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Space mission for experimental verification of frame-dragging in the strong-gravity limit

Frame-dragging is an important general relativistic effect that has been observed in the weak-field limit by the Gravity Probe B experiment for the gravitational field of the Earth. Although the ...
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Why don’t black rings exist in 3+1 dimensions?

In higher dimensions black holes can take different forms. Besides spheroids, there are also “black rings” which have a toroidal event horizon. However, in our 3+1 dimension no black ring solution has ...
哲煜黄's user avatar
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Why is the photon sphere spherical, but the accretion disk not?

As far as I understand, photons are massless, but are still subject to gravity, must follow the distortions of spacetime (including framedragging etc.), period. Now the only answer on this site ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
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Improving physics simulation of black hole accretion disk?

I have recently been working on software which uses ray tracing/marching to render a black hole in the Schwarzchild metric. I've implemented most everything that I originally set out to do, and I am ...
Sean Holloway's user avatar
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Is accretion disc caused by frame dragging?

Is accretion disc around a Kerr black hole the result of its frame dragging?
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Some doubts regarding the Paczynsky-Wiita potential for modeling accretion disk around Schwarzschild black holes?

I am presently studying accretion processes around Schwarzschild black holes and for this purpose I am reading the classic paper by Paczynsky and Wiita (1980). In this paper, the authors define the ...
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Is an exact description of accretion flow possible very close to a Schwarzschild black hole?

While modelling accretion disks around Schwarzschild black holes, various pseudo-Newtonian potentials are prescribed and then compared to general relativistic results. Though the pseudo-Newtonian ...
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Effective potential for Kerr geometry

In the review Foundations of Black Hole Accretion Disk Theory, the authors defines an effective potential for Kerr geometry as (Chap. 2, eqn. 23) $$\mathcal{U}_{eff}=-\frac{1}{2}\ln\left|g^{tt}-2lg^{t\...
Richard's user avatar
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Physical significance of angular velocity of orbits around Kerr black holes

For the Kerr metric $$ds^2=\left(g_{tt}-\frac{g_{t\phi}^2}{g_{\phi\phi}}\right)dt^2+g_{\phi\phi}\left(d\phi-\omega dt\right)^2+g_{rr}dr^2+g_{\theta\theta}d\theta^2$$ the angular momentum is defined as ...
AnnaD's user avatar
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What are Quasi-Periodic Oscilations and how can they be used to determine the mass of black holes?

Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) are observed in almost all accreting systems and they provide an essential tool to explore accretion flows from compact objects. But I couldn't understand what ...
AnnaD's user avatar
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Four-momentum of a photon emitted from an accretion disk

Consider a non-rotating compact object surrounded by a revolving accretion disk. A distant observer sees the disk in an edge-on position. The center of the disk may be taken as the origin of $r-\theta-...
Hrishi's user avatar
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Putting the importance of the blackhole image into perspective [closed]

The recent astonishing achievement of obtaining an actual image of a blackhole, resulted from a massive collaborative work using 8 different telescopes and the equally on par efforts in developing the ...
user929304's user avatar
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Why isn't the circumferential light around the M87 black hole's event horizon symmetric?

After the revelation of the first black hole images, it seems there is a bias towards the south side. Is it because of measuring it from earth or is it something more fundamental in the understanding ...
0x90's user avatar
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How can write physics in terms of local rest frame?

Many times I saw that people wrote that we write the equations in terms of local rest frame, for example in the paper of Novikov and Thorne that calculated stress-energy tensor for Kerr blackhole ...
Schok's user avatar
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Accretion disks on neutron star binaries

Why does hydrogen gas from accretion disks not constantly get sucked onto/into a neutron star or into a black hole? I understand that some gets sucked into the black hole and some may come down and ...
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