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Questions tagged [frame-dragging]

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When black holes rotating in opposite directions meet does frame dragging stop where they meet?

Does spacetime stop being dragged when counterclockwise rotation meets clockwise rotation for black holes of equal mass?
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Will two passing bricks in empty space induce rotation in one another?

Two identical rectangular bricks with mass $m$ pass each other anti-parallel in empty space with a constant velocity $v$. Say the smallest distance between them is $s$. Assume the bricks to be aligned ...
Gerald's user avatar
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Do irreducible off-diagonal components in the stress-energy-momentum tensor cause framedragging effects?

Let's take a look at the stress-energy-momentum tensor: We can distinguish various components. The 00 component represents the mass-energy density as seen in a local frame moving along with the ...
Gerald's user avatar
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If I make the entire universe rotate, will the bucket appear to be rotating?

Newton's bucket experiment is a way to tell if you are in a rotating frame. If you have a bucket of water which is spinning the water surface will form a concave shape. Likewise, if the bucket is not ...
AccidentalTaylorExpansion's user avatar
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Does Mach's principle imply that the gravitational field has a non-zero curl?

I would normally visualize the gravitational field as "radial", i.e., one whose curl is zero. However, while thinking about Mach's principle, particularly the notion of frame-dragging (as ...
Tfovid's user avatar
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Is frame dragging accelerating asteroids or cometes that after passing fairly close to the gravitational source move away?

What is interesting but also confusing for me,if this is true, is that if frame dragging somehow gives a'kick' to a highly elliptical orbiting object it seems that this object cannot orbit for so long ...
jbradvi9's user avatar
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Will the trajectory of a body moving straight towards a rotating BH differ if space just rotates around or if space spiralls into the BH?

Will the trajectory of a body moving straight towards a rotating BH differ if space just rotates around or if space spiralls into the BH? Can this difference be clearly measured? Also as a very dense ...
Krešimir Bradvica's user avatar
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Are rotating black holes producing a frame dragging effect inside the event horizon?

Are rotating black holes producing a frame dragging effect inside the event horizon? Is that effect moving space inside the event horizon at speeds far greater than the speed of light?
Krešimir Bradvica's user avatar
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Can a drop of water be set in rotational motion by rotating mass around it?

We are in empty space and see a spherical drop of water. Around the drop we have placed a massive shell with uniform density. The drop is positioned at the center. Then we set the shell in rotational ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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How much percent of the speed of rotation of the solar surface at the equator is due to frame dragging effect? [closed]

Frame dagging effect is interesting and my particular interest is does this rotation could be compared with the law of motion of planets in a system similar to our Solar system and also can we measure ...
Krešimir Bradvica's user avatar
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What spins as a black hole? (lame question) [duplicate]

Obviously I am not a physicist. I have seen What is black hole spin? but this is not what puzzles me. If I understand correctly, black hole has only three features (please correct me): angular ...
dllhell's user avatar
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Would our orbit really remain the same if the sun were a black hole of equal mass?

There seems to be an idea floating around that the sun could be replaced by anything of equal mass with no consequence to our orbit. It seems to me that if the mass of the sun were confined to a ...
Stuart B's user avatar
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Is the rotation of Gravity Probe B's frame dragging precession in the same direction or opposite direction of Earth's rotation?

First, thank you to the community for answering questions like this, it is much appreciated. Second, I did try to find the answer online first, and I believe from some images that the direction of ...
Ralph Berger's user avatar
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How do I reconcile (what I see as) an apparent difference in the frame dragging formula used for Gravity Probe-B versus Lageos?

The frame dragging impact above the north pole is given at NASA's Gravity Probe-B website as: $$\Omega = \frac{GI\omega}{c^2r^3}.$$ That is, when the satellite is above the pole, it rotates with the ...
Ralph Berger's user avatar
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Does frame dragging impart momentum?

Let's say a large object (think runaway planet) passed a much smaller one. The larger object's frame dragging distorts the space inhabited by the smaller object, so that it appears to briefly follow ...
Ben Warner's user avatar

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