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Questions tagged [hot-questions]

Hot Network Questions in the right-hand sidebar, the “hot” tab on each site, and on

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"more hot questions" link is broken

When I visit a question, and then try to use the 'more hot questions' link in the sidebar, it doesn't work as advertised. Hovering over it shows me the URL of the post I'm currently on, and clicking ...
Tinkeringbell's user avatar
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Change "Hot Network Questions" to "Trending Network Questions"?

The word Hot in Hot Network Questions feels like it carries a sexual connotation. Should the phrase Hot Network Questions be changed to Trending Network Questions? Do you think the latter is more ...
machine_1's user avatar
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How should I go about retrieving the date of when a question became/was no longer hot with SEDE?

I am currently making a SEDE query to determine which questions from a specific user have made it onto the Hot Network Questions list and when. While I can get the specific questions, I am unable to ...
CrSb0001's user avatar
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Site icons all cut off/incorrectly cropped in Hot Network Questions list

As you can see from the image below, the site icons in the Hot Network Questions list are all cut off at the top, with some extra content at the bottom. This issue appears to be occurring specifically ...
Esther's user avatar
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Could there be a self-edit threshold that precludes a question from getting on the HNQ list?

I had to check out this question this morning in my moderatorial duties, and I was a little grieved to see it hit the HNQ at some point after it was asked, but certainly after the OP had edited it ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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Hot Network Questions Feed App no longer working

The app I created to offer RSS feeds from Hot Network Questions fails since today to fetch its data from the source. One of its main endpoints is It ...
rene's user avatar
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Is Stack Exchange indexing with Google broken? [duplicate]

Today I tried to google an exact phrase from a question on SciFi SE and received very interesting search results. I provide a screenshot of two googled suggestions below. Here are the links to those ...
SUTerliakov's user avatar
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Sites freshly in public beta should not be on Hot Network Questions

While I'm generally supportive of new Betas, I feel like a site that's brand new—in this case PLDI, which hasn't had a moderation team in place, and is still working out the 'details' of scope—ought ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
60 votes
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Hot meta posts section is no more?

I was browsing Stack Overflow for tags of interest-related questions and I noticed that there was no 'hot meta posts' section on the right side! I navigated to the corresponding meta and found the ...
machine_1's user avatar
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Multiple "became hot network question" events on timeline [duplicate]

The timeline for this question on shows multiple "became hot network question" events (see screenshot below). This looks like a bug.
Gareth Rees's user avatar
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Feature Improvement: Always display sub-stack meta posts in a side-bar on their main site

Personal opinion: Stack Exchange would be better if more people participated in the metas, particularly for smaller stacks (where things are less settled and more community input would be beneficial). ...
JamieB's user avatar
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Should we really be promoting bigotry?

So this gem from the Christianity site is currently being displayed on HNQ: I'm not one to try to prevent religious people from discussing ... whatever they want, amongst themselves. But can we at ...
NotThatGuy's user avatar
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Can I see my questions or answers that are or had been listed on Hot Network Questions?

I wonder if I can see all my questions and answers that are currently on or had been previously listed on the 'Hot Network Questions.' When I see a revision history of a specific question, I know ...
user67275's user avatar
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Why do we see our own questions on the HNQ sidebar?

Many times, I see my own hot network question in the sidebar. Specifically, it is happening frequently with this question on Law. However, it is just a distraction because I already know about it! I ...
mathlander's user avatar
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Hot meta post conditions [duplicate]

What conditions should be met for a meta post to appear on the Hot Meta posts list on the right side of the questions page? E.g.: How many posts can be visible at one time (max 2?)? As far as I know, ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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Portuguese question in the Hot Network Questions

There is a filter to exclude non-English questions from the Hot Network Questions list. I'm not sure if the criteria for a question being English are still the same as in this eleven year old answer ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Triple HNQ entry (2022 edition)

This question appears to have entered the HNQ list three times with the same timestamp: Seemingly related to Very hot network questions found, but not a duplicate because that was marked as status-...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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Change "removed from network questions" to "removed from hot network questions" in HNQ timeline and revision history

The timeline and revisions for this question includes: became hot network question And, subsequently: removed from network questions Should the latter entry say "removed from hot network ...
Rick's user avatar
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Can we finally get a blacklist for uninteresting networks in the hot topics section? [duplicate]

I already found the filter settings for Stack Exchange, that allows me to see various content from various sites filtered by site and tag. But this only seems to apply to the real time section or the ...
infinitezero's user avatar
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Does removing hot network questions on a SE site increase participation on that SE site?

