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Questions tagged [materialism]

Materialism is a form of philosophical monism which holds the fundamental basis of reality is matter and all mental states are caused by states of this material world.

3 votes
1 answer

Was Nietzsche an amoralist?

Was Friedrich Nietzsche against morality, or at least in favor of not giving it importance? For example, what would Nietzsche think of someone who qualifies for what he considers the Ubermensch or ‘...
Rayyan khan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Type of mapping between subjective experience and the physical configuration?

It seems undeniable to me if I specify the physical configuration (of the brain), then there is a mapping to our subjective experience. Are there any clever arguments on the kind of mapping there is ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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Was Fedorov's cosmism a "materialized Hegelianism"?

In the introduction to Boris Groy’s excellent book Russian Cosmism, which is a compilation of writings from within the Russian cosmist movement, he says the following: In a sense, Fedorov developed ...
Ian MathWiz's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

What are reasonable counter objections to the argument that materialism is incoherent because it conceptually separates Being and Mentality?

Appreciate the time. This is my first post. I have looked at various resources and I've found that there's an aspect inherent to materialism/physicalism that gets overlooked and that I find central. ...
Sismetic's user avatar
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Are there several types of mind-independence?

Mind-independence relates to the famous falling tree nobody sees or hears, but which may still make a sound. We claim that the process is independent of our consciousness, and that therefore the ...
Mikael Jensen's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Do meanings of statements exist?

It was suggested to me in another thread that materialism is self defeating. But when I looked at the reason for that statement I found confusion in the argument. (4) MATERIALISM [Definition] The ...
lee pappas's user avatar
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Understanding Dennett's Philosophy of Mind

Daniel Dennett was a reductionist; he argued that the mind is entirely physical and can be reduced to the physical world. In one his lectures, he spoke about the colors on the American flag and ...
Dario Mirić's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Illusionism in the philosophy of mind

Illusionism is a branch of materialism which argues that phenomenal properties of consciousness aren't ontologically subjective. Illusion is that we tend to think it is, hence the name. Ontologically, ...
Dario Mirić's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ethics of the unborn/non-sentient - Conflicting ideas

I hold two positions that I find to be conflicting with each other, and I wanted to see where I am going wrong. The first position is that moral weight is predicated on sentience, something lacking ...
Aph002's user avatar
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12 votes
12 answers

Is materialism essential to scientific progress?

A common argument against any hint of non materialism in science, be it idealism, supernaturalism, substance dualism, etc. is that complete materialism is essential for making scientific progress. I ...
yters's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

Is atheism religion with all attributes? [closed]

To people who are believers, that science proved that God doesn’t exists, I want to remind that science tell that consciousness doesn’t exist too, however obviously consciousness exists. I guess ...
Dmytro Brazhnyk's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why we haven’t observed any galactic civilization of III or IV type? [closed]

This question is scoped to natural philosophy. The study of natural philosophy seeks to explore the cosmos by any means necessary to understand the universe
Dmytro Brazhnyk's user avatar
1 vote
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Is having infinite amount of a quantity same as having none of it? [closed]

Ithink that if you have an infinite amount of material, you actually have none of it. I interpret this as you having imaginary material. Am I correct in making this assessment?
megamonster68's user avatar
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Interpreting this paragraph from Schopenhauer

I've read some posts here citing this very interesting paragraph (extract pasted below) from Schopenhauer, a refutation of materialism as ultimate explanation of reality: Of all systems of philosophy ...
Mah Neh's user avatar
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Is consciousness fundamental to the universe?

In January 2023, Entropy published a paper entitled "Fusions of Consciousness" by Hoffman, Prakash and Prentner. They propose that consciousness is fundamental to the universe, rather than ...
Meanach's user avatar
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22 answers

Who am I? Mind, body, mind and body or something else?

