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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Finding the equation of motion for vector potential $A_{\mu}$ in topologically massive electrodynamics

Essentially I want to vary the action $$ S_M = \int d^3x \sqrt{-g} \left[- \frac{1}{4} F^{\mu \nu} F_{\mu \nu} - \frac{\alpha}{2} \epsilon^{\mu \nu \rho} A_\mu F_{\nu \rho} \right] $$ with respect to $...
jmh7's user avatar
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Equations of Motion for Hidden Photon

I was reading a paper called Parametrically enhanced hidden photon search by Peter Graham et al. In the paper, a Lagrangian that describes the theory of the hidden photon is $$\mathcal{L}=-\frac{1}{4}(...
John Jim's user avatar
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How to calculate the magnetic field of two cylinders when one of them is rotating

Given is the voltage U and the Angular velocity $\omega$. The rotating cylinder is inside the other cylinder and U is measured between them. To calculate the magnetic field, I tried to solve $\oint ...
gamma's user avatar
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Non-radiation charge density

For all $l,m$ but $l=0,m=0$, can we find $r_0,w_0$ such that the following charge distributions can represent a charge field that does not radiate: $$ \rho(r,\theta,\phi) = \Re(c_{l,m} Y_{l,m}(\theta,...
Stefan's user avatar
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Time dependance of oscillating sheet of charge

I am working on a practice problem involving maxwells equations. We have an infinite sheet of charge density $\sigma$ in the x-y plane and it is oscillating as x= $\Re [x_0e^{-i\omega t}]$. I want to ...
yankeefan11's user avatar
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How to connect $x$, $y$ component of 2D electromagnetic wave equation?

I want to solve following Maxwell's equation. $$ \triangledown ^{2}E+\frac{\omega^{2}}{c^{2}}E=0 $$ But, Electric field has x, y component in 2D geometry. So, it will be $$ \frac{\partial^{2} E_x}{\...
Jin's user avatar
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Amplitude of EM waves

I'm trying to calculate the Amplitude of electric field in the EM waves using the differential forms from maxwells equations. I've been given frequency ($10^8$ Hz) and displacement current density ($...
ryan foot's user avatar
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Deduce magnetic field based on electric field

I'm learning Maxwell's electromagnetic equations and i can't wrap my head around this problem: Given the volume $x\in [0,1], y\in [0,1], z\in [0,1]$, electric field $\vec E(x,y,z,t)$ and material ...
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