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Questions tagged [accretion-disk]

An accretion disk is the disk around a compact star that accumulates matter from e.g. a companion star by the Roche lobe overflow or stellar wind transfer.

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What angle would frame dragging shove matter in the innermost accretion disk relative to the equatorial plane or orbit?

I understand that frame dragging will imbue momentum on plasma orbiting a black hole at close range. My first question is - is this kinetic energy inserted very narrowly relative to the equatorial ...
Khannea's user avatar
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Does a white hole forms accretion disk?

A white is time reversal of a blackhole at least mathematically, I know it can't exist but may I know if it can form accretion disc similar to those stellar mass black holes. Does it spins on it's ...
user6760's user avatar
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Should we expect lightning-like phenomena as matter enters the accretion disk of a black hole?

As matter enters the accretion disk it will rapidly turn into superheated plasma. I would expect this to coincide with lightning-like phenomena due to the electric potential difference between this ...
Logan J. Fisher's user avatar
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Would an ionized accretion disk experience radial charge separation?

(Sorry if I'm using the wrong terms, but I've yet to find any search terms that seem related to what I'm thinking of. If I did know what to search for, I wouldn't be asking this question.) Would an ...
BCS's user avatar
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Perfect Conducting (PC) and Perfect Insulating (PI) boundary conditions for magnetic induction in MHD problems in cylindrical coordinates

I understand the computational implementation of the PC and PI bcs in cartesian case. In terms of the magnetic field components for PI, we have $B_x = B_y = B_z = 0$, and for PC, we have $B_x = \...
myresh's user avatar
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Are these star - black hole binary pair illustrations art or physics?

It seems that every illustration of a black hole pulling matter off a star looks like this one from the Chandra X-ray Observatory website. Or this one from Nature - Two black holes found in a star ...
mmesser314's user avatar
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Space mission for experimental verification of frame-dragging in the strong-gravity limit

Frame-dragging is an important general relativistic effect that has been observed in the weak-field limit by the Gravity Probe B experiment for the gravitational field of the Earth. Although the ...
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