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Does all the Energy provided by the battery dissipate into heat?

Before proceeding onwards please note that I am talking about a simple circuit consisting of an ideal battery, a switch and an external resistance. So I was told that $$ W_\text {ideal battery} = Q_\...
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1 answer

Question regarding power consumption by a device running on electricity

Say I have a device with resistance $R_2$, connected through a wire of resistance $R_1$ to a source providing potential difference $V$. If I close the circuit then current $I$ will flow through, and ...
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2 answers

Volt, Ampere and Ohm in real life

Long story short, i am a what some would call a visual thinker; i think in photos and videos. If i can't visualize it, i'm having a very hard time understanding it. For that reason, i've never ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Why does current not increase on passing through a zero-resistance wire?

So, I tried thinking about currents and circuits from a molecular point of view this morning but I couldn't wrap my head around the following: [See the attached Image] ...
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1 answer

Does electric current through gases emit light?

Not electric spark or electric arc, just normal current through gases created by heating the air between cathode and anode as shown in the following video at 1:25.
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1 answer

Why aren't salt water batteries used to power cars instead of lithium-ion?

I know salt water batteries are less efficient than lithium-ion, but water is safer, can be found anywhere, is cheap and 100% ecological. Even if it doesn't last long, you can refill anywhere. Why can'...
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0 answers

Doesn't electrical energy gets lost due to slackening of local electrical wires hinged between street electric poles?

I am talking about the wires which get somewhat loose or somewhat like parabolic shaped due to earth's gravity. What I think is due to slackness of wires there is a net increment in resistance which ...
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3 answers

Electric Power $P$

In my textbook there are 2 formulas for electric power: $$\begin{array}{cccr} P &=& E/t &\hspace{10pt} (1) \\ P &=& VI. &\hspace{10pt} (2) \end{array}$$ What is the ...