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Questions tagged [support]

Use this tag for requests for assistance with tools and other features on the Stack Exchange Network. This includes understanding how features work and why they work that way, or how to better use them.

0 votes
2 answers

How do I change my Stack Exchange/Overflow account email and use it to sign in? I expect my new email to be my signin email after email verification

I changed my Stack Overflow account email under profile/email settings and verified my new email address from my email account. However, I am unable to sign in with the new email. The old email still ...
nacho's user avatar
  • 1
3 votes
0 answers

On what site can I ask about guidelines for image detection model [duplicate]

I have 20,000 plus images of art (paintings, sculptures, jars, etc). My goal is creating a computer vision model that, from an input (photo), identifies the exact same piece of art and returns its id, ...
Romina Silvera's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

What does `[Text]` refer to in the no-alt-text warning message?

What does [Text] refer to in the no-alt-text warning message? Screenshot taken on
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Whatever happened to the rollout of the 'new' editor?

I honestly got reminded of this by this post and I've been interchangeably using different editors on the network. I'd love to know what the status of the stacks editor is, and what future plans on it ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
-3 votes
0 answers

I reopened a duplicate question, changed my mind, then attempted and failed to change my mind again. How is my vote counted?

This is the post marked as duplicate which I will refer to as the "dupe": What Apache Ant version should I used to run Java 6 projects? This is the post linked to as the original: How to fix ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

“0 edit suggestions canceled” in review stats: what is that used for, is it not same as “rejected edit”?

I recently saw this in any of my edits in the “editor stats”: user1176409 had 95 edit suggestions approved, 10 edit suggestions rejected, and 0 edit suggestions canceled. I was surprised when I saw ...
user1176409's user avatar
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0 votes
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Intermittent Stack Overflow website connectivity issues

I'm trying to browse through my company's internet, and often the website fails to open. We reviewed the company's firewall but there are no rules to prevent from reaching the ...
Osama's user avatar
  • 109
-15 votes
0 answers

Editing a question which has been edited by an abusive moderator and then locked [closed]

I have posted the following question: For copyright determination purposes, how can AI-generated content (eg.lyrics) be proven as such rather than human generated? This has received some good answers ...
Dale Newton's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Does Stack Exchange not have an issue tracker?

I have been witnessing a few (different) bugs/problems on Stack Overflow and probably other Stack Exchange websites, but haven't found an issue tracking system. There is a Contact Us link in the ...
Philippe Cloutier's user avatar
34 votes
4 answers

Is a new comment format for duplicate votes being tested?

I just cast a couple of duplicate votes on Ask Ubuntu and got this exceedingly verbose comment posted on my behalf: This question is similar to: ... If you believe it’s different, please edit the ...
muru's user avatar
  • 7,707
0 votes
0 answers

API - associated sites doesn't return [duplicate]

I'm using the<account_id>/associated API call to get the list of my associated stack exchange sites. But it doesn't return ...
Gangula's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

What amount of time is between submitting a post to review queue and until the post is getting reviewed?

Is there a rule for posts that are in repeated review for how much time is between editing and submitting for review and a review being started? Is there a defined wait time until a review can be ...
beyondtime's user avatar
-5 votes
0 answers

dispute -100 rep decision [migrated]

I was given -100 reputation for this sound mathematical post This is excessive and I want to dispute this decision, how do ...
ResearchMath's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Why is the API method for statistics not accessible?

Why is not accessible?
beyondtime's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can people still answer my questions if I delete my account?

I know if I delete my account, my question still remains. Can people still answer my questions if I delete my account?
Taylor Fang's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Why can't I ask a question on Stachexchange's main site? [duplicate]

I'm new to Stackexchange. I assumed that I can ask general questions on the main site but this doesn't seem to be the case. I have to first choose a group or specific Stackoverflow site before I can ...
EbonyPope's user avatar
-5 votes
0 answers

How can I run SEDE queries on my computer? [duplicate]

Some SEDE queries time out on SEDE. How can I run SEDE queries on my computer?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-36 votes
1 answer

Received response clearly meant for someone else to a support ticket; what happened? [closed]

