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Static Patch Decomposition of Bunch Davies Vacuum

In the Jerusalem Lectures on Black Holes section 3.3 the author considers a QFT in Minkowski space. He then picks out a space coordiante, say $x$, and divides the Hilbert space $H$ of the QFT in two ...
Aralian's user avatar
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How to relate the two expressions of thermal spectrum?

I am reading a proof of the fact that if there exists a monochromatic plane electromagnetic wave for an observer in frame $S$, an observer in a frame $S'$, which is uniformly accelerated with respect ...
Singh's user avatar
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Accelerating frame of reference, fermions and probability conservation

I'm looking at solutions to the massless Dirac equation in an accelerating frame of reference in $(1+1)$-dimensions but the wave functions I get appear to violate probability conservation. My ...
Kris's user avatar
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Behavior of Rindler modes for massless scalar field in 3+1 dimensions

Thank you in advance for any answer to my question. I'm having trouble understanding the behaviour of the mode functions of a massless Klein-Gordon field in Rindler coordinates. We are in 3+1 ...
luta_naccarata's user avatar
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Are non-virtual particles of QFT real?

Perhaps the question may seem a bit provocative, but it refers to several mathematical and, presently physical facts, pointed out a long time ago: The Unruh effect suggests that an accelerated ...
Davius's user avatar
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Boulware and Unruh vacuum in Schwarzschild spacetime

I am studying quantization in Schwarzschild spacetime. In class the Boulware vacuum $\left| B \right>$ has been defined using the o.n. modes $u_I(x) = \frac{1}{4\pi \sqrt{\omega}}e^{-i\omega v}$, $...
lucabtz's user avatar
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Path Integral for Unruh Effect

In derivation of Unruh effect, according to arxiv 2108.09188, we have $$ \langle\phi_L|\exp(-\pi H)|\phi_R\rangle=\int_{\phi=\phi_R}^{\phi=\phi_L} D\phi e^{-S_E}\propto \int_{lower\space half\space ...
gshxd's user avatar
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How does Unruh detector work?

It is often said that an inertial observer in flat spacetime vacuum will see an accelerating observer thermalize (Unruh Effect). If an accelerated observer takes a particle in a box coupled with the ...
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Does String Theory predict things like Unruh effect and Hawking radiation?

I've seen the other post about this, but the answer only discusses Unruh effect rather than String theory. Hawking radiation and Unruh effect solidify fields as the universe's fundamental objects. ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Does the Unruh effect assume its conclusion?

Unruh effect says that accelerating observers see the single particle states of inertial frames as thermal baths. But it proves it by defining the particle states in the accelerating observer's frame ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Unruh effect origin of particle

I have a little confusion about where from the particle are coming in Unruh effect. Vacuum fluctuation is always there and does not depend on whether the frame/detector is moving or not. Vacuum ...
Tanmoy Pati's user avatar
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Calculation of expectation of number of particle using Bogolubov transformation [closed]

we have two bases connected by Bogoljubov transformations. In the first basis, creation and annihilation operators are ($a,a^\dagger$) and in the second basis ($a',a'^\dagger$). They are connected by \...
Tanmoy Pati's user avatar
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Proof probability distribution of number of particles seen in different basis connected by Bogoljubov transformation is Poissonian

Let we have two bases connected by Bogoljubov transformations. In the first basis, creation and annihilation operators are ($a,a^\dagger$) and in the second basis ($a',a'^\dagger$). They are connected ...
Tanmoy Pati's user avatar
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Significance of non-zero cross energy-momentum tensor in Fulling Davies Unruh effect

In the Fulling Davies Unruh effect We can get the outgoing particle flux from the asymptotic future region $\mathscr{I}^+$ from the mirror trajectory as the following $$ \mathcal{F}=\int_0^\infty \...
Tanmoy Pati's user avatar
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Does an electric field cause the vacuum to emit photons?

As I understand it electron-positron pairs pop in and out of the vacuum on a time scale $T$ inversely proportional to the electron mass. Imagine we put a static electric field across the vacuum. ...
John Eastmond's user avatar

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