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How do 4-vectors change under an "accelerated" Lorentz transformation?

I assume that an observer moving with velocity $\mathbf{v} = v\mathbf{n} = \mathbf{v}(t)$ (with respect to another observer) has coordinates where $x^{\mu}$ are the coordinates for the observer who ...
K. Pull's user avatar
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What is the English phrase for " loi de composition des accélérations" in French. ( Trans. " composition of accelerations law")

I'm looking for details regarding the derivation of a formula called in French" loi de composition des accélérations" ( " composition of accelerations law"). This law allows you ( ...
Floridus Floridi's user avatar
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Torque about an accelerating pivot

Let's say that the torque equation about the pivot (in the pivot's frame of reference) is shown below: $$k\sin\phi=I\ddot\phi$$ where $k$ is some arbitrary constant. However, the pivot point is ...
bob the legend's user avatar
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Acceleration-Meter [closed]

I encountered a Physics Olympiad problem: A ball bearing rests on a ramp fixed to the top of a car which is accelerating horizontally. The position of the ball bearing relative to the ramp is used as ...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Lagrangian of free particle in non-inertial frame

As in Landau & Lifshitz 1st chapter "If an inertial frame К is moving with an infinitesimal velocity e relative to another inertial frame K', then v' = v+e. Since the equations of motion must ...
Ashley Chraya's user avatar
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Velocity of particle in non-inertial frame [closed]

Can velocity of the free particle remain constant in non-inertial frame as contrast to free particle in an inertial frame? I know the answer is straightforward yes but taking a different perspective ...
Ashley Chraya's user avatar
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Is acceleration frame dependent or absolute? [closed]

as relative acceleration changes from different point of views so property of things in frame should also change but stationary charge do not radiate E.M waves as seen from accelerating frame i.e. ...
Abhay's user avatar
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All reference frame are inertial? Where is the flaw in reasoning?

This is my first post here. I have a line of thoughts which might be wrong but I couldn't find the error. Suppose we have a point mass subjected to an arbitrary force $F$. In the lab reference frame ...
RenatoRenatoRenato's user avatar
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Why does the period of a pendulum decrease in an accelerating frame? [duplicate]

If there is a simple pendulum in a non-accelerating frame with period $T_1$, it will have period $T_2 < T_1$ when placed in a frame accelerating perpendicularly to the direction of gravity. Why?
Malik Saad's user avatar