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Questions tagged [birefringence]

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2 votes
0 answers

Direction of propagation of extraordinary wave inside a birefringent medium

I am reading Optics by Ajoy Ghatak, in which the author explains the phenomenon of double refraction in a calcite crystal using Huygens' principle. My query is in the analysis of the case of normal ...
1 vote
1 answer

"Extraordinary polarization" in a birefringent optical medium

In Nonlinear Optics by R. W. Boyd, I came across the following sentences about light polarization in an uniaxial birefringent medium: Light polarized perpendicular to the plane containing the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Physical origin of Kerr effect

I was wondering if someone could explain to me the physical (not mathematical) origin behind the Kerr effect and why it results in birefringence in materials. Also, can the birefringence be introduced ...
0 votes
1 answer

Ray separation in waveplates

In a birefringent medium, the ordinary and extraordinary rays have different Pointing-vector directions and, therefore, different propagation directions, since the direction of the Poyting-vector ...
2 votes
1 answer

Vacuum birefringence

Many of the papers (e.g., this) dealing with nonlinear electrodynamics treat a theory's prediction of vacuum birefringence as undesirable, but don't explain why it would be undesirable. For example: ...
1 vote
0 answers

What is the meaning of a fiber cutoff wavelength when given as a range?

Many polarization maintaining fibers (for example Corning PM 1550) have a cutoff wavelength specified as a range (for example 1300-1440nm). What is the meaning of this range from the physics point of ...
8 votes
1 answer

Skylight reflection shows birefringence patterns

I noticed that the skylight where I work looked white to me, but its reflection from the tiles below showed a colorful pattern. See the images below, and also a video that shows this effect from ...
1 vote
0 answers

Need help with experimental setup to measure Birefringence [closed]

First message here, sorry if this is scrappy: I am looking to measure the birefringence of multiple crystalline structures (calcite, ice, etc), and came across this methodology: Shine a laser at ...
5 votes
2 answers

Why is Nicol prism cut at 68 degrees specifically?

Why not just some other angle but this specific one? Does it help in some way to polarize the ray? I have tried searching everywhere, but they only show that the crystal is cut at an angle of 68 ...
0 votes
0 answers

In a uniaxial crystal, what determines the optical axis, extraordinary axis, and ordinary axis?

In a uniaxial crystal there is an optic axis, an extraordinary axis, and an ordinary axis. The optic axis is not the direction in which we plan to propagate light. The light is propagating in a ...
8 votes
2 answers

Why do I see a rainbow when I look at Insulfilm with my sunglasses?

I'm wearing glasses with a sunglass clip-on. This means I have my regular glasses and, on top of them, I have a second pair of lenses that work as sunglasses and attach to my regular glasses using ...
4 votes
1 answer

Significance of colours in photoelasticity

I already checked similar question at Physics SE, but none gives me a clear answer, also it is a bit difficult for me to understand it from wikipedia as I couldn't find relating material to my ...
11 votes
6 answers

What causes polarised materials to change colour under stress?

Our physics teacher showed the class a really interesting demonstration. He used two polarised filters in opposite orientations, then he took some antistatic tape and stretched it under the two plates....
11 votes
1 answer

Unexpected laser pattern through calcite crystal

I've bought a calcite crystal and tried to see birefringence by shining a laser through it. I get a split spot in the centre of a sixfold pattern The hexagonal pattern resembles a diffraction pattern,...
2 votes
0 answers

Birefringince in 2D array of masses and springs

Assume a 2D square array of masses with mass $m$ connected by springs with constant $\kappa$. Then the equation of motion for small perturbations in the plane of the array to the mass at $(l,n)$ is $$ ...

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