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Allow editing already-submitted “In need of moderator intervention” flag comments

After I submit text for the flagging reason “In need of moderator intervention”, it's not possible to edit it. So my feature-request is: after submitting the "In need of moderator intervention&...
user1176409's user avatar
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Remove the 'resetting any rude or abusive flags' note from the rollback tooltip

The tooltip for the rollback button in a revision history is: sets the current revision to this version of the post, resetting any "rude or abusive" flags However, the 'resetting of red ...
CPlus's user avatar
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23 votes
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Can we make the spam flag description more clear?

Currently, the description of the spam flag reads as follows: Exists only to promote a product or service, does not disclose the author's affiliation. This wording is very confusing because it's ...
Jesse's user avatar
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-23 votes
1 answer

I suggest to do a flag button inside an edit block [duplicate]

There isn't an individual flag for edits: we can't use a special flag relating to someone who edits a post of another user. Now the only way to draw a moderator's attention about someone's edit is to ...
Loviii's user avatar
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-15 votes
1 answer

Temporarily reduce the 5-second rate limit on flagging posts as spam, to allow for quicker flagging on sites overrun with spam

SmokeDetector is currently disabled due to the moderation strike. This means that some specific sites are overrun with spam, and when I go through and flag each of those spam posts, I keep running ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
51 votes
3 answers

Let's award the Marshal badge multiple times to encourage ChatGPT flagging

We un-gamified flagging too early by cutting off the gamified incentive after the first 500 flags; we need to provide more incentive. Let’s encourage more participation in policing the seemingly ...
tchrist's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Stack Exchange needs its own anti-spam system

This is not a duplicate of Should Stack Exchange have a spam filter? (Does it already and I’m not aware?) which is asking if there's already a system in place. I am asking for a review of the existing ...
Tetsujin's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Remove the flag counter from admin panel if there're no flags

On the site admin panel there's a flag count icon displayed as a part of "flags" tab: Could we please remove that icon in the case there're no active flags? i.e. don't show an orange "...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
43 votes
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New flag for ChatGPT answers

Answers generated using ChatGPT are banned on many Stack Exchange sites. This is mainly because they aren't particularly accurate or useful, and are often misleading. Personally, I've spotted a ...
Elements In Space's user avatar
10 votes
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Should we lower the flag count for spam/rude-abusive for brand new users and chat flags?

While we do love our new users - oftentimes spammers are 1 reputation users, simply cause they (clearly) don't get any votes. While I do realise there's potential for abuse - it feels like a lower ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
4 votes
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Add a help-center link to "In need of moderator intervention" in the question flagging menu

In the flagging menu (see bottom for reference), almost every single category has a link to a clarifying help center entry. The only exceptions are: Duplicates (which has a comprehensive submenu ...
ChrisB's user avatar
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-9 votes
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Should any flag on an eventually-deleted post be marked as helpful, even if it was declined by a moderator?

Should we have it be that if a post is deleted, any flag on that post is marked helpful, even if it was declined by a moderator? In other words, say I flag an answer, and the flag is declined by a ...
Starship's user avatar
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Flag to put a closed question in the Reopen queue (just like we have for the Close queue) [duplicate]

A few days ago, I found an interesting question on Music.SE that was closed. I wanted it to be reopened, but I couldn't find any typo or small problem that I can fix with an edit to put it into the ...
mathlander's user avatar
3 votes
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Don't notify all moderators for flags on "move comments to chat" chatroom

Sometimes when there are too many comments under a question or answer, the moderator will move all comments to chat, which means creating a chatroom and moving all comments to that chatroom. If ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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15 votes
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Make the text field for mod flags resizable

The text field for mod flags (for both posts and comments) is too small for the amount of text that can be written in it and it would be useful to have it be resizable (at least the height). This is ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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Change the help center privilege page text for "flag posts" to "flag posts and comments"

The help center page on privileges says "flag posts", but that privilege also includes the privilege to flag comments. I propose changing the text to say "flag posts and comments". ...
starball's user avatar
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Close/NAA/VLQ flags: Helpful/Disputed/Declined outcome change

This is a follow-up to: (Flags) Leave Open ~ Declined, Looks OK ~ Disputed? A long time ago, both types of flags had the same type of behavior. Both would place the post into the respective community ...
user avatar
16 votes
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Clarify what "standard flags" means on "What is Flagging?"

