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For questions where the dynamical variables are fields, that is, functions of several variables (typically, one time coordinate and several space coordinates). Comprises both classical field theory and quantum field theory. Use this tag when the question applies to both classical and quantum phenomena. Otherwise, use the specific tag instead.

2 votes
1 answer

Understanding Example 36.7 in the Blundell's Quantum field theory

I am reading Blundell's Quantum field thoery for the gifted amateur, p.332, Example 36.7 and stuck at understanding some calculation. In the example, he expresses $$ \Sigma_{s=1}^{2}u^{s}(p)\bar{u}^{s …
Plantation's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Expression of a Lagrangian in other form

I'm reading Matthew D. Schwartz, Quantum field theory and standard model and some question arises In his book, p.133, he says that Any vector field can be written as $$ A_{\mu}(x) = A^{T}_{\mu}(x)+ \p …
Plantation's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Question about p.192 in Schwartz, Quantum field theory (Regarding the rewriting of the Major... [closed]

I'am reading the Schwartz's Quantum field theory and Standard model p.192 and some question arises: Why the underlined equality is true? Here, $\bar{\psi} : = \psi^{\dagger}\gamma^{0}$ is the conjuga …
Plantation's user avatar
0 votes
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Taylor expansion of some Lagrangian (Understanding the Blundell's Quantum field theory, Exam...

I am reading the Lancaster, Blundell's Quantum field theory for the Gifted Amateur, p.243, Example 26.5 and I can't understand some sentences and I don't know how to expand some Lagrangian. I am a mat …
Plantation's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Lorentz invariance of the Dirac equation and implicability of the Klein-Gordon equation from... [closed]

I am reading the Peskin & Schroeder's Introduction to quantum field theory, p.42~43 and don't understand some points. In their book p.42 they say that "To show that it (the Dirac equation) is Lorentz …
Plantation's user avatar
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In calculation of Hamiltonian of real scalar field (Quantum field theory Srednicki)

I'm now reading the Mark Srednicki, Quantum field theory, p.27 I'm now trying to understand the Third step in the calculation of $H$. Through the integration over $k'$ involving the delta function …
Plantation's user avatar