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Questions tagged [life]

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2 answers

Is life possible in a deterministic system?

A recent closed question asked 'What is life in a deterministic system?'. The question seems to assume that life can exist in a deterministic system, but one answer and commenter in particular ...
Futilitarian's user avatar
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6 answers

What is Life in a Deterministic Universe? [closed]

In a deterministic universe, where every event is a result of preceding causes, the distinctions we make between living and non-living entities might be an illusion. Our perceptions—colors, sounds, ...
Davit Janashia's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

We live in a hypocritical society, devoid of ethics! [closed]

We meticulously groom ourselves, applying makeup before stepping out, so that everyone admires our beauty. Yet, we feel uncomfortable if someone stares at us. If we were truly dressing up for our the ...
JAYANT SINGH GBPP's user avatar
1 vote
8 answers

Can we study scientifically the set of facts and behaviors if we have no scientific explanation for the source, origin or underlying mechanism of it? [closed]

For example, we don't know what force (if any) drives the creation, evolution and development of human societies and the world's history. But can we study this "mystical force" by examining ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
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Destroying life versus creating life

Why does society often treat depictions of violence and death, such as in crime reports or war footage, as more acceptable than depictions of human reproduction and intimacy? Both involve fundamental ...
Groovy's user avatar
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What do we deem conscious or not? Is it just sensations and experiences? What is the cutoff point to claim that something is conscious?

What I am trying to ask in particular is how do we know what is conscious and what is not just because something moves, breathes and interacts with the environment doesn't mean it is necessarily ...
How why e's user avatar
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Is there any school of thought or ideology that explicitly advocate suicide?

I was curious if there's any ideology that does not criticize suicide or even advocate it?
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
5 votes
8 answers

Is it justified to communicate one’s feelings regarding someone’s abortion decision? [closed]

Note-1: Due to the question being subjective and opinion based nature, as well as due to it is touching a controversial issue, I have voted to close my own question, with keeping the existing ...
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2 votes
3 answers

Why we haven’t observed any galactic civilization of III or IV type? [closed]

This question is scoped to natural philosophy. The study of natural philosophy seeks to explore the cosmos by any means necessary to understand the universe
Dmytro Brazhnyk's user avatar
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Philosophy vs. Real Life

I read and listen to learn about life, existence, and consciousness. I find it comforting and interesting to realize how much I don’t know. However, in a split second, one of my children yell for me, ...
Kisha's user avatar
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Is the meaningfulness of life a relative measure of the absolute suffering we could bear?

I have come across many ways of philosophically explaining the "meaning" of life, such as the one put forth by Camus saying that life is inherently meaningless, and it is by living that we ...
Jonathan Huang's user avatar
2 votes
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Are some narratives worse than death?

Are some narratives worse than death? I'm not talking about psychological or physical suffering, but narratives (what actually happens, as we understand that, as humans) that are worse than it just ...
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What are the main elements of Stoicism? [duplicate]

My question is this: What are the main elements of Stoicism? As a secondary question, it would also be nice to know how Epicureanism compares to or contrasts with Stoicism. Primary source material ...
Epimanes's user avatar
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9 answers

Is God even more improbable than the origin of life?

This question came up with a chat with one of the members here. In his Ultimate Boeing 747 Gambit argument, Dawkins states that one cannot use the improbability of life to state that God must have ...
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5 answers

Why is the notion of life after death taken seriously in philosophy? [closed]

We obviously do know what happens after death. We die and that’s it. Why is there so much literature on this subject in philosophy and why does this concept gain special status? We have determined, ...
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3 votes
1 answer

If someone lacks the will to live, can there still be anything he is willing to pursue?

After reading some posts such as What is the motivation of all individuals to stay alive? and Why care for anything in life? , we'd like to pose a question in a different (perhaps more accurate) way: ...
user's user avatar
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4 answers

A circularity in Richard Dawkins's book "The Blind Watchmaker" regarding a definition of life

I wanted to put this question in the biology stack exchange, but some of my questions there have been downvoted. In Richard Dawkins's book "The Blind Watchmaker", in the first chapter, says &...
user107952's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Is the SETI project built on false premises?