I've noticed a hot network question (HNQ) was removed from the list of HNQs, the rationale being it'll increase participation (= more views, more answers, more comments, more votes) on this SE site by ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How can I see the list of questions that were removed by a mod from the list of hot network questions on a given SE website?

How can I see the list of questions that were manually removed (= removed by a mod) from the list of hot network questions on a given SE website?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Stack Exchange site icons displaying incorrectly in Hot Network Questions

The same as Incorrect site icons on Hot Network Questions from August 2017. Most site icons are displaying incorrectly in Hot Network Questions. Not on Meta, but on most other sites. Compare the icons ...
Cool Fool's user avatar
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How do I view "Hot Network Question" history associated with a given account?

I have asked a lot of questions that made it to "Hot Network Question" list across multiple websites in the Stack Exchange Network, and I need a list of all questions posted by me that had ...
Ξένη Γήινος's user avatar
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Ignore Tag for Hot Network Questions [duplicate]

When browsing a thematic Stack Exchange, e.g. physics Stack Exchange, on the bottom right corner we have a Hot Network Questions section. While I like this feature, there are some Stack Exchange which ...
Rexcirus's user avatar
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In 2022, what actually happens to a candidate question for the HNQ when MathJax is in the title? (e.g. edit changing n=25 to "$n=25$")

For my recently asked Physics SE question How can an $n=25$ Rydberg state exist in a solid? What does the wave function look like? an edit was made changing n=25 to "$n=25$". Presumably this ...
uhoh's user avatar
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How to block whole sites in the Hot Network Questions list [duplicate]

So, Politics and Parenting are really getting on my nerves, and I would like to completely block them, so they don't show in hot questions. Curiosity is not going to allow me to ignore it if I see ...
BЈовић's user avatar
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Déjà vu implies glitch in the matrix: question became HNQ six times in two seconds [duplicate]

In the first Matrix movie Trinity says: A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the matrix, it happens when they change something. Related: Why do the machines allow the memory of déjà vu to ...
uhoh's user avatar
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An HNQ that's 21 days old? [duplicate]

This question appears on the HNQ list right now (I've posted a screenshot here, with the quetion I mentioned, circled in yellow, in case you wanted to see it). What surprised me was that the question ...
user1271772's user avatar
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Do moderators have the ability to pre-emptively remove questions from the HNQ?

I noticed that the question 'Isomorphism class of the zero module is not a set' on Mathematics SE was removed from the HNQ by a moderator, but curiously there is no entry in the timeline for when it ...
The Amplitwist's user avatar
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Filter option for Unanswered [duplicate]

When you are looking at recent questions, your filter options are bountied, hot, week, and month (plus some site-specific ones). It seems to me the only reason someone would be browsing questions is ...
stackers's user avatar
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Can we get RSS feeds for hot questions tagged X?

Similar to: RSS feed of hot questions during the week for specific tag (11 years ago) RSS feed with highest rated recent questions for a given tag (3 years ago) I would like to be able to subscribe ...
user avatar
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Why is the "Became Hot Network Question" event shown as an edit? [duplicate]

I was looking at this question to see when it became a Hot Network Question. I went to the revisions page and noticed that this event is shown as an edit, along with the tweet on Twitter: The ...
user avatar
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Hot Network Questions missing on MathOverflow [duplicate]

I was visiting the Hot Network Questions list, and ended up at But for that specific site, the Hot Network Questions seem to be missing. Is this a bug?
user000001's user avatar
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Are Community Wiki questions able to appear on Hot Network Questions?