One of the canned responses for a declined flag is: Using standard flags helps us prioritize problems and resolve them faster. Please familiarize yourself with the list of standard flags: see What is ...
Meta Andrew T.'s user avatar
26 votes
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Allow filtering of flags by sub-type in addition to their status

The table on Your flagging history at the moment can be filtered down on the flag-type (post, comment, spam, rude/abusive flags) and within each type on its status (waiting for review, helpful, ...
Adriaan's user avatar
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Include the daily flag limit in the flag dialog

Inspired by this MSO question, I think it would be a good idea if the flag dialog shows the daily limit alongside the number of remaining flags. Currently, the message at the bottom right of the flag ...
41686d6564's user avatar
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Inconsistent wording between list and filter for some flag states

In the flag summary, the filter on the right uses different words for some statuses than the list: "pending" in the list is "waiting for review" in the filter "self-removed&...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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122 votes
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We need a dedicated plagiarism flag

On Stack Overflow, we've suspected the plagiarism rabbit hole was deep... but we've had some users who are plumbing the depths of that pit and finding out that it's far deeper than anyone realized. Up ...
Machavity's user avatar
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Custom comment flags should not auto-delete comments or be automatically marked helpful

Currently, if a user flags a comment with the "Something else" flag option, and that comment matches the regex to be deleted by a single flag, the comment is immediately deleted and the flag ...
Ryan M's user avatar
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Supported Markdown for Flag Text does not Match Supported Comment Markdown

This answer from 2013 states that: flags are now rendered using the same "mini-markdown" renderer used for comments. The help center on comment formatting includes a list of shorthand ...
Henry Ecker's user avatar
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Support Markdown Parsing in Flag Feedback

When I flag something "in need of moderator intervention," I can use similar mini-Markdown as comments which appears correctly rendered when I view my flag history. However, I have received ...
Henry Ecker's user avatar
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Update the post notice for post content hidden in the edit history (displayed for posts flagged as spam/rude/abusive) to mention plagiarism

Could the wording in the post notice which is displayed when the post content is hidden from non-moderators who can see deleted posts (done when there is a helpful spam or rude/abusive flag) be ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Can't mark custom comment flag as helpful after the comment has been deleted automatically

What happened: A user voted to close a question as duplicate, generating an automatic comment "Does this answer your question?" Another user flagged that question with a custom comment flag ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Please reinstate flag option in low quality review queue

In the Low Quality review queue we need a flag option. (Which we used to have not so long ago). A simple example which would have been best as a comment, instead I'd need to leave the review queue, ...
W.O.'s user avatar
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Add a more obvious way to handle non-answers in the First Answers review queue

Let's go through a typical First Answers review of a non-answer from the perspective of a new reviewer. Here's what you see in the queue: It looks to me like I should pick one of those actions on the ...
Ryan M's user avatar
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13 votes
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Can flagging off-topic MSE questions be made easier?

We see lots of questions posted on MSE that aren't anything to do with the running of the network and I habitually have to click a few times to get to the correct reason for flagging. Would it be ...
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2 votes
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Adjust the Help Center text about flagging a question for moderator attention to have it reopened [duplicate]

Currently, the Help Center article about reopening closed questions says: If a moderator (user with a ♦ symbol after their name) closed the question, then you may flag it for moderator attention. ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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-14 votes
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I'd like to see rude/abusive flags raised on my posts

I participate on a site which discusses a lot of science. I got an answer of mine edited and I thought it was because I had compared a certain exoplanet to hell. I just rolled back the edit, then a ...
Senior Wrangler's user avatar
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Improvement to "Our system has identified this post as possible spam" text [duplicate]

While reviewing a post in the Triage queue on SO, I (barely) noticed some text, centered with the article, and very slightly spaced from the question body: Our system has identified this post as ...
user avatar
8 votes
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Implement flagger ranking

