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Equation for real/complex $\phi^4$ theory

On wikipedia (see this link), the Lagrangians of the $\phi^4$ equation for real AND complex scalar fields are given. One may derive the Klein-Gordon equation by inserting into the Euler-Lagrange-...
Octavius's user avatar
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Why does Dirac bilinear $\bar{\psi}\sigma^{\mu\nu}\psi$ is frequently written with a factor of $i$?

The tensor Dirac bilinear $\bar{\psi}\sigma^{\mu\nu}\psi$ has the matrix tensor $\sigma^{\mu\nu}=\frac{i}{2}\left[\gamma^\mu,\gamma^\nu\right]$. I can understand that the factor of $\frac{1}{2}$ is a ...
JavaGamesJAR's user avatar
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Why is time harmonic follow the form of $e^{-i\omega t}$, not $e^{i\omega t}$? [closed]

In physics, when we solve an PDE or ODE, the solution usually has the form of \begin{equation} f=C_+e^{i\lambda x}+C_-e^{-i\lambda x} \end{equation} and the "causility" will eliminate one ...
Tippsie's user avatar
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How to interpret $\int\mathrm{d}^2z$? [duplicate]

In chapter 6 of Tong's lecture notes on string theory when calculating the Virasoro-Shapiro/4-point Tachyon amplitude he arrives at the integral \begin{align*} C(a, b) = \int\mathrm{d}^2z\ |z|^{2a-2}|...
Wihtedeka's user avatar
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Quaternions as rotation generators

The following exercise appears in Geometric Algebra for Physicists by Chris Doran and Anthony Lasenby in section 1.8. The unit quaternions $i, j, k$ are generators of rotations about their ...
Jbag1212's user avatar
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Can I switch the convention of QCD by replacing coupling constant $g$ with $-g$?

There are two equivalent conventions in QCD that give two different definitions of the covariant derivative operator: ${D_\mu } = {\partial _\mu } - {\rm{i}}gA_\mu ^\alpha {T_\alpha }$ and ${D_\mu } = ...
aitzolander's user avatar
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Why do we prefer to use $i$ with generators in Lie Algebra [duplicate]

I am reading A. Zee. Group theory in a Nutshell for Physicists and for some reason, he prefers to write the generators with an $i$ near them For example, a rotation can simply be described as: $$e^{\...
Habouz's user avatar
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Arbitrarity of $i$ in the propagator

My question is simple: how arbitrary can the factor in front of the propagator be? What I mean by that is, if we call the wave operator $K$ and the propagator $G$, I've seen different books use ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
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Complex valued Grassmann variables $(\theta \eta)^* $, $(\theta \eta)^T$ and $(\theta \eta)^\dagger$

Since hermitian conjugation and complex conjugation are serious issues in a QFT lagrangian with Grassmann variables, see here and here. Let us try to go to the bottom. We start by accepting the ...
Марина Marina S's user avatar
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Factor $\frac{1}{2}$ in scalar kinetic Lagrangian in QFT [duplicate]

Why is it that sometimes I see kinetic term of scalar Lagrangians written like this $$\mathcal{L}=\partial_\mu\phi^\dagger\partial^\mu\phi+\dots$$ like for example in scalar electrodynamics, while ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
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The Generators of $SO(3)$, with an extra "$i$" [duplicate]

I am studying group theory by myself and while i was reading "Physics from symmetry", Jakob Schwichtenberg's book, he said it was conventional in physics to write the generators of $SO(3)$ ...
Gusklin's user avatar
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Definition of $\mathfrak su(2)$ Lie algebra in Physics vs Mathematics [duplicate]

In B.C.Hall mathematics book on Lie Groups the Lie algebra is by definition closed under the Lie bracket operation, that is $[X, Y]\in \mathfrak g$ for every $X,Y \in \mathfrak g$. The $\mathfrak su(...
Andrea's user avatar
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Why does the Riesz Representation Theorem establish an antilinear correspondence between bras and kets?

I am reading Ballentine's Quantum Mechanics and, in the mathematical preqrequisites, he asserts that, by construction, the Riesz Representation Theorem establishes an antilinear correspondence between ...
EE18's user avatar
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$i$ in Green functions

This sounds like a dumb question in my mind but I can't find an answer anywhere so I'll ask it anyway. Why on the Wikipedia article on Green function is written that $$LG(x,s)=\delta(x-s)$$ but on ...
Mauro Giliberti's user avatar
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Why is there an $i$ in the definition of hadronic decay constants?

The decay of (for example) a pion can be parameterized by a decay constant $f_\pi$ defined via $$ \langle 0 | \bar d \gamma_\mu \gamma^5 u |\pi^+(p) \rangle = i f_\pi p_\mu $$ $$ f_\pi \approx 131 \...
eye-in-the-sky's user avatar

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