This current question is closely connected to my previous questions, so they should be recalled here.
From the very beginning I haven't understand the use of distinct Careers account and integrated Jobs within SO account. OK, you did it and let it be.
However, misconceptions and disrepancies were not long in coming. In the latter question I was answered:

Careers was not a site used exclusively by employers, users were able to search for and apply for jobs with the CV on the site

and that brought more confusion than ever.

I thoroughly read introduction of Jobs, and doubled introduction (1, 2) of Developer Story, but have still no clear idea of the difference between them. The evolution of job search on SO as I see it:

Careers >> Jobs on SO >> Developer Story

Each historical stage was probably better than previous one, but the question(s) I very interested in lays in the technical side:

  1. Is account on certain resource linked to another resources and in what way? How do they interconnected?
  2. Does deleting/changing account on one resource affect all other resources?
  3. Are they bound to StackExchange account and could they be changed separately?
  4. Should I give up some of them if I am not employer or they are both-sided (employee + employer)?

Now I am facing four different but overlapping services:
SO Jobs | Careers | Developer Story | Talent

Can anybody answer above questions referring to these services?

  • I don't think Developers Story or Talents overlap with any of the others. Talents appears to be a service for helping employers learn how to attract and retain quality employees, not an actual hiring service. Developer Story is an alternate way to display your CV/resume.
    – BSMP
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 15:20
  • so Jobs and Developer Story are two views of the single entity? Of my CV?
    – Suncatcher
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 15:27
  • I'm not sure about Jobs & Careers. I thought Jobs was replacing Careers and didn't realize Careers was still available. Hopefully someone who's used some of these will provide some insight.
    – BSMP
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 15:42

1 Answer 1


Now I am facing four different but overlapping services:

SO Jobs | Careers | Developer Story | Talent

Careers is gone. It's been replaced by Jobs (the candidate-facing side, integrated into SO) and Talent (the employer-facing side; separate site).

Developer Story is a feature of Jobs and set to replace the traditional CV, although there's a traditional view for those who prefer it.

Is account on certain resource linked to another resources and in what way? How do they interconnected? Does deleting/changing account on one resource affect all other resources? Are they bound to StackExchange account and could they be changed separately? Should I give up some of them if I am not employer or they are both-sided (employee + employer)?

Jobs is part of Stack Overflow. Everything jobs-related, in particular your developer story, is linked to your Stack Overflow account.

Talent is a separate site which uses a separate account.

If you're using both (as a candidate and as an employer, respectively), you can manage both accounts individually. For example, changing your Talent password does not automatically change your Stack Overflow password.

  • Ok, now it's somehow clear for me.
    – Suncatcher
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 18:49
  • 1
    Only "somehow"? :) Anything still not clear?
    – Max
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 18:50
  • Previous status-quo, when Careers was linked to Jobs, brought a bit of confusion.
    – Suncatcher
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 18:50
  • 1
    Rather clear, I'd say)
    – Suncatcher
    Commented Nov 3, 2016 at 18:53

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