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Questions tagged [speed-of-light]

The speed of light is a fundamental universal constant that marks the maximum speed at which energy and information can propagate. Its value is $299792458\frac{\mathrm{m}}{\mathrm{s}}$.

492 votes
21 answers

How does gravity escape a black hole?

My understanding is that light can not escape from within a black hole (within the event horizon). I've also heard that information cannot propagate faster than the speed of light. I assume that the ...
Nogwater's user avatar
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342 votes
34 answers

Do we know why there is a speed limit in our universe?

This question is about why we have a universal speed limit (the speed of light in vacuum). Is there a more fundamental law that tells us why this is? I'm not asking why the speed limit is equal to $c$ ...
TheQuantumMan's user avatar
120 votes
16 answers

Is it possible for information to be transmitted faster than light by using a rigid pole?

Is it possible for information (like 1 and 0s) to be transmitted faster than light? For instance, take a rigid pole of several AU in length. Now say you have a person on each end, and one of them ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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118 votes
13 answers

If all motion is relative, how does light have a finite speed?

I've often heard that Einstein shattered the notion of absolute motion (i.e. all things move relative to one another) and that he established the speed of light as being absolute. That sounds ...
CircleSquared's user avatar
101 votes
7 answers

How did Einstein know the speed of light was constant?

I often hear the story of how Einstein came up to the conclusion that time would slow down the faster you move, because the speed of light has to remain the same. My question is, how did Einstein ...
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
89 votes
6 answers

Why is light bent but not accelerated?

Light is bent near a mass (for example when passing close to the sun as demonstrated in the famous sun eclipse of 1919). I interpret this as an effect of gravity on the light. However, it seems (to ...
René Nyffenegger's user avatar
89 votes
9 answers

What really causes light/photons to appear slower in media?

I know that if we solve the Maxwell equation, we will end up with the phase velocity of light being related to the permeability and the permittivity of the material. But this is not what I'm ...
Emitabsorb's user avatar
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85 votes
4 answers

What is the mechanism behind the slowdown of light/photons in a transparent medium?

So light travels slower in glass (for example) than in a vacuum. What causes light to slow down? Or: How does it slow down? If light passes through the medium, is it not essentially traveling in the "...
Henry's user avatar
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81 votes
8 answers

Why is there no absolute maximum temperature?

If temperature makes particles vibrate faster, and movement is limited by the speed of light, then I would assume that temperature must be limited as well. Why is there no limit?
serg's user avatar
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80 votes
6 answers

If a mass moves close to the speed of light, does it turn into a black hole?

I'm a big fan of the podcast Astronomy Cast and a while back I was listening to a Q&A episode they did. A listener sent in a question that I found fascinating and have been wondering about ever ...
shopsinc's user avatar
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77 votes
9 answers

If the speed of light is constant, why can't it escape a black hole?

When speed is the path traveled in a given time and the path is constant, as it is for $c$, why can't light escape a black hole? It may take a long time to happen but shouldn't there be some light ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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67 votes
10 answers

Would time freeze if you could travel at the speed of light?

I read with interest about Einstein's Theory of Relativity and his proposition about the speed of light being the universal speed limit. So, if I were to travel in a spacecraft at (practically) the ...
Question Overflow's user avatar
63 votes
7 answers

If I run along the aisle of a bus traveling at (almost) the speed of light, can I travel faster than the speed of light?

Let's say I fire a bus through space at (almost) the speed of light in vacuum. If I'm inside the bus (sitting on the back seat) and I run up the aisle of the bus toward the front, does that mean I'm ...
ed209's user avatar
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63 votes
3 answers

In substances where light is slowed down, is its momentum lessened and if so, how does it speed up again when emerging from that substance? [duplicate]

I think in some media, light can be significantly slowed down; but even if only slightly, where would the momentum go when the light slows down and where does it get the extra momentum when it leaves ...
releseabe's user avatar
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60 votes
5 answers

Why can't the light from a candle light the whole of a dark room?

If you light a candle it starts emitting photons, right? And photons travel at the speed of light. But how come they can't light the whole of a dark room? It means that the photons are not reaching ...
ansergeyg's user avatar
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