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Questions tagged [orbital-motion]

The path a body takes while moving through space under the influence of the gravitational forces of other bodies

357 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
15 votes
2 answers

Regularization: What is so special about the Coulomb/Newtonian and harmonic potential?

I wanted to know if the procedure for regularization of the Coulomb potential outlined in Celletti (2003): Basics of regularization theory could be generalized to arbitrary polynomial potentials. So ...
asmaier's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What's the cause of this gap in this simulation of the Nice model?

A previous question brought me to this video (which has a spectacular change at about 0:34). It shows the orbits of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and what appear to be trans-Neptunian objects. ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How did Kepler arrive at his laws?

How did Kepler arrive at his laws? If one already knows the distances to the planets (and the eccentricity of the orbits, etc.), it is understandable that one might proceed to establish Kepler's ...
John Donn's user avatar
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are alignment of star systems' orbital planes with ours better than random?

It obviously helps our observation of exoplanets if they transit their star from our point-of-view. I would guess that the chances of this alignment are better than if their orbital plane was randomly ...
Paul Topping's user avatar
5 votes
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Fully General Relativistic treatment of Galaxy Rotation Curve

Over the years I have seen several approaches to this problem in the GR context: perturbations around a flat-spacetime, cancelation by hand of $\mathcal{O}(\partial_{\mu}\textbf{g}^{2})$ terms on the ...
Martin Nava-Callejas's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Examples of central forces on the path of orbit?

In solving a problem from Goldstein (3.13), I solved for multiple properties of a circular orbit with the attractive central force where the path of orbit crosses the point of the force (at origin). ...
NotSoSN's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does planetary spin affect the stability of orbits?

Reading about the Hill Sphere I notice that "the region of stability for retrograde orbits at a large distance from the primary, is larger than the region for prograde orbits at a large distance from ...
spraff's user avatar
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Confusion about Post-Newtonian orbital motion (Damour-Deruelle)

In their famous paper in 1985 (link), Damour&Deruelle describe the orbital motion for a binary system taking into account first-order post-Newtonian corrections (1PN). The solution is given in ...
gravitone123's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Book recommendation for classical Newtonian gravity

I’m looking for a good textbook that covers Newtonian Gravity in detail (preferably advanced undergrad/grad level). One that covers important things like Calculating trajectories of satellites around ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is the white sky of Stephanson's novel "SevenEves" plausible?

Based on comments, would the moderators please move this to Astronomy.SE? In the novel, some agency disrupts the moon. The moon is left in 7 major chunks that are still gravitationally bound. (...
Sherwood Botsford's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Closed trajectories for Kepler problem with classical spin-orbit corrections?

Kepler problem explains closed elliptic trajectories for planetary systems or in Bohr's classical atomic model - let say two approximately point objects, the central one has practically fixed position,...
Jarek Duda's user avatar
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From Newton to Kepler without infinitesimals

I've read some interesting calculus-free proofs of at least parts of the derivation of Kepler's Laws from Newton's gravitational force. One is of course Feyman's "Lost Lecture" (which was already ...
wago's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Good sources to get velocity/position vectors for all planets and moons in the Solar System for building an orbital simulator?

I’m building an $N$-body simulator, and I have everything ready to begin simulating. But my issue is is that I have no idea how to get all the starting positions and velocities for the celestial ...
3 votes
0 answers

Approximation of Nearly Circular Orbit by a Precessing Ellipse

I am self-studying the 3rd edition of Goldstein's Classical Mechanics and have hit a roadblock when working a problem (Chapter 3, Problem 20). The problem asks us to consider a planet of mass $m$ ...
kandb's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Why do the planets tend to spin in the same direction as they orbit the center sun?

I mean, why do the spin angular momentum and the orbit angular momentum of a planet tend to have the same direction? As we all know, a planetesimal $m$ orbiting a sun with mass $M_{sun}$ at $r$ will ...
Harry's user avatar
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