My profile was suspended on Math Stack Exchange for voting to close questions that lacked context and didn't show any attempt. Other users who also voted to close those questions were not suspended. ...
Mods And Staff Are Not Fair's user avatar
-19 votes
1 answer

Can I publish a thesis here? [closed]

Can I publish a thesis here? Is it possible to share Doctorate's thesis about the education through the acts in early stage of a children Also I was wondering about the thesis language should it be ...
Academic Recourses's user avatar
-3 votes
0 answers

Why is blocked tags list only allowed to edit by the staff, but not on site moderators level? [duplicate]

Modify the list of blocked tags is only possible by the staff as mentioned here. What the problem we can face if we allow to make it on site's moderators level? Is there something other than technical ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Personalize your profile pop-up won't go away

This annoying pop-up won't go away, even after I personalize my profile. It can be removed with the "x" but shows up again whenever I refresh or open a new page. Is there any way I can get ...
Jasper C.'s user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
1 answer

How can one unselect a post that was selected with a keyboard shortcut without selecting another post or reloading/changing the page?

How can one unselect a post that has been selected with a keyboard shortcut without selecting another one or reloading/changing the page? Example of a selected a post, which is indicated by a grey ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is editing a post the only way to select a post?

Is editing a post (then saving or canceling the edit) the only way to select a post? If not, how else can one select a post? (Example of a selected a post, which is indicated by a grey fade.)
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

The keyboard shortcut E sometimes edits a post that isn't the post currently visible to the user

The keyboard shortcut E sometimes edits a post that isn't the post currently visible to the user. Example (I pressed E to edit) with this URL: Tested with the latest version of Chrome on Windows 10.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What are differences between synonyms with and without merging from the practical point of view?

It is well-known that creating a synonym and merging two tags are two completely independent actions1 - sometimes a synonym is created and the tags aren't merged, sometimes two tags are merged without ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.2k
7 votes
0 answers

Why does "disclaimmer" return a result but not "disclaimer"?

Searching for "disclaimmer" returns a result but not "disclaimer", even though the matched text in the returned post is "disclaiming". Why? (Ignore results pointing to ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
-10 votes
0 answers

asking for link to mathjax shortcuts and code [duplicate]

Does anyone kindly have a mathjax shortcut link and relevant codes that work with stack exchange that they can share. I appreciate all the help. I'm kind of new to mathjax, so copy and paste will help ...
riida's user avatar
  • 1
-6 votes
1 answer

Can moderators chat in gallery chat rooms? [duplicate]

When reaching 1k reputation, user gains the create gallery chat rooms privilege, which states: A gallery chat room allows anyone to enter, but only specific users may talk in the room, as determined ...
security_paranoid's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Turning thumbs, waiting for a review audit test

As described in this other question, sometimes the creation of an audit test takes several seconds, making it a real giveaway. Is there a way to improve the performance?
Dominique's user avatar
  • 249
8 votes
1 answer

Which sites use citation helper?

On which sites is the citation helper enabled? As far as I know, it was first introduced on MathOverflow: New feature - citation helper. And it was later added to Mathematics Stack Exchange, too: Let'...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.2k
43 votes
2 answers

Every SE site that I don't have an account for started prompting me for Google login

This started today (5 jun 2024) or yesterday. Example: Is this initiated by Google or by SE? In the latter case, how can I disable this? ========= Follow up ========= From the answers/comments so far ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
  • 2,316
3 votes
1 answer

Getting Save Count for a particular post

Is there any way to see how many users have saved a particular post in Stack Overflow? For example, I have saved the following post in Stack Overflow. Ansible-galaxy throws ImportError: No module ...
khairul alam's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

What factors could prevent a question from appearing in the reopen review queue for a specific reviewer?

Recently, I was one of five users to vote to close a question (timeline link) on Movies & TV SE. After it was closed, I realized that my chosen close reason didn't accurately apply (my bad), so I ...
galacticninja's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

What is this string in the translation DB that refers to moderators accepting bribes to be unsuspended?

Just found an interesting string on translation DB: A moderator has unsuspended this user for good behavior (or bribe) This string appears on user history page visible to site moderators. I'm merely ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

I log in and I find out I am another user. What are the privacy implications?