Over at Photography Stack Exchange, we have a biweekly photo submission contest on our main site. For awhile, the contest was just posted as a regular question, and in order to counteract the ...
scottbb's user avatar
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"Top Network Askers" bar shows animated user picture

The grand return of Animated profile picture on homepage Apparently, user Snow became a Top Network Asker, getting their avatar to show on main SE page. They also happened to have ...
val - disappointed in SE's user avatar
15 votes
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Can I withdraw my question from Hot Network Questions candidates?

I've had several questions amongst all the website going to Hot Network Questions. But some of those attracted very low quality comments and answers from visitors saying (amongst other things, ...
Olivier Grégoire's user avatar
2 votes
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Do questions make it to the HMP or HNQ?

I found and feel like I used to see Main Meta posts. Did something get lost in the shuffle when HMP was removed/re-instated?
MonkeyZeus's user avatar
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Can a user have more than one "Hot Network Question” (HNQ) concurrently on one given SE site?

I wonder whether a user may have more than one "Hot Network Question” (HNQ) concurrently on one given SE site (i.e., >1 questions posted by the same user are HNQ at the same time in the same ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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HNQ gravatar display bug [duplicate]

I was browsing the HNQs (Hot network questions) when I saw that some of the gravatars had different usernames, but the same gravatar. When investigating further, I found that in fact, they all belong ...
Joe Kerr's user avatar
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Filter HNQ by site [duplicate]

This feature has been requested before, but it was put on ice eight years ago and appears to have been kan-bandoned by SE. I want to filter certain sites (e.g., Politics) from my HNQ.
chrylis -cautiouslyoptimistic-'s user avatar
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Are Code Golf questions overrepresented on the front page?

I regularly scan the Stack Exchange front page for interesting questions. It looks like among all the sites Code Golf has been overrepresented for a long time, and right now it got kind of weird: five ...
l0b0's user avatar
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Should we improve/filter hot question? [duplicate]

We see migrated, close, down voted (more than five down voted) questions are in hot tab. From this scenario many questions arise in mind & See the picture below These types of questions are hot ...
نور's user avatar
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How to see hot network question time of an unedited question? [duplicate]

When a question becomes a hot network question, the time it became such is shown in the edit history of the question. You can replace the last part of the URL with revisions to see. I just came across ...
minseong's user avatar
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How hot? Double hot (bug resurfaced?)

Link From: Very hot network questions found Marked as status-completed Something broke again?
ymb1's user avatar
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Can the main HNQ page be made more mobile aware? [duplicate]

The mobile aware functionality of Stack Exchange has steadily improved over the years and it’s mainly a joy to use. However, when my fat thumbs stumble onto the main HNQ landing page (stackexchange....
user avatar
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Is it possible for the user to disable certain sites from appearing in hot network questions? [duplicate]

I really admire the creativity in some questions from Worldbuilding, but I prefer to not see imaginary questions mixed in with real ones. Is there a way I can remove those, without removing the whole ...
stevec's user avatar
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API method /posts/{ids}/revisions returns "<strong></strong> " for hot questions and hot meta posts

The API seems to return <strong></strong> instead of <b>Became Hot Network Question</b> as the comment field for the revision item in which a post became a HNQ. Here is an ...
double-beep's user avatar
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Hot Network Questions feed shows duplicates for questions that have been renamed

When I subscribe to using I sometimes see questions more than once in my feed. I suspect this is because when questions titles are changed the ...
GranBurguesa's user avatar
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The Stack Exchange homepage doesn't have any questions on it [closed]

Something seems terribly wrong here. All of the questions are missing from the Stack Exchange homepage. What's going on?
AAM111's user avatar
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Does everyone see the same "Hot Network Questions"? [duplicate]

Hot Network Questions are wonderful to discover things one never expected to read about. I was always wondering whether the list seen on the side bar, or the one at
WoJ's user avatar
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