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Questions tagged [frame-dragging]

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8 votes
2 answers

Has frame dragging been accounted for in galactic rotation curves?

This article explicitly takes frame dragging into account in calculating expected galactic rotation curves in the absence of dark matter, and appears to obtain very close matches to observed curves. ...
S. McGrew's user avatar
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Gravitational lensing redshift around a Kerr black hole

Light from a source passes by a Kerr black hole on two sides at the equator and converges at the observer. The axis of rotation of the black hole is perpendicular to the direction of light. Two rays ...
safesphere's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How does a rotating object cause frame dragging?

Frame dragging is a consequence of general relativity. But I don't really understand it. Of course I can find metaphors like the "honey metaphor" where stirring a honey can move the specks even if ...
Calmarius's user avatar
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11 votes
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Is MTW's argument in favor of Mach's principle valid?

Looking at older books, I was surprised to see that the general relativity "bible" by Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler is very strongly in favor of Mach's principle, which is treated in section ...
knzhou's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Does frame dragging apply to linear motion?

Firstly I will admit I do not understand the real cause of rotational frame dragging and some of the math heavy explanations are too complicated for me. To me frame dragging looks like unsubstantiated ...
daniel.sedlacek's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do light experience Doppler shift along and against frame dragging?

Imagine 2 photons traveling along the equator in opposite directions, of course I'm not suggesting light goes into orbit I'm just wandering if these photons will be blue and red shifted ever so ...
user6760's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Is this an actual photo of frame dragging?

Is this new image (below) of polarized light surrounding Sagittarius A, showing actual frame dragging being captured by the magnetic field? The image is from this article If not, how would a photo ...
foolishmuse's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is there linear 'frame dragging'?

Very massive objects cause the so called 'frame dragging' that can increase the speed of a beam of light to a total aggregate speed faster than the speed of light in normal circumstances so my ...
Janko Bradvica's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Do two bodies spinning about the same axis in the opposite direction repel each other?

I recently read about the GEM equations, which look very much like the Maxwell's equations. Does this mean the behavior of mass is like the the behavior of the electric charge? So for example if you ...
Calmarius's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How is electromagnetic induction analogous to gravitational frame dragging?

This wiki says: Qualitatively, frame-dragging can be viewed as the gravitational analog of electromagnetic induction. I was wondering what exactly this ...
Tristan's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Would our orbit really remain the same if the sun were a black hole of equal mass?

There seems to be an idea floating around that the sun could be replaced by anything of equal mass with no consequence to our orbit. It seems to me that if the mass of the sun were confined to a ...
Stuart B's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

In stellar frame dragging what is the 'frame'?

If a star rotation causes a frame rotation then there is an interaction between the two. Is it possible for the star to briefly expel this same frame away from its center when the star becomes a ...
jbradvi9's user avatar
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