
I am dealing with a Chiral-symmetric Hamiltonian such that

$$ 𝑆𝐻𝑆^{βˆ’1}=βˆ’π». $$

Two of its eigenstates have zero eigenvalue and fulfill $π‘†βˆ£πœ“_{\alpha}⟩=𝑒^{π‘–πœ™_{\alpha}}βˆ£πœ“_{\alpha}⟩$, while the rest have finite eigenvalues and are pairwise symmetric. When I diagonalize my Hamiltonian numerically however, the zero energy states get mixed and the resulting eigenstates are therefore not symmetric.

When I have a symmetry that commutes with my Hamiltonian, $[𝐻,π‘ˆ]=0$, and two degenerate eigenstates, to obtain the symmetric ones I can just add a small perturbation to the Hamiltonian proportional to $π‘ˆ$ which breaks the degeneracy and does not modify the eigenstates. Is there a similar trick one can do to obtain symmetric degenerate eigenstates for symmetries that anticommute with the Hamiltonian?


1 Answer 1


Can you not apply $S$ to your numerical eigenstates? If so $(1+S)/2 $ and $(1-S)/2$ project out the $S\to \pm 1$ eigenstates.


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