Katapult Future Fest

Katapult Future Fest


Join us at KFF25 and be a catlayst for change.

Om oss

Katapult Future Fest (KFF)is a non-profit think tank and annual output-driven festival in Oslo, Norway's vibrant capital. For the seventh time, May 29-31, 2024, we're uniting a diverse global network of impact investors, change-makers, and value-driven entrepreneurs to catapult actual impact, embracing a mindset of radical growth and audacious exploration. Human Flourishing Through Shared Prosperity At the heart of Katapult Future Fest's longer-term strategy is the steadfast belief that a thriving society emerges when everyone's basic needs are met. By fostering a culture of empathy, collaboration, and continuous growth during a week of shared space, discussions, reflections, workshops, experiences, pitches, and matchmaking, we aim to equip humanity to tackle challenges collectively. Katapult Future Fest spearheads a paradigm shift in business and capital, emphasizing intentionality and additionality. By leading through example, we empower others to invest purposefully, influencing business leaders to embed impact into their core. Our mission is to redirect capital towards investments that make a meaningful difference. We showcase that impactful businesses solve problems and yield substantial profits, catalyzing a global movement where every dollar invested contributes to a thriving world. Our commitment is clear: profit from impact, demonstrating that capital can drive positive change while generating sustainable returns.

2–10 ansatte
Boutique Conference , Outputdriven , Imapact Investing , System Change, Art, Science & Technology, Conscious business development , Community Building, Impact Startups , Technology for Good , Changemaker, Polycapital , Future studies, System Change Investing, Network Of Networks, Investor, Exponential Technology, Ethics and AI, Foundation, Impact VC, Private Wealth , Think Thank


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    It was very fascinating to participate in an incredible acro-yoga session led by Wieteke Zuure. Not only was this session about physical strength, but it was also about building #trust, communication, and understanding boundaries. Our #KFF24 attendees experienced firsthand the importance of embodied #communication, reciprocal reactions, accurate timing, and the fearlessness to try again after a fall. Whether from the top of someone's knees or focusing on the details of a handgrip, this workshop encouraged us to literally change our perspective and see the world differently. As we explore trust, fear, and the flow of play, we discover what happens when trust is built between each other. This dynamic not only enhances our physical abilities but also strengthens our approach to #investments, team collaborations, and #innovative endeavors. How can you apply these principles of trust and balance in your professional journey? Photo credit: Jan Khür | Studio Abrakadabra

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    Observing our attendees diligently taking notes at #KFF24 reminds us of the commitment to continuous improvement and knowledge sharing. Each note taken represents a valuable insight or idea that contributes to personal growth and professional development. It's inspiring to see how engaged our community is, absorbing knowledge and preparing to implement new strategies. As we reflect on the importance of capturing insights, we're reminded of the role these notes play in shaping future decisions and innovations. Every detail matters in our journey towards excellence. How do you leverage your notes to drive actionable outcomes? Photo credit: Jan Khür | Studio Abrakadabra

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    At Katapult Future Fest, we understand the power of #collaboration and meaningful dialogue. Whether it's brainstorming new ideas or refining existing ones, our team thrives on open discussions that spark innovation and drive progress. Just like these insightful group discussions, where #diverse perspectives converge, great ideas are born at every turn. Each #voice adds a unique dimension, paving the way for solutions that resonate and make an impact. As we continue to prioritize dialogue and collective problem-solving, we're committed to fostering an environment where ideas flourish and teams thrive. Together, we're shaping a future where innovation knows no bounds. How can you and your teams harness the power of dialogue to drive #innovation forward? Photo credit: Jan Khür | Studio Abrakadabra

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    ☀️🕶️ Summer is a time for rejuvenation and inspiration, and what better way to celebrate than envisioning the future of #technology, sustainability, and human-centric innovation? At Katapult Future Fest, we're not just embracing the warmth of the season but also the warmth of ideas that ignite positive change in the world. #KFF is a space of a melting pot of ideas, where pioneers, thinkers, and innovators converge to shape the next wave of transformative technologies and #sustainable practices. Let's embrace the spirit of summer and innovation! Photo credit: Jan Khür | Studio Abrakadabra

