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Questions tagged [relative-motion]

Use this tag for questions related to how objects move relative to other objects dependent on your frame of reference, and how this applies to special relativity.

0 votes
1 answer

How does one interpret the relative motion of an object in orbit as it compares to to the object it is orbiting?

How does one interpret the relative motion of an object in orbit as it compares to to the object it is orbiting? In flat spacetime, it's pretty easy to determine relative motion. If Alice sees Bob as ...
5 votes
7 answers

The Earth is spinning, so why don't we jump and land on a different location?

I know there are similar questions on StackExchange but I think it is different and detailed. The earth is spinning 465 meters/second so why don't we jump and land on a different location? I googled ...
1 vote
3 answers

Rotating Reference Frames And Their Phenomenon

In a rotating reference frame, while observing the proper motion of stars due to your spin, would you perceive time dilation when closely observing those stars?
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to detect your speed relative to light? [duplicate]

Let’s take two cases: (1) your velocity is constant and (2) you are accelerating. (1) isn’t the answer no, like that’s a core idea of Einstein’s relativity stuff? (2) I don’t know.
0 votes
0 answers

Why is throwing a bullet by hands not effective as using a gun? [duplicate]

The bullet when fired applies equal and opposite force to the Gun, (Newton's 3rd law) Thus to keep the gun stable we apply some force which should be equal to the force applied by the bullet. If we ...
6 votes
1 answer

How is the expansion of space distinguishable from objects moving away?

Suppose you are standing 5 feet (1.5 m) away from me. Then I move 10 feet (3.0 m) further away. Now you are at 15 feet (4.5 m) distance from me. You say I moved. I say no; the space between us has ...
1 vote
1 answer

Principle of Relativity and the invariance of Newton's law in IRFs

Newton's law are form invariant under the coordinate substitutions: $$ \tilde{x^{i}}=x^{i}+a^{i} $$ This means that Newtons' equation of motion, $$ F^{i}=m \frac{d^{2} x^{i}}{d t^{2}} $$ (where $i=1,2,...
0 votes
3 answers

Details on analyzing relative motion

I have been viewing some videos and reading some articles about Relativity and relative motion. My search abilities seem to be rather lacking. I am looking for articles, questions, and/or forums ...
1 vote
2 answers

Solving a two-body problem using relative motion and reduced mass

I'm having a hard time trying to understand fully this topic and how reduced mass and relative velocity should be used. Let's say we have some sort of mechanical problem regarding the interaction (or ...
-1 votes
3 answers

Any experiment for relative simultaneity?

Any introduction of relative simultaneity usually is like this : Alice on a train car shines two beams of light towards both ends where two clock are. She sees both clocks see the light at the same ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is relative velocity taken with respect to final velocity of affected object?

I am practicing a conservation of momentum question: Two identical buggies move one after the other due to inertia (without friction) with the same velocity $v_0$. A man of mass m rides the rear ...
0 votes
3 answers

Relativity of bodies in motion in space

I have learnt that if we are travelling in space we have no way to tell if we are moving towards something or if it is the something that is moving towards us; to either object they judge that they ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Question on Special Relativity regarding light [duplicate]

Mine is a very basic question yet I haven't got a satisfactory answer so I turn to you. Special Relativity is based on two assumptions, one of which is that the speed of light is constant for all ...
3 votes
3 answers

Induced motional EMF where the wire is stationary and the field source is moving?

If a wire is moving in a magnetic field $B$, there is a Lorentz force acting on both the postive and negative charges, separating them to create an electric field, which is a great explanation to aid ...
0 votes
0 answers

What is the ceiling on the perceived relative speeds of two bodies, from the point of view of a third observer? [duplicate]

What is the ceiling on the perceived relative speeds of two bodies, from the point of view of a third observer's reference frame? We all know the ceiling on perceived speed relative to oneself is $c$. ...

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