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Questions tagged [unruh-effect]

This tag is for questions regarding to the Unruh effect (also known as the Fulling–Davies–Unruh effect), the hypothetical prediction that an accelerating observer will observe a thermal bath, like blackbody radiation, whereas an inertial observer would observe none. It was described by Stephen Fulling in 1973, Paul Davies in 1975, and William Unruh in 1976.

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How do you show that the Unruh Temperature between two inertial observers is zero?

As part of my undergraduate thesis, I'm trying to show that using massless scalar field, the Unruh effect between two inertial observers is zero. I'm using this book: "Introduction to Quantum ...
Usman Adil's user avatar
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Interpretation of the nonuniqueness of vacuum of QFT in flat spacetime for a given inertial observer; No Lorentz transformation; No accelerated motion

Consider an inertial observer in flat spacetime with a choice of coordinates $(t,{\vec x})$. This observer can expand a quantum field $\hat{\phi}$ in more than one complete set of orthonormal modes. ...
Solidification's user avatar
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What is the interpretation of non-uniqueness of field expansion in flat spacetime?

Scalar field expansion in terms of plane wave modes is given by $$\phi(x)=\int\frac{d^3{\vec p}}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^{3}2\omega_{\vec p}}}\left(a_{\vec p}e^{-ip\cdot x}+a_p^\dagger e^{+ip\cdot x}\right)$$ ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Unruh effect on rotating galaxies?

According to the Unruh effect, an accelerating observer will experience a thermal bath. This is equivalent to Hawking radiation. If we applied this to a spinning galaxy, I wonder if this thermal bath ...
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Can the inertial observer "see" the Unruh accelerated observer's vacuum?

The unruh process is asymmetric. The inertial observer is in his vacuum V0 and the accelerated observer measures $\langle V_0|N|V_0 \rangle$ and sees particles. He is not in his vacuum environment. I ...
Naima's user avatar
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For Hawking radiation, is the scalar field $\phi$ assumed to be in the Unruh vacuum state?

In Hawking's paper "Particle Creation by Black Holes" I'm not really able to pick apart what vacuum state Hawking is assuming the field $\phi$ to be in. The paper "Hawking radiation as ...
QuantumEyedea's user avatar
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Isn't Unruh effect against the equivalence principle?

Doesn't the Unruh effect violate EP? Since the temperature of an absolutely accelerating reference frame would be different from an inertial one according to this effect, then one finds a criterion to ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Unruh particles

When we accelerate, an event horizon forms behind us resulting in Unruh radiation. In this kind of scenario, the existence of the radiation particles themselves is observer dependent. My question is: ...
Rounak Sarkar's user avatar
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Unruh effect: should Minkowski vacuum transform according to different observers?

It's known that the Minkowski vacuum is observed as a thermal bath for Rindler observers, in paticular: $\langle0_{M}|N_{M}|0_{M}\rangle=0 \space\space\space\space\space\space\space $ (1) $\...
DEDS's user avatar
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How to relate the coordinates of a lab-frame observer and an uniformly accelerating observer?

If there is lab-frame observer with coordinates $(t,x)$ and a uniformly acceletaing observer in $1+1$ dimensional flat Minkowski spacetime with coordinates $(t',x')$, can we analytically relate $(t',...
Solidification's user avatar
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Is the Unruh effect a special relativistic effect or a general relativistic effect?

If an observer moves in an accelerated frame in flat spacetime, the vacuum looks like a thermal distribution of particles to that observer. This is the Unruh effect. Is it a special relativistic (SR) ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Why a mode on Minkowsky SpaceTime becomes two modes on Rindler Spacetime

----I am a student on Quantum Computing--- For the whole undertanding of "Tetrapartite entanglement measures of GHZ state with uniform acceleration" by Qiang Dong.
Juan Luis Manriquez Zepeda's user avatar
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How does the Unruh effect create particles?

I've read that the Rindler horizon cuts off access to fundamental quantum fields and leads to a mixing of positive and negative frequencies via the Bogoliubov transformations. But here is where I have ...
Orangeman's user avatar
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Can Unruh particles be blocked on their way from the horizon?

Can you shield yourself from Unruh particles? In an old answer to a different question, Ron Maimon says yes: You should think of the radiation as coming from the horizon--- if you place a ...
benrg's user avatar
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Direction of Unruh radiation

In case of a black hole, the direction of the Hawking radiation is from the horizon to the observer. The corresponding effect in the Rindler spacetime is the Unruh radiation. Intuitively, a rapidly ...
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