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    A Seat at the Table was designed to democratize discussions and amplify #diverse voices, allowing anyone to join the conversation by simply patting a speaker to take their turn. In this full video, you'll hear various stories and insights showcasing how "A Seat at the Table" fostered a dynamic and #inclusive environment at #KFF24, making it a highlight for many attendees. A special thanks to Chisom Udeze and Diversify for putting us on the path to creating this inclusive format. Your supports have been invaluable 💜 🎥 Watch the full video to experience the power of inclusive dialogue and diverse perspectives. Let's continue to create spaces where everyone's voice is heard and valued! Video credit: Mikkel Becker-Aakervik | Thought Leader Global Media Nils von Heijne Coumba Toure Louise Kjellerup Roper Daniel Almagor Hon. Hon. Henry F. De Sio, Jr. Amy Padnani Ina Cabanillas Hansen Sukhvinder Singh Jhotti Marie Ekeland

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    How do we measure the true value of gatherings and anticipate the trends that shape our lives? Join us as we explore the future with a forward-thinking mindset, aiming to deliver meaningful change for future generations. We focus on learning and adapting, rather than extracting, harvesting, or domesticating. Through this journey, we gain insights into ourselves, our purpose, and our connection to each other and our planet. Become part of a global community of #changemakers. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about what’s next, both in the near and distant future. Sign up here ➡️ https://lnkd.in/d5r67qnh

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    Our last teaser snippet features Amy Padnani from The New York Times. Amy shares how the "Seat at the Table" format allowed people to give each other space and time to gather their thoughts without interruption, and hopes to see this kind of thoughtfulness and respect for others' voices in real-life environments. Through this experience, Amy also learned the importance of helping others finish their sentences, fostering a more #inclusive dialogue. 🎥 Watch the teaser to hear Amy’s insights, and stay tuned for the full video release tomorrow! Video credit: Mikkel Becker-Aakervik | Thought Leader Global Media

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    Continuing with our #KFF24 "Seat at the Table" series, today we’re sharing the second teaser snippet 🌟 This snippet features Nils von Heijne from Innrwrks, who talks about his curiosity to experience what it was like to be at the table rather than just standing on the side. Joining the conversation allowed him to truly sense the energy and #inclusiveness of the discussions. Additionally, we have insights from Hon. Henry F. De Sio, Jr., author of the Changemaker Playbook. Henry emphasizes that creating #impact means creating a space for unlikely people to unite. It's in these #diverse and inclusive environments that true #innovation and impact happen. 🎥 Watch the teaser to hear Nils and Henry’s perspectives, and stay tuned for our final snippet before the full video release! Video credit: Mikkel Becker-Aakervik | Thought Leader Global Media

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    Over the next few days, we’ll be posting short teaser snippets of the video about A Seat at the Table, featuring people from various backgrounds sharing their thoughts on this session format. Today’s snippet features Coumba Toure from Invisible Giants. She shares her experience and highlights the challenges of making the table #accessible. Coming from Senegal, Coumba talks about the difficulties she faced in coming to Norway due to visa and border complexities. A big thanks to Chisom Udeze and Diversify for putting us on the path to creating this inclusive format! 🎥 Watch the teaser to hear Coumba’s point of view and stay tuned for more snippets leading up to the full video release! Video credit: Mikkel Becker-Aakervik | Thought Leader Global Media

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    One of the highlights of #KFF24 was our "Moment of Awe" wall, where you shared your impactful experiences and realizations. From profound connections to small yet significant encounters, these moments captured the essence of what KFF24 is all about. Each story, no matter how big or small, has its unique impact. These moments remind us that every interaction and experience can spark change, inspiration, and growth. What stood out for you during KFF24? Share your experiences and let’s continue to celebrate the connections and inspirations that make Katapult Future Fest so special. Photo: Jan Khür | Studio Abrakadabra

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