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Questions tagged [metric-tensor]

The variables used in general relativity to describe the shape of spacetime. If your question is about metric units, use the tag "units", and/or "si-units" if it is about the SI system specifically.

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A question about Friedmann cosmological expansion equation

A recent paper, arXiv:2403.01555, gives the equations for homogeneity and isotropy of an expanding 3-space as expressed in the following distance interval as $x^i = (t, \chi, \theta, \phi)$ and $x^i + ...
jim akerlund's user avatar
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Torsion and Compatibility with the Metric

Compatibility with a metric, also referred to as metricity, means, I believe, that the covariant derivative of the metric is zero: $$g_{ij;k}=g_{ij,k}-\Gamma^m_{ik}g_{mj}-\Gamma^m_{jk}g_{im}=0$$ This ...
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Turning a Lagrangian contains superscript and subscript indices into energy

I'm recently reading the book "Solitons and Instantons" written by R. RAJARAMAN. However, for lacking of ability, I couldn't figure out how to derivate the static solution for energy with ...
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The Asymmetric Metric [closed]

Update1: closed because the metric has to be symmetric? Ok, but I'm not the first to study an asymmetric metric, which is neither symmetric nor anti-symmetric, but has components of both. In my ...
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2 answers

Alternative definition of the Ricci Scalar

I came across this definition of the Ricci Scalar on its Spanish Wikipedia page: $$R=-g^{\mu\nu}\left(\Gamma_{\mu\nu}^{\lambda} \Gamma_{\lambda\sigma}^{\sigma} - \Gamma_{\mu\sigma}^{\lambda}\Gamma_{\...
Stargazer's user avatar
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Variation of action of non-critical string under Weyl transformation (worldsheet cosmological constant term)

In David Tong's lecture notes on string theory, section 5.3.2 An Aside: Non-Critial Strings, page 121, he describes the non-critical string with the following action: $$S_{\text{non-critical}} = \frac{...
Jens Wagemaker's user avatar
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Partial derivatives of Christoffel symbols to Covariant derivatives

I wanted to express this thing: $g^{ab}\partial_c\Gamma^c_{ab} - g^{ab}\partial_a\Gamma^c_{cb}$, in terms of a covariant derivative. I figured out that if you swap $a$ and $c$ in the $\partial \Gamma$ ...
Stargazer's user avatar
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Understanding differentials in an equation in general relativity

I have not studied physics but I was browsing Carroll's relativity book and randomly stumbled upon the following which I would like to understand mathematically. It says $$ds^{2} = 0 = - \left( 1 - \...
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3 answers

Complex coordinates $ds^2 = dzdz̄$ in 2d

I have a very elementary question about complex coordinates in two dimensions. When we have a 2D Euclidean space, $$ds^2 = dx^2 +dy^2$$ and we go to complex coordinates: $$z = x + iy$$ $$z̄ = x - iy$$ ...
j_stoney's user avatar
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Length near the black hole

One meter rod at long distance is thrown to the Schwarzschild black hole. How its length near the black hole seems to distant observer?
Constantin's user avatar
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Orbit description in Schwarzschild metric

Suppose to have a restricted 2-body system (BH + star with $M_{BH}\gg M_{\mathrm{star}}$) and you want to describe the orbit of the star relative to the BH, i.e. in the Schwarzschild metric. Usually, ...
gravitone123's user avatar
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Derivation of transformation law for the Hilbert Stress-energy tensor [duplicate]

The Hilbert stress-energy tensor is defined as $$T_{\mu\nu}=-2 \frac{1}{\sqrt{g}}\frac{\delta S_M}{\delta g^{\mu\nu}}.$$ Given the name one expects that it transform as a tensor, but how to prove this ...
Jens Wagemaker's user avatar
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How does the light from distant stars change for an observer at the center of the collapsing or falling sphere?

At the center of a spherically symmetric thin solid static shell lies a point observer. For this observer, distant stars appear violet shifted slightly more $\frac{{G \cdot M}}{{{c^2} \cdot r}}$ ($\...
Imyaf's user avatar
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How to motivate that in presence of gravity the spacetime metric must be modified to $ds^2=g_{ab}(x)dx^adx^b$?

In the presence of a gravitational field, the spacetime metric, $$ds^2=\eta_{ab}dx^a dx^b,$$ should be changed to, $$ds^2=g_{ab}(x)dx^adx^b.$$ What are the convincing physical arguments that motivate ...
Solidification's user avatar
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Geodesic in flat space in spherical coordinates

let's consider the expression, where $u^\mu$ is the tangent vector to the geodesic $\theta = \nabla_\mu u^\mu$....scalar $\Rightarrow$ valid in every coordinate system So in flat space in Cartesian ...
Coderboy's user avatar

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