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Questions tagged [philosophy-of-psychology]

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8 votes
6 answers

What are some philosophical works that explore constructing meaning in life from an agnostic or atheist view?

I've been deeply suicidal for years, but it's gotten worse recently. I grew up Mormon, and last year I realized I couldn't believe in it anymore. I just couldn't; it would take too long to explain. I ...
Emily Savage's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

Why is something coming from nothing seen as less intuitive than something existing eternally?

Many people often use the infinite regress argument of causality to posit an entity that always existed or was eternal. In their eyes, it escapes the problem. But how does it escape the problem? If it ...
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8 votes
3 answers

How does Whitehead explain repeated attempts of remembrance/recollection?

In Process and Reality one of the main concepts Whitehead talks about is the symbolic reference. A derivative element of the connection between symbolic type and meaning type of species (in Whitehead'...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Can happiness be purely a state of mind?

Are there any mainstream philosophers (I assume it is meaningful to define such a subset of philosophers!) who argue that happiness can be a self-induced frame of mind? To put the question another way,...
Marco Ocram's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Why is ontological relativism so hard to digest for many people (philosophers)?

The nature of reality is something many people like to know. A regious person believes in god(s), a physicist be in particles and fields, or an Aboriginal believes in Dreamtime. So different cultures ...
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6 votes
5 answers

Is "mental illness" really a disease, an illness?

Or is it more like a character flaw we're not responsible for. I have read a bit on this, Szasz, some of the critical people, who I do not claim to be be representing except with the broadest strokes....
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5 votes
2 answers

Which philosophers have considered irrational conviction

It seems a characteristic of humans to be convinced about a matter in the absence of overwhelming evidence, even where logic suggests that are other valid alternative positions to take. We see this in ...
Marco Ocram's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is Psychoanalysis a Type of Phenomenology?

Psychoanalysis—be it Freudian, Jungian or Lacanian—is concerned with how reality is experienced by the subject as affected by his/her unconscious wishes, desires, sometimes even by archetypal myths, ...
John Smith's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Subjectivity and ethics surrounding mental illness diagnoses

I learnt the term 'anosognosia'; a 'lack of insight' into one's mental disorder. People who apparently 'suffer' from anosognosia are oblivious to the fact that they have a mental disorder, anosognosia ...
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3 votes
3 answers

Evil in Utopia?

Here I am using 'evil' less in the religious sense (for I assume that for many religions, evil is inseparable from an Earthly realm, whether it be utopian or not), than in the sense of something like '...
Futilitarian's user avatar
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5 answers

What is a "disorder"?

The is-ought gap makes it so we can not derive an ought from an is, correct? Without teleology, how can there be such a thing as a "disorder" or "disability"? The word "...
ActualCry's user avatar
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3 answers

Freud and (German) idealism

The French wikipedia article on German romanticism mentions a very strong tie between Freud psychoanalysis and German romanticism. German romantism is also said to have strong link with German ...
Starckman's user avatar
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1 answer

Can you help me understand Derek Parfit's thought experiment?

This is an excerpt from Parfit's Reasons and Persons. I can't totally wrap my head around it. Of course, I get the basic idea: Kate is a writer who works too hard. Her work makes her happy. But she ...
Benjamin Grange's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the strongest argument against Robert Gordons 'radical' simulation theory?

in the theory-theory vs simulation theory debate it seems although a lot of philosophers dismiss radical simulation and deem it so obviously wrong that not many even go into explaining why. I am ...
philDon's user avatar
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5 answers

Does mental illness imply that a person's philosophy is invalid?

I noticed that in society, people use mental illness labels such as "psychopath", "autist", "narcissist" or "schizo" to dehumanize individuals and invalidate ...
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