I just logged in after being off for a week and I found out I was in the profile of another user. I understood what happened because some notifications pointed me to this and this question. I ...
FluidCode's user avatar
  • 467
1 vote
1 answer

Skip to main content link on the Meta Stack Exchange header

Randomly, I encountered a "Skip to main content" link on the Meta Stack Exchange header. Clicking on it redirects to and hides the Meta site bar. I ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 38.8k
-8 votes
1 answer

How do I revert an edit to my question? [duplicate]

Someone else edited my question inappropriately (IMO). What is the right way to revert their changes? There is a Rollback link for all the other revisions in the history but not for the top one, just ...
sds's user avatar
  • 1,066
-8 votes
2 answers

Why do questions remain visible after answers are deleted?

While browsing SE sites, I often see questions (some quite old) that have been bumped because answers have been deleted. I did originally assume these were pending edits, but they're not. Should ...
Boots's user avatar
  • 754
12 votes
1 answer

What’s with the new cookie banner with "legitimate interests" only on certain SE sites?

Stack Overflow has a new cookie banner/setting page which includes somewhat hidden "legitimate interests". Which also have to be objected to individually, not by using the "necessary ...
A-Tech's user avatar
  • 237
5 votes
0 answers

Questions of another user now appear as if asked by me

Shortly after I asked this question I received an email update and I found out that another question asked in another group by another user now appears as if it was asked by me. What is happening?
FluidCode's user avatar
  • 467
16 votes
0 answers

What happend with tags? [duplicate]

Is it new tag design? The whole style of tags is changed: font, colors, filling ... That's how it looked before, e.g. on ruSO.meta And now it looks like that: I didn't find any new related ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
189 votes
12 answers

All tag labels suddenly appear in bold font

On all the sites, the tag names started appearing bold in the last 15 or so minutes. Looks rather garish. Is this some new un-announced feature release? For example: One of the worst affected pieces ...
Dan Mašek's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

What is the correct way to ask help finding an old SE Q&A I can't find anymore? [duplicate]

I am an active member of Sci-Fi and Fantasy SE and I found myself in this situation several times: I see a question (sometimes answered) that piques my interest. I read it, mark it down in my memory ...
Andrea Jens's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

"Last seen more than x ago" is sometimes inaccurate

"Last seen more than x ago" is sometimes inaccurate. Example (mirror): "Last seen more than 1 month ago", even though they posted a question 22h ago.
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How should I go about retrieving the date of when a question became/was no longer hot with SEDE?

I am currently making a SEDE query to determine which questions from a specific user have made it onto the Hot Network Questions list and when. While I can get the specific questions, I am unable to ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
  • 399
15 votes
0 answers

(COMPLETED) Site maintenance - Thursday, May 16th, 2024, 22:00 - 23:00 UTC (6 PM - 7 PM EDT)

[UPDATE - Maintenance complete] We will be performing maintenance on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange sites on Thursday, May 16th, 2024, 22:00 - 23:00 UTC (6 PM - 7 PM EDT). During the maintenance ...
Dalmarus's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Is the forced dark mode flag in Chromium-based browsers supported?

Chromium-based browsers support a feature flag about:flags/#enable-force-dark to force a dark theme on sites. Over the years this feature has existed, we've gotten many bug reports of things not ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Stack Overflow in Read Only mode for past 2 days [closed]

I posted a question yesteday. Output characters to Word document with different formatting for each character When I tried to edit it I was told that Stack Overflow is in read only mode. It is still ...
pmolsen's user avatar
  • 231
1 vote
1 answer

What does the "timeline score" of a question mean?

If you go to some questions and open history, you might see "timeline score: _". What does that mean? Does it mean the number of upvotes - downvotes? Or is it just saying who upvoted/...
Andy K's user avatar
  • 473
7 votes
0 answers

In the data request page, what does the "Object to Processing" request type do?

Following my precedent still unanswered question "In the data request page, what does the "Do not sell my information" request type do?" I noticed that the aforementioned page ...
SPArcheon's user avatar
  • 30.3k

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