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Questions tagged [design]

For questions regarding the design of the Stack Exchange websites; e.g., for issues with the layout.

696 votes
147 answers

Help us test the shiny new "User Activity" page! (Plus a bunch of new features.) [duplicate]

We've launched! Please give feedback here. Today, we're shipping the new "Activity Page" of the Profile here on Meta SE, so you can test it out and hopefully share some feedback and ...
Jaydles's user avatar
  • 52.7k
333 votes
15 answers

Dark Mode for Stack Exchange sites

Each Stack Exchange site should provide users the option of using a dark mode design/theme. Why is this feature missing?
mrt181's user avatar
  • 5,415
317 votes
38 answers

Goodbye, Prettify. Hello highlight.js! Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter

Update 2020-09-24 This is now live network-wide. Update This is now live on Meta Stack Exchange and Meta Stack Overflow. Any bugs and feedback can be posted here as an answer. I’m Ben and I’m a dev ...
Ben Kelly's user avatar
  • 5,407
311 votes
10 answers

Please revert the line-height change!

Just checking how many people feel similar. At least for me, the increased space between lines makes it a nightmare to read. My eyes lack guidance and just feel somehow lost with so much white space. ...
MaxD's user avatar
  • 1,620
258 votes
28 answers

Let’s improve our site navigation

A Release Candidate has been announced A.