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-7 votes
1 answer

Turn VLQ flags on questions into red flags on selected sites [duplicate]

The very low quality flag is intended to mark posts that are unsalvageable and need to be removed as fast as possible. In the past these flags also had an automatic downvote from the Community user. (...
User that hates AI's user avatar
26 votes
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Allow posts older than 7 days to be flagged as VLQ

I find it strange that we cannot flag posts older than 7 Days as Very Low Quality. I have read this answer from Shog9 and understand the reasonings for why the time limit was implemented in that ...
WhatsThePoint's user avatar
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Can VLQ flags on answers raised by >2k rep users count as recommend-deletion votes instead of behaving like regular flags? [duplicate]

I've crossed 2k rep on a site and I frequently use the VLQ review queues there. However, I've noticed that there's no change in the system's behavior when I raise VLQ flags: my flags are simply sent ...
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2 votes
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Introduce answer-deletion reasons [duplicate]

Proposal When flagging an answer for deletion or voting to delete an answer, users are opted to select a reason for deletion from a list or enter a custom reason (much like when flagging/voting to ...
Wrzlprmft's user avatar
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21 votes
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Do not hide VLQ flag option from users who already flagged and may wish to retract

System hides an option to flag Very Low Quality in few cases, namely when post is: in Triage or Close review queue older than 7 days of positive score Because of that users who already flagged it ...
gnat's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Can we implement the low quality flags to delete posts after a certain number of flags?

Can we implement the low quality flag to be like the abuse or spam flags. So if a certain number of low quality flags are made (say 6) on a post (whether it be a questions or an answer) the post is ...
user avatar
12 votes
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Explain missing VLQ flag in the UI

As explained in Meta.SE question Where is very low quality Flag, the VLQ flag can be missing from available flags if the question is already undergoing triage, and this is by design. While it makes ...
Xan's user avatar
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Two feature proposals about flags vs. review votes

This feature request has first been part of my question here. Currently I can either flag a post as Not An Answer or Very Low Quality from the main site, or I can review it Looks Ok or Recommend ...
Byte Commander's user avatar
23 votes
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Rename "Very low quality" in "unintelligible"

This flag reason is rarely used properly. I remember explaining to basically every single highly active user in our chat what it is about. When relying on the UI, all of them had gotten it wrong. ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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123 votes
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Community should not autodownvote "low quality" autoflags cleared by edits

Consider: User posts an answer. Community autoflags it as "low quality (auto)." (This is frequently a false positive.) User edits answer after 5-minute grace period. (Or perhaps someone else edits ...
Doorknob's user avatar
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59 votes
2 answers

Community downvotes posts that were just fixed

If a post has a low quality score flag on it, it's automatically dismissed as helpful if a user edits it, which results in an automatic Community downvote. I understand (kind of) adding a downvote if ...
Michael Mrozek's user avatar
13 votes
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Recognize edits that happened after the VLQ flag but during grace period as flag-validating ones

This feature request is posted as a follow-up to discussion in comments related to flagging very low quality "drafts" of fastest gun answers: edits to a post flagged as Very Low Quality will ...
gnat's user avatar
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9 votes
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Edits in the Low Quality Posts queue clear out the flag and don't generate any dispute flag

I just ran across this answer (10k only) in the flags queue. I was slightly confused when I first saw it, because the "not an answer" reason was greyed out, which means the first flag had been ...
animuson's user avatar
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41 votes
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Improving the System to Deal with Bad Answers

When someone asks a bad question, the closed question system is designed to have three goals: Prevent bad questions from causing harm as-is Allow time for editing/improvement of the question Auto-...
jmac's user avatar
  • 23.1k
43 votes
3 answers

Unify “not an answer” and “very low quality” in a single “delete” flag

The “not an answer” flag on answers is meant to be used when This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, another question,...
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar

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