The mind with it's thoughts, emotions, memories, perceptions, and various mental processes. Including the conscious and unconscious aspects of mental activity, shaping one's identity and influencing ...
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0 votes
2 answers

How in a purely physical universe would a perfect recreation of a human not necessarily imply a "transfer" of its conciousness? [closed]

I've been kicking around this idea for a while and I have attempted to propose it in different forums yet the idea is treated as illogical but I cannot find/understand why it would be so impossible. ...
Decod621's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Are the interests of every bourgeois person (not just the class in general) against the working class?

Are the interests of every bourgeois person (not just the class in general) always against those of the working class? I'm just intrigued whether a socialist bourgeois is necessary acting against ...
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Is liberal economics theory materialist?

I know only about a few liberal economists who directly adhered to philosophical materialism, while not all were vocal about it (Locke, Adam Smith, Voltaire, David Friedman*). I am not completely sure ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Does utilitarianism imply materialism?

Does utilitarianism imply materialism? Utilitarianism has for one component epicurianism, which is a materialist philosophy, and also consequentialism which cares about real life consequences of ...
Starckman's user avatar
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How shall I understand these two "oppositions": pragmatism against idealism, positivism against irrationalism? says As for the 19th century, however, if one single feature of its thought could be singled out for emphasis, it might be called ...
Tim's user avatar
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How exactly does representational theory of mind help resolve the materialist problem of a qualia without physical origin?

I was reading this stanford entry and I can't understand how representationalism helps overcome the problem of a sensory quality without external origin that otherwise undermines belief in materialism....
infatuated's user avatar
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How did Nietzsche prove his will to power?

Was Nietzsche right about the will to power? Specifically, did he (or any of his interpreters) prove (let's take Kant's system as a cut off for 'proof') that the will to power, either individually or ...
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Materialism can cover idealism but idealism cannot cover materialism?

It seems to me that materialism can cover idealism, but not the contrary. A materialist can recognize that reality is in part made of ideas, simply by saying that ideas are made of a bunch of ...
Starckman's user avatar
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5 answers

Am I a materialist?

I believe that there is nothing even close to non-trivial certainty in philosophy, at least outside of ethics and psychology. For this reason, I believe in monism at about 60%. Furthermore, I believe ...
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3 votes
4 answers

Seeking Help on Cartesian Dualism and the Mind-Body Relationship

I'm currently studying philosophy and I'm struggling with the concept of Cartesian dualism, particularly in relation to other theories about the mind-body relationship. I'm wondering if anyone here ...
cricket900's user avatar
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Is there a privileged link between materialism and natural sciences? [closed]

Is there a privileged link between materialism and natural sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, and physics), which study the physical world? (1) Extreme supposition: is it contradictory to do natural ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Arguments against idealism / arguments against materialism

Are there any counter-argument to these arguments against idealism on the one hand, materialism in the other? (1) Argument against idealism. What is the relationship between idealists and their bodies?...
Starckman's user avatar
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How to make the notion of materialism testable/falsifiable?

The whole idea behind the scientific method is that reality is material in nature, is there any way that we could test this notion? All attempts by the scientific method to prove or substantiate the ...
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5 votes
5 answers

Can empiricists and materialists accept metaphysical modality?

There are some propositions such as 1+1=2 that seem to be true in all possible worlds. That is, there is no possible world in which 1+1=2 is not true. Propositions like this that seem to be true in ...
David Gudeman's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Scientific stance on 'life from non-life, naturally'?

As far as I'm aware, almost everyone (from Dawkins to Lennox to Hovind) agrees that at some point in the past there was no life in our universe, and currently there is. Therefore life somehow arose ...
MarnixKlooster ReinstateMonica's user avatar
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Is Egoism of Max Stirner idealization of Free consciousness?

In more simple language when Stirner talks about having no fix ideas or not treating ideas as sacred somehow makes it (Egoism of Stirner) having a fix idea itself ? Is creative nothing an idea or ...
Schnoz's user avatar
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What are the justifications for holding concretes to be more important than abstractions?

