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Are Higgs mechanism and SSB different phenomena?

In the Standard Model, the Higgs mechanism is associated with the Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB). My understanding is that it is the Higgs field which breaks the $SU(2) \times U(1)$ symmetry at a ...
Keith's user avatar
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Masses of $SU(2)$ gauge bosons

I'm currently learning quantum field theory and I'm wondering one thing.The way I understood it is that in the $SU(2)$ Yang-Mills theory, all gauge bosons have the same mass due to the spontaneous ...
Hendriksdf5's user avatar
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Cosmic Strings as Topological Defects (heuristics)

I have a lot of troubles to understand heuristically the principle behind Kibble's model for genesis of cosmic strings via Kibble mechanism. More precisely I not understand how to interpret following ...
user267839's user avatar
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Hey there I'm a beginner in particle physics trying to "selfstudy" from online resources. I want to ask how much of what I learned is correct? [closed]

The information I have gained thus far regarding the standard model is; fermions and how their intrinsic nature. they have half spin, non zero mass, a charge, a weak hypercharge (for leptons), a ...
Aditya PDJ's user avatar
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Intuition/Motivation behind necessity of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking to generate massive gauge bosons

In field theory textbooks, it is shown that while any gauge invariant Lagrangian must involve massless gauge fields, to obtain massive gauge bosons, we must postulate the existence of a Higgs scalar ...
Ishan Deo's user avatar
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Gauge invariance at the quantum level post SSB in the case of Abelian Gauge theory

On page 690 in Peskin & Schroeder's book, the Higgs mechanism is discussed in the context of an Abelian Gauge theory. After the SSB, among the many terms that appear, there is a mass term for the ...
Ratman's user avatar
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How does one define massive Higgs-ed gauge fields nonperturbatively?

The Higgs mechanism can be used to produce massive spin $1$ particles in a unitary and renormalizeable way. Showing that the gauge fields gain a mass is always done at weak coupling, where tree level ...
fewfew4's user avatar
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Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking vs Addition of 'Mass terms' by hand [duplicate]

Let consider an $SU(2)$ doublet of bosons $\Phi =(\phi_A, \phi_B)$ which is described by the Lagrangian $$L = (\partial_{\mu}\Phi)^{\dagger}(\partial_{\mu}\Phi) +a^2 V(\Phi^{\dagger} \Phi) -\frac{\...
user267839's user avatar
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Mass terms for scalar lagrangians?

First off, a pre-question: if I got this wrong, then probably the whole reasoning is wrong as well. Studying the lagrangian for a two-particle scalar field with a quartic interaction in the context of ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
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When does a VEV induce another VEV?

If we have a model with more than one Higgs-doublet, when do the VEV of a scalar field of one of those doublets must induce a nonzero VEV on a scalar field of another of those doublets?
jmaguire's user avatar
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To which symmetry group is the original symmetry group of a theory broken when we add to the theory a scalar field with a VEV?

If one has a gauge theory with a specific symmetry group and we add to it a scalar field with a non-zero VEV, how do we know in general to which symmetry group will the original symmetry be ...
jmaguire's user avatar
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The Higgs mechanism in a quiver gauge model

I've been reading chapter 20 in Peskin and Schroeder about the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Theory for a $U(1)$ gauge symmetry with gauge coupling strengths $g$, and a complex scalar $\phi$, specifically ...
poknn's user avatar
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Gauge fixing, Lorentz invariance and positive definite metric of Hilbert space

Updated 0n ${\bf 02.04.2020}$ $\large{\bf Context}$ In the first $3$ minutes of this video lecture (based on the presentation here) on the subject matter of Goldstone theorem without Lorentz ...
SRS's user avatar
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Vacuum expectation value (VEV) of a Gauge theory - Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB) - Higgs Mechanism

I am dealing with a sort of scalar QED with a term of SSB \begin{equation} \mathcal{L}=\left|D_{\mu} \phi\right|^{2}-\frac{1}{4}\left(F_{\mu \nu}\right)^{2}-V\left(\phi^{*} \phi\right) \end{equation} ...
TheoPhy's user avatar
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Physical degree of freedom and gauge fixing?

I'm confused with the gauge fixing in the Higgs mechanism. So if we have an action like $$S=\int |D\phi|-\frac{1}{4}F^2 -V(\phi) ~ ,\tag{1}$$ then expand around some non-trivial vacuum, then we have ...
user239970's user avatar

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