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Questions tagged [frame-dragging]

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32 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
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Is there linear 'frame dragging'?

Very massive objects cause the so called 'frame dragging' that can increase the speed of a beam of light to a total aggregate speed faster than the speed of light in normal circumstances so my ...
Janko Bradvica's user avatar
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Thirring-Lens 1918 Paper seems to be wrong in the numeric results. Am I misreading it?

The 1918 paper that is often considered a basis for frame dragging (a copy is at seems to say ...
Ralph Berger's user avatar
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Is there an absolute accelerated frame of reference?

I know from special relativity and from a little common sense that there is no absolute inertial frame of reference; that is, physics acts the same no matter what velocity you go at. However, that ...
god of llamas's user avatar
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What will happen to the light due to frame-dragging?

Imagine a rotating black hole is blocking a cluster of stars that I'm observing. Thanks to gravitational lensing I could still see the stars albeit shifted away from their original locations. So now ...
user6760's user avatar
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Can linear frame dragging cause gravitational dipole radiation?

I have just learned that linear frame dragging exists in General Relativity. I have also seen simulations where a periodically accelerated and decelerated mass causes a sort of gravitational dipole ...
ramiel46692's user avatar
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Equivalence Principle Frame Dragging

Why do metric equations of a rotating body (like Kerr Metric for black holes or EFE solution for rotating bodies) contain a dt dphi term, leading to rotational frame dragging effects? Please don't ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Does the gravitomagnetic model for frame dragging imply that objects be "sped up" to rotating speed based on their inertia?

As a specific example, consider a needle on a torsionless thread lowered from deep space over a rotating planet's pole. The needle will spin at a specified rate (based on elevation, planet inertia ...
Ralph Berger's user avatar
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Effects on Niven Ring Around Kerr Black Hole

Suppose I have a Kerr black hole (rotating, uncharged) and I build a giant ring (a "Niven Ring") around it. I am interested in two related scenarios (I am confused about the second, but am also ...
geometrian's user avatar
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Frame dragging VS Mach's principle: rotating body in an empty universe

What I understand about Mach's principle VS modern physics: According to classical physics, there are ways to distinguish weather a body is rotating or not. For example if it is rotating, the ...
David's user avatar
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Forward's frame-dragging accelerator

On 1962, Robert Forward studied the possibility of using General Relativity Frame-Dragging effects to accelerate probes inertially (that is, without feeling any internal G-forces) One of the ideas is ...
lurscher's user avatar
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Do frame dragging affects falling object?

Imagine there is a tall tower erected at the equator, a pulse of light is beamed from the top of the tower to the ground. Do I need to consider frame dragging? After all the spacetime is being tucked ...
user6760's user avatar
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Do irreducible off-diagonal components in the stress-energy-momentum tensor cause framedragging effects?

Let's take a look at the stress-energy-momentum tensor: We can distinguish various components. The 00 component represents the mass-energy density as seen in a local frame moving along with the ...
Gerald's user avatar
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How do I reconcile (what I see as) an apparent difference in the frame dragging formula used for Gravity Probe-B versus Lageos?

The frame dragging impact above the north pole is given at NASA's Gravity Probe-B website as: $$\Omega = \frac{GI\omega}{c^2r^3}.$$ That is, when the satellite is above the pole, it rotates with the ...
Ralph Berger's user avatar
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What is the relative importance of the Coriolis term to the precession term in frame dragging by rotating Kerr black holes?

The Wikipedia entry for Thirring precession describes the Coriolis term as separate from the precession term. Is it fair to say that when looking at the dynamics of a rotating black hole, the ...
Ralph Berger's user avatar
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How do frame dragging affects a photon for outside observer?

I remember an analogy that explained this phenomenon using magnetic field, a charged particle will experience a force next to another spinning charged particle or something like that. But I don't want ...
user6760's user avatar
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