good question! The point is that when the elevator begins to move (either upwards or downwards), it's accelerating, while the drone -- having no force acting on it directly -- is still moving at ...
Philip's user avatar
  • 11.4k
31 votes

Is there any physical evidence for motion?

If we could take a snapshot of both tennis balls, would there be any evidence that could suggest that one is moving and the other one is still? We can't. Problem solved. Well, almost problem solved....
Cort Ammon's user avatar
  • 50.2k
27 votes

Is it possible to stay up while riding a bike on a moving sidewalk without actually moving?

What keeps a bicycle up is a variety of things, but it all comes down to the front wheel, which can move left/right. The bike is always out of balance, and if it starts to fall to the left you ...
Mike Dunlavey's user avatar
25 votes

If absolute velocity does not exist, how can we say a rocket accelerates in empty space?

A rocket's thrusters function by ejecting reaction mass (exhaust). You can measure the movement of the rocket by its distance from its reaction mass. The rocket moves relative to its reactant. You ...
lsusr's user avatar
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21 votes

Can we use redshift measurements to determine absolute velocity?

A red or blue shift is created when the light source is moving relative to the detector. In your thought experiment, you emit light and you receive it, so there is no red or blue shift. For your idea ...
safesphere's user avatar
  • 12.7k
21 votes

If absolute velocity does not exist, how can we say a rocket accelerates in empty space?

how can we say a rocket accelerates in empty space ? According to third Newton law, body in a rocket will experience pseudo-force with direction opposite to that of rocket acceleration. That is - ...
Agnius Vasiliauskas's user avatar
20 votes

Is it possible to stay up while riding a bike on a moving sidewalk without actually moving?

By the principle of relativity, you will not fall over – assuming that you know how to use the bike and you won't be deliberately "confused". The principle says that the laws of physics have the same ...
Luboš Motl's user avatar
19 votes

What's the speed of light when viewed from the side?

The speed of light is the same in every direction; specifically, $c=299,792,458$ m/s. This fact was proven by Michelson and Morley in 1887, when they measured the speed of light very precisely using ...
probably_someone's user avatar
18 votes

How can different points on a rigid body move with different speeds but also be relatively at rest?

Having a non-zero relative velocity is fine as long as the distance between the points isn't changing. This certainly holds for a rotating rigid body. As another example, take a ball on a string and ...
BioPhysicist's user avatar
  • 57.2k
18 votes

Do released objects take the direction and speed of their parent frame's velocity, or just the parent frame's speed component?

This conforms to my belief that, in classical mechanics, ignoring gravity and wind resistance, an object released from a parent frame starts moving with only its parent frame's speed -- not its parent ...
Dale's user avatar
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17 votes

Is electric current relative?

Charge density $\rho$ and current density $\vec{J}$ form a Lorentz four-vector $(c\rho, \vec{J})$ that transforms under a Lorentz transformation just like $(ct, \vec{r})$ does. For example, if two ...
G. Smith's user avatar
  • 51.7k
16 votes

How can any speed be defined as a constant?

My question is: If speed is not an entity in itself, but only dependent on other constant factors, how can the speed of anything (let alone light) be a constant? Am I completely missing something ...
Charles Francis's user avatar
15 votes

How can you accelerate without moving?

In relativity (both flavours) we consider trajectories in four dimensional spacetime, and acceleration is a four-vector not a three-vector as in Newtonian mechanics. We call this four-acceleration ...
John Rennie's user avatar
14 votes

Why do bodies traveling at constant velocity experience the same physics?

The whole point is that this is an observation that is made -- if you're on a windowless train moving on a smooth track, you don't really know you're moving at all. Similarly, for all of newtonian ...
Zo the Relativist's user avatar
14 votes

What is the essential difference between constant speed and acceleration?

The difference is that acceleration is absolute whereas velocity is relative. In other words, the local laws of physics are exactly the same for two objects moving with a constant velocity relative to ...
gandalf61's user avatar
  • 56.4k
13 votes

How can any speed be defined as a constant?

It is counter intuitive, this question or variants of it get asked a lot. Surely if you're travelling towards a beam of light it will appear to be travelling faster? The answer is it won't, every ...
Charlie's user avatar
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13 votes

What is the "true" distance an object travels based on relative speeds?

To specify the distance an object has travelled, you need to also specify its position relative to some initial reference point. In the context of your question, there is no "true distance" ...
joseph h's user avatar
  • 29.9k
12 votes

Question about spinning Earth

The speed of Earth's rotation is 1674 km/h on the equator. The surface, the airport, the atmosphere and the plane (before taking off) all move with 1674km/h relative to the centre of earth. They all ...
olaf b's user avatar
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12 votes

What's the speed of light when viewed from the side?

In this case the speed would be same for anything sent from A to B, as seen from C. Since there is no relative velocity between the points A, B and C, the magnitude of the speed of any object going ...
Hugo V's user avatar
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12 votes

Is there any physical evidence for motion?

Cylinders Don't Exist If I show you a picture of two round objects and tell you that one is a sphere and the other is a cylinder you are looking at head-on, how can you tell whether I am telling the ...
Lawnmower Man's user avatar
12 votes

Does Special Relativity Imply Multiple Realities?

Relax, take a deep breath :-) to me it seems that you do not realise that Alice and Bob have two different times. That is, what Alice calls time, Bob calls a mixture of space and time. So, If you ...
Ponder Stibbons's user avatar
12 votes

Flying a drone in a moving car/airplane

A drone does not always fly with respects to the air in a moving car/airplane. It does so only if they are not accelerating. The elevator is accelerating in your video.
Anthony Guillen's user avatar
12 votes

How should I understand the idea of relativity of space?

Yes, you can take a random point as your origin, but how do you know which random point you have picked? Imagine you are floating alone in empty space with nothing for a thousand km in any direction. ...
Marco Ocram's user avatar
  • 26.4k

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