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Why does $\vec v \times \vec B$ change to $\vec a \cdot \vec B$? [closed]

I was doing a question where the solution said this: $$\vec F = q (\vec v \times \vec B)$$ $$m \vec a= q (\vec v \times \vec B)$$ $$ \therefore \vec a \cdot \vec B = 0 $$ $$(x\hat i + 7 \hat j) \...
VBRAIN's user avatar
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How can equilibrium state be considered even if body is an accelerated motion?

This is a question from Irodov: Two small equally charged spheres, each of mass $m$ are suspended from the same point silk threads length $l$. The distance between the spheres $x\ll l$. Find the rate ...
Varun Upreti's user avatar
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Using Binomial and Taylor Expansions to Demonstrate Harmonic Motion [closed]

I'm doing a physics 2 self-study and I came across this question in my textbook: A ball of mass m and charge q is constrained to move along the y axis. At the origin is a stationary charge Q. The ...
VanceR's user avatar
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Equation for a rotating loop with one fixed end [closed]

This loop is rotating with angular speed $\omega$ in the counterclockwise direction in a magnetic field. I need to find the differential area element (for the purpose of finding flux). Is it going to ...
John's user avatar
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Can someone explain why the moment of inertia of a circular current carrying loop is $\frac12 mr^2$? [closed]

Can someone explain why the moment of inertia of this circular current carrying ring about its diameter is $\frac12 mr^2$?
Latha Prem's user avatar
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How come the Biot–Savart law is not applicable to derivation of magnetic field around an infinitely long, straight wire? [closed]

Context [Edited Nov 20, 2021] When the present question was initially asked, there was a derivation presented that lead to the wrong result. The Biot–Savart integral that I used to write the magnetic ...
Michael Levy's user avatar
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Lorentz Force and Circular motion - What is the magnetic field causing the movement? [closed]

I am given this problem: A particle with mass $m$ and positive charge $q$ is moving in the following path on the $x$-$y$ plane. It's path consists of semicircles as shown below. The particle's ...
noam Azulay's user avatar
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Problem on mechanics of bodies [closed]

I am trying to solve this problem I thought using archimidis principle would be a way. the second body has more cavity than the first body(left body), i think, given that the 1st body will ...
user199996's user avatar
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How to find the equation of motion of a particle in an electric and magnetic field? [closed]

I'm trying to solve a homework problem. The statement of the problem says: "When the negatively charged plate of a parallel plate capacitor is lit up by light of a certain wavelength, electrons are ...
Robert Lee's user avatar
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Charged particle moving in magnetic field using cylindrical coordinate [closed]

It's knowen that a charged particle take a helix trajectory in a uniform magnetic field $B =B e_z$ I tried to study this problem using cylindrical coordinate and i get that $$F=q v ×B = m a$$ in ...
El-Mo's user avatar
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Non-relativistic limit of a particle in the uniform electric field

For this problem, the solution is: $$y=\frac{m}{qE}\gamma\left[\cosh\left(\frac{qEx}{mv\gamma}\right)-1\right]$$ where $\gamma = 1/\sqrt{1-v^2}$. Here something seems to be wrong. I think that for the ...
Keith's user avatar
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How to calculate Centripetal force of a helical movement inside a magnetic field?

I have recently studied about the movement of a particle in a basic electromagnetic field. It circulates perpendicular to the field lines. And the equation is then, $F= Bqv$ $B$ is the value of the ...
Sami's user avatar
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Prove a force driven by a cross product between a vector and its velocity gives a spiral movement parallel to the vector

I was given a problem in a Classical Mechanics course that went somehow like the following: "Consider a particle of mass $m$ moving under the presence of a force $\vec{F} = k\hat{x}\times\vec{v}$, ...
omivela17's user avatar
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Particle with constant momenta? [closed]

Consider a particle of mass $m$ subjected to the following potential, $$ \vec{A}=\frac{1}{2}(\vec{B}\times\vec{r}) $$ Where the magnetic field $\vec{B}$ is constant. Can someone prove that $\dot{...
Sergi's user avatar
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Why can you equal $e\times U=\frac12 mv^2$? [closed]

When calculating the accelerating voltage to accelerate an electron to a certain speed, we usually use the following equation: $$e\times U = \frac{1}{2}mv^2$$ But why does this work? On the left ...
Duval's user avatar
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How do I show that the total energy of a particle moving in an electrostatic field is constant?

Basically the Lorentz force says that: $$F=qE+qv × B$$ I am asked to show that if a particle moves in an electrostatic field $$E= - ∇V(x,y,z)$$ and ANY magnetic field, then the energy: $$\frac{1}{...
Future Math person's user avatar
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Electromagnet Electricity Consumption?

Wikipedia states that - The only power consumed in a DC electromagnet is due to the resistance of the windings, and is dissipated as heat. Is this true? So powerful magnets like junkyard magnets ...
Confuse's user avatar
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What would it take to cause lightning to jump between the Moon and the Earth?

This question comes from @Floris' speculation at the end of his excellent answer about what it would take to kill everyone on the Earth with electricity. Doing all this in 1/10th of a second requires ...
Schwern's user avatar
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Motion of a charged particle in a "solid" charged sphere (accounting for radiation)

Consider a particle (point charge) with charge $q$ and mass $m$ that crosses into a uniformly charged sphere (with charge $Q$ and radius $R$). The trajectory of the particle is a diameter of the ...
squinterodlr's user avatar
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Traveling to Mars in 24 Days

I am trying to calculate an electromagnetic rail launch from the Moon but I need to know if humans can survive the launch. Please see the specs below. 150 miles of track Proposed final launch speed ...
Erik Burden's user avatar
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Equation of Trajectory [closed]

I was reading about Lorentz force law and motion of a charged particle under Electric field or magnetic field and I understood how they move in it. But as I was moving further I came across the ...
Someone's user avatar
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Description of the motion of the COM of a system of charged particles moving in a magnetic field

I recently came across a problem where an electrically neutral particle is at rest in a uniform magnetic field. The particle now splits into two charged particles of equal mass $m$; charge and mass ...
Gaurav's user avatar
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Electrical force between two objects

I tried to solve the following problem: There are 2 objects . The object m1 with charge q and the object m2 with charge q.(same charge).The object m2 is connected with a rope to the ceiling. at the ...
Michael's user avatar
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Electron in the proximity of a magnetic monopole

I am puzzling about an exercise in the book "Electromagnetic Theory" by Ferraro (p.543). An electron (mass $m$, charge $-e$) in a monopole magnetic field $\vec{B}\left(\vec{r}\right)=g\frac{\vec{r}}{...
Andy's user avatar
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A basic question: what is accelerating voltage? [closed]

Or would it be acceleration voltage? Acceleration sounds like it makes more sense, but my paper says accelerating. What are possible ways you could go about calculating it?
Student's user avatar
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Movement of the particle in a magnetic field

This is the numerical question. A particle having a mass of 0.05 mg carries a charge of $5\times10^{-6}C$. The particle is given an initial horizontal velocity of 5000 m/s, what is the magnitude ...
Four Seasons's user avatar
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