What are the justifications for holding concretes to be more real or more important than abstractions like ideas and thoughts?
MIKEY SINGH's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does consent exist? [closed]

If we are our bodies and nothing else?
ActualCry's user avatar
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Can a Materialist who belives 'You = Your Body' still follow Memory Theory?

From what I have been reading, materialists generally believe that, when it comes to personal identity, that You = Your Body. Would it be contradicting for a materialist to agree with the tenets of ...
maximalism's user avatar
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Anthropocentrism, aboriginal stuff and materialism

"Thinking like a mountain : toward a council of all beings" book is an introduction to deep ecology by Joanna Macy, John Seed, Pat Flemming and Arne Naess. "Beyond anthropocentrism"...
JLuc's user avatar
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Mechanistic fallibility

I've often seen fallibilism discussed with reference to the Münchhausen trilemma and the problem of scientific induction. There is a simpler and more encompassing model of fallibilism that I might ...
causative's user avatar
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Name for a form of naturalism that allows for abstract objects

Some of the more pressing arguments against materialism involve their inability to account for abstract objects such as meaning or reference. A few definitions before I continue: Abstract object: an ...
David Gudeman's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can materialists make claims?

I dont have all the modern philosophical terms down, but I cannot see how materialists/physicalists can make any claims. If there is nothing but physical universe, then there is no “truth”. Actually ...
Al Brown's user avatar
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Understanding Marx's "Theses on Feuerbach" and "Materialism"

Materialism, in the common parlance, is about our material circumstances and our material interests. It's cast against an idealism that thinks the world is simply ideas, shaped by thought- but isn't ...
middle-boss-philosophy's user avatar
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Is there a materialist explanation for the type-token distinction?

Is there a materialist theory in philosophy that goes beyond giving a dictionary definition of the type/token distinction and attempts to explain what types and tokens really are in material terms, e....
ali's user avatar
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How does a determinist explain darwin and chess? [closed]

I think the consensus among most materialists is that "living beings" have a common ancestor. I say "living beings" in quotes because I don't even know what it means that something ...
Voxywave's user avatar
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If all we see is the sensible world, what are the proofs to affirm that matter exists?

I am new to philosophy and I have been looking for a way to find answers to my disturbing doubt for a long time, I was reading Berkeley but I did not find a convincing refutation, especially because ...
Voxywave's user avatar
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8 answers

Why is the statement about "Freewill is an illusion" considered profound? [closed]

So my understanding of the "freewill is an illusion" argument is if I know everything about a system since the laws of physics are deterministic the final solution is unique. Anyone who ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
3 votes
8 answers

How do we explain the brain's ability of thinking about non-materialistic concepts? [closed]

Question edited to avoid distraction If a physical event from a materialistic point of view cannot be good or evil, and the brain is just made of matter, does this mean the concept of good/evil came/...
Mocas's user avatar
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Can Thomas Nagel be considered an epiphenomenalist?

Regarding the mind-body-problem, Thomas Nagel argues against both materialism and ontological dualism, presenting a view which revolves around subjective phenomena (individualism). Could these ...
Luatic's user avatar
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Does Marx make a metaphysical/ontological argument for Materialism anywhere?

As I understand it currently, I read Marx as more of a historian, economist and sociologist and I am finding it hard to locate any metaphysical argument against Hegel's 'idealism'. All I know is this ...
Rajan Aggarwal's user avatar
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Struggling with understanding Platonic idealism and idealism in general

I probably incorrectly understand some basic things, so I'll show my layman thinking process for easier identification of where lies the problem. Let's start with basic dichotomy - materialism vs. ...
ᾯᾯᾯ's user avatar
5 votes
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What do philosophers mean when they say qualia do not exist?

In university, my professor said that his position is that there are no qualia. He acknowledged that non-philosophers can find this position bizarre, but did not explain the rationale behind why he ...
Shannon T's user avatar
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Translation of Lenin's "Materialism and Empirio-Criticism"

What is the best translation of Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-criticism (Материализм и эмпириокритицизм) into English (or perhaps other wide-spread languages)? I would like to have the closest there ...
lfba's user avatar
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