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Questions tagged [chat-flags]

For questions about chat flags, which can be used on the chat servers to report inappropriate messages and have high-rep users and moderators deal with them.

8 votes
0 answers

How should I handle a valid chat flag when a suspension isn't warranted?

I've already read through A guide to moderating chat, and this isn't covered there. For example, a user might post something slightly over the line that ought to go, but has now returned to productive ...
cocomac's user avatar
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Don't notify all moderators for flags on "move comments to chat" chatroom

Sometimes when there are too many comments under a question or answer, the moderator will move all comments to chat, which means creating a chatroom and moving all comments to that chatroom. If ...
D.W.'s user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can you appeal accidental chat suspensions?

I recently was accidentally suspended in the Winter Bash chat (about two weeks ago). The reason for the suspension was that another user flagged my comment (I requested deletion as it had a spoiler ...
Redz's user avatar
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Keep the "flag for moderator" window opened when the user clicks on OK with an empty input text field and/or have some error/warning message

Since clicking on OK in the “flag for moderator” window with an empty input text field doesn't raise any flag, it'd be more user-friendly to keep the "flag for moderator" window opened after the user ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
12 votes
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Does clicking on OK in the "flag for moderator" window with an empty input text field raise any flag?

Does clicking on OK in the "flag for moderator" window with an empty input text field raise any flag?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
15 votes
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Why did Feeds delete my chat message?

I posted a message in Charcoal HQ today (to add a new website to SmokeDetector's watchlist) and while it was acknowledged by the bot, it was promptly deleted. The message history says it was deleted ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Let me skip flags I'm unsure about in chat

I clicked on "not sure" on a chat flag because it was in Russian, which I don't speak, then tried to see the next (it indicated that there were 5), but it just showed a "show all" box. When I clicked ...
Stormblessed's user avatar
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How do I check if a chat flag has been reviewed?

How do I check if a flag I’ve done in chat has been reviewed? If I wasn’t busy at the time I flagged, I would have hung around and see if extra users came into the chat, but I was busy.
Andrew Grimm's user avatar
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26 votes
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Clarifications for suspensions in chat

Just now, I was suspended from MSE chat. I was told not to bring up certain topics and was silenced for 30 seconds, so I accepted this and refrained from discussing the topic. Shortly after that as ...
forest distrusts StackExchange's user avatar
10 votes
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Flagging a message by a moderator resulted in a suspension from another moderator [closed]

What can a person do if they flagged a chat message posted by a moderator that is spam, inappropriate, and/or offensive, and then another moderator suspends that person that flagged the original ...
Jenna Sloan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How can messages in a chat transcript be flagged? [duplicate]

For messages in chat, clicking on the drop-down icon will allow rude or abusive messages to be flagged. I've noticed that messages in a transcript can no longer be flagged. I seem to recall that it ...
forest distrusts StackExchange's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What is the correct chat flag to flag "unfriendly" messages?

During the new update to comment flags, a new option "It's unfriendly or unkind" was added. This is different from the "It contains harassment, bigotry, or abuse." comment flag. As ...
Nog Shine's user avatar
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If clicking "show all" doesn't remove my uncertainty then it shouldn't remove my ability to declare my uncertainty

Users with 10,000 reputation are shown chat flags from across the network. The flag first appears as a blue number in the bottom corner of the chatroom. Wen you click on the number you are presented ...
Alex's user avatar
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How should we deal with flags for chat messages for rooms that are in a different language? [duplicate]

I've posted an answer touching on this before at Let me opt out of viewing chat flags: Here's the problem: I am mostly in The Bridge, the gaming chat. I see chat flags from the Russian, Chinese, ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Should "is this offensive?" chat flags about non-English messages be sent to language-speakers somehow?

I don't speak Russian, and probably many users don't. Should there be some way to send flagged messages in chat that need to be reviewed and aren't in English preferentially to users who are more ...
uhoh's user avatar
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