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What are reasonable counter objections to the argument that materialism is incoherent because it conceptually separates Being and Mentality?

Appreciate the time. This is my first post. I have looked at various resources and I've found that there's an aspect inherent to materialism/physicalism that gets overlooked and that I find central. ...
Sismetic's user avatar
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Are there several types of mind-independence?

Mind-independence relates to the famous falling tree nobody sees or hears, but which may still make a sound. We claim that the process is independent of our consciousness, and that therefore the ...
Mikael Jensen's user avatar
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Interpreting this paragraph from Schopenhauer

I've read some posts here citing this very interesting paragraph (extract pasted below) from Schopenhauer, a refutation of materialism as ultimate explanation of reality: Of all systems of philosophy ...
Mah Neh's user avatar
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How shall I understand these two "oppositions": pragmatism against idealism, positivism against irrationalism? says As for the 19th century, however, if one single feature of its thought could be singled out for emphasis, it might be called ...
Tim's user avatar
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Materialism can cover idealism but idealism cannot cover materialism?

It seems to me that materialism can cover idealism, but not the contrary. A materialist can recognize that reality is in part made of ideas, simply by saying that ideas are made of a bunch of ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Am I a materialist?

I believe that there is nothing even close to non-trivial certainty in philosophy, at least outside of ethics and psychology. For this reason, I believe in monism at about 60%. Furthermore, I believe ...
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Arguments against idealism / arguments against materialism

Are there any counter-argument to these arguments against idealism on the one hand, materialism in the other? (1) Argument against idealism. What is the relationship between idealists and their bodies?...
Starckman's user avatar
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12 answers

If all we see is the sensible world, what are the proofs to affirm that matter exists?

I am new to philosophy and I have been looking for a way to find answers to my disturbing doubt for a long time, I was reading Berkeley but I did not find a convincing refutation, especially because ...
Voxywave's user avatar
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Struggling with understanding Platonic idealism and idealism in general

I probably incorrectly understand some basic things, so I'll show my layman thinking process for easier identification of where lies the problem. Let's start with basic dichotomy - materialism vs. ...
ᾯᾯᾯ's user avatar
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6 answers

Is everything that exists an actual entity?

My professor asked us to think about this question as we go through the unit but I am not sure what the question means. I would greatly appreciate if you could help me understand the question or give ...
John's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the difference between idealism and materialism?

I understand what materialism is, but idealism - not so much. I know however they are opposing views, and would like to know what are the differences. Analogies would be greatly appreciated.
Bar Akiva's user avatar
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Can a rationalist ever be a materialist?

Note that I am using rationalist in its strict philosophical sense, as in rationalist like Descartes or Leibniz, not rationalist as it might be understood colloquially. from the Encyclopedia ...
Alexander S King's user avatar
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Is beauty about materialism or idealism [closed]

I have a question about the proverb: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". In this proverb, is beauty a materialist concept or an idealist concept, and why? In my opinion, the concept of beauty ...
Fish's user avatar
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3 answers

How materialism can be consistent in the context of qualia and simplicity?

Apologies for my English. Some thoughts from the camp of idealists. :) The following is the explanation of the question in the title. I think that the fact that in our days physicists may be ...
a1111exe's user avatar
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What are the rebuttals (if any) to Berkeley's dismissal of "primary qualities"?

I am rereading Berkeley's Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous and am curious about any subsequent works which actively rebut his dismissal of primary qualities. From the first dialogue: Phil. ...
asteri's user avatar
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