We have a ranking for most votes cast, for most posts edited, but there is no ranking for most flags. Can we add another tab to that will show the most avid flaggers? I ...
Dharman's user avatar
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Save custom flag content if dialog is dismissed

UPDATE There's a userscript over on MSO that does the job - just needs the @match headers - by Oleg Valter, using localStorage to save the content while still allowing the dialog to be closed by ...
Ollie's user avatar
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29 votes
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Moderators should be able to reflag spam posts when their spam flag has been cleared

I encountered a spam answer here and flagged it as such. Here is a copy in metasmoke. Later, I noticed that this type of spam isn't noticed by SmokeDetector; one of the reasons is that the domain (...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Can the chat message pop-up be inserted after 5 comment "back and forth" argument strategies?

When users complain about a iffy post, they start suggesting edits and then another user gives an explanation on how that edit suggestion is wrong. The users go back and forth, and then suddenly, when ...
Lynt's user avatar
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-12 votes
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Allow us to see the total flags we have per day

When I want to check how many flags per day, I have to either calculate it (which is frustrating because the number is constantly changing) or wait until either the new day starts or I use up all of ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Please add a flag button or something similar to tags

For questions and answers, you can flag it for moderator attention, but I see no such feature on tags. The fact of the matter is 250 reputation is a lot less than 2500, and a lot of useless tags are ...
Ekadh Singh - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
-9 votes
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Get rid of (or raise) the flag limit for reviewers

First of all, I know I only have 500 reputation points on SO, and I'm new to the reviewers team. Yes. But maybe the best ideas can come when you are new, no? Anyways, as I said I'm new to reviewing, ...
Gugu72's user avatar
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Could we allow for (custom) flagging of our own comments?

While you can flag your own posts (and its sometimes used as a way to get the attention of a moderator), comment flagging on your own comments is disabled. Taking into account that mods can now flag ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
1 vote
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Let moderators know that custom comment flag will not delete the comment

Could we let the moderators know with a brief message that when they flag a comment with the something else flag that it won't be deleted? I know that all the current moderators will know, but future ...
Malachi's user avatar
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Sentence caps for the flags in your flag history

On Stack Overflow, your flag history shows flags you've raised with proper capitalization: Whereas on all other sites, like on Meta, the flags aren't capitalized: That makes it inconsistent, and I ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Add a filter for custom flags in your flag history

In my flag history, there is no filter to view only the "in need of moderator intervention" flags you've raised. I went to find a specific custom flag that had been declined to review it, ...
Ollie's user avatar
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18 votes
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How to "Be precise" without explaining anything

I just flagged a post for custom moderator intervention and I was asked to be precise and detailed in my explanation. And then the box ended with like two tweets length. Seriously? I should be precise ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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Warning stating "some of your recent flags have been declined" is incorrect

When greater than 10% of your flags handled in the last 7 days have been declined you'll get a notice in your flag dialog indicating that some of your recent flags have been declined: Attention: some ...
Nick is tired's user avatar
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Allow moderators to see who dismisses or handles chat flags

Moderators have access to a page which shows recent chat flags from all the rooms on a particular chat server. This is a useful tool, however we cannot see who dismissed any particular flag. With a ...
Rubiksmoose's user avatar
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Can we have the ability to retract a flag on a deleted post? [duplicate]

Can we introduce a way to retract a flag on a deleted post or comment, or on any post, from the "Flags Raised" page? Right now, you have to go to the post to retract your flag, but it might ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Can retracted flags not be viewed in the mod flag count?

Whenever a user raises a flag and then retracts it, this is still shown in the mod dashboard with a handling time of 0 minutes: The flag wasn't really 'handled' so this gives a misrepresentation of ...
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30 votes
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Can we add some more trigger words to the one-flag-comment-delete mechanism?

We just had a rather unsavoury answer on SO from someone distinctly unhappy with the service they received. To put it mildly. In particular, there were these two comments under the post: I've flagged ...
ArtOfCode's user avatar
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