The SETI project analyzes signals and looks for patterns, some of which include prime number sequences that have an absurdly low improbability of occurring. It does this to detect intelligent life. ...
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-1 votes
5 answers

Can we rule out God as an explanation for the origin of life without knowing a natural explanation?

Is it reasonable to rule out God as an explanation for the mystery of the origin of life even though we do not have a current natural explanation? Note that this is under the assumption that we haven’...
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7 answers

Is the pleasure of drugs better than long term achievements? [closed]

If there are currently drugs which release more dopamine and other chemicals in the brain on a level which cannot be replicated naturally, why aren't more people taking them, considering you cannot ...
dannyboy's user avatar
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4 answers

If the earth was only 1 year old, would that make the probability of life starting by design more likely? [closed]

If the earth was literally a year old, would that make it more likely that life’s origins were designed? The reason I ask is simple: given that the earth is claimed to have existed for 4+ billion ...
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9 votes
7 answers

Is life the root cause of all suffering?

According to Buddhism, "There is suffering in this world; suffering has a cause; and the cause is desire." So, the desire to stay alive, forces us to work which causes suffering in the form ...
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2 votes
5 answers

What to make of "time" and "time rightly spent" in the context of "the purpose of life"?

Friedrich Nietzsche in his Thus spoke Zarathustra told us a man should become a "overman" or "ubermensch" i.e. someone who believes in nihilism of universe (believing that life has ...
S.M.T's user avatar
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7 answers

Do distinctions and concepts exist?

Before answering the question, keep in mind that I am a second-year Biology student, with a lack of formal study in Philosophy. Original post: I believe, all definitions, words, and concepts (...
Growing6884's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Is Death a Feature or a Bug? [closed]

Ancient records show that humans have been preoccupied by Thanatos (death) - strong evidence of this is found in how religious we were/are (the majority subscribe to a few religions with promise of an ...
Hudjefa's user avatar
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How to know what life is?

What we call ‘our life’ is about a period of time from birth to death. During that period, some might like to devote themselves to certain virtues, some to the religions-promised afterlife, some to an ...
Sasan's user avatar
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1 answer

With how much certainty can one define something as alive and sentient,or inanimate and non-sentient?

From what I can tell, it seems that the qualifiers for something to be considered living are based on biological criteria, with the limits of observation, being entirely based on spatial order of ...
Adam Ledger's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What is "Nothing"? [closed]

What is "nothing" and how can a Universe be entirely created out of "nothing"? The moment we give "nothing" a description or definition, it becomes something. The ...
NamesLano's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Scientific stance on 'life from non-life, naturally'?

As far as I'm aware, almost everyone (from Dawkins to Lennox to Hovind) agrees that at some point in the past there was no life in our universe, and currently there is. Therefore life somehow arose ...
MarnixKlooster ReinstateMonica's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

The timeline of everything

My friend (catholic) and I (atheist) were taking about religion. We bare both scientists and therefore wanted to look at it scientifically. After discussing, We have stopped at the question about ...
Thalek's user avatar
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4 answers

Critique and criticism and counter to that, of the Karma doctrine of Indian religions?

The three main religions generally considered of Eastern origin - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism - have a common doctrine of the concept of Karma-theory and subsequent infinite rebirth of the soul (...
Draupadi's user avatar
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What way of worldview/philosophical thinking is this?

If someone sees the world as inherently bad, because humans dominate other species, kill animals, and evolution produced this without a way out, is there a specific name for this kind of thinking?
Hiro's user avatar
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Which philosophers believe freedom (liberty) is more important than one's own life and how did they argue this?

In history, are there any philosophers who believe that freedom (liberty) is in general more important than one's own life and wrote books/articles to argue this? What are their arguments/reasoning in ...
No One's user avatar
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Isn't it obvious that there is life outside earth? [closed]

Earth is a tiny speck in the Universe. Suppose God created life on earth. Isn't it obvious that there is life outside earth ? I mean, who will create such a vast universe and then such a fantastic ...
Sidharth C. Nadhan's user avatar
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Can we say, the logical person does not care so much about worldly things but most people are not logical?

This question is about life. If we look at the current world, so many people care about money, or power, or fame, or all of the above. However, if we do believe in reincarnation, or that we'd ...
Stefanie Gauss's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Should one learn everything?

I like to learn a lot of things. Like dance , magic tricks , business , physics , geography , chemistry , biology , maths. Just everything. Definitely , you understand that all of these topics take ...
S.M.T's user avatar
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Does TV resolution hints we are living in a loop? [closed]

Let's assume our minimum meaningful resolution on black and white TV is 480P, the permutation of each frame possible to be displayed is still quite big, but still finite. A 1080P colour TV gives much ...
James Lin's user avatar
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Why is it that, if not often but quite often, that I want to do something new or say, learn a new thing, my brain and the way I feel are miles apart? [closed]

Consider a scenario wherein I want to learn XYZ & having Googled lots about it makes me quite well-versed with the rudimentary knowledge about that. Now the problem is that when I proceed with a ...
iCantFindaGoodUsername's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Comedy we play everyday and pretend everything is fine?

I am sure it has a name or is covered by a movement, and I am sure that many philosophers have already talked about this, but I have this on my mind more and more everyday. It is obvious, but how can ...
BestAboutMe's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What are philosophies of life?

From Wikipedia: A philosophy of life is any general attitude towards, or philosophical view of, the meaning of life or of the way life should be lived. The term is generally used in an informal sense,...
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1 answer

The formal philosophy as a habit [closed]

I am a Computer Science Student, I have always loved philosophy and the way it makes the obvious logical , But sad to say I struggle with learning it and studying it in my life, Because philosophy ...
4 votes
6 answers

Does there exist truly objective thoughts?

Today I was arguing with my friend that the colour of sky is subjective. I claimed that the colour of sky is a subjective idea and a person who is colour-blind may perceive it as a different colour. ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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Kant, suicide, and the unalienable right to life

Recently, after taking an introductory course in Kantian ethics — I am now familiar with the concepts of free will, duty-conception, the categorical imperative —, I was writing an essay on his ...
user265131's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Is it a voluntary action (and therefore something one is responsible for) to remain alive?

Creating a life is (normally) a perfectly voluntary action with well known consequences, and hence the people involved are morally responsible for the result. But, what are the arguments for that the ...
d-b's user avatar
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How can one reconcile the physical view of life and the second law of thermodynamics?

Life appears to not follow the second law which states that (approximately speaking) physical systems tend towards more disorder (higher entropy). This appears to be not true with life which actively ...
J Li's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there any reasons for an individual to live if he hasn't got any needs? [closed]

Assuming this individual doesn't require basic needs (eating, drinking, etc...), and he can't feel any other needs like, the need for love, the need to be alone for a moment, the need to seek ...
Hugo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there any Ancient Greek philosopher that we know came from an underprivileged background?

I heard the claim that Ancient Greek philosophers were generally rich guys who had too much free time on their hands and hence engaged in philosophy, while most people at the time lived very difficult ...
hb20007's user avatar
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Life as a formal system

I am curious if there is some existing work on viewing life as a formal system. In formal system we have: axioms and rules of logic (like in math AND, OR) then we derive and prove theorems I see ...
john's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Is murder wrong accross the board? If not, when?

Is it wrong to murder anything, in any circumstance? If sometimes its justified, based on species, circumstance, self defense, ideology, when is it considered wrong? What is the justification for ...
B''H Bi'ezras -- Boruch Hashem's user avatar
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Is Economy people's lives?

If we see Economy as a system of making and trading things of value (goods/services), can we correctly affirm that it is human life? I can see that, making/trading those values depend on human life, ...
Gonçalo Peres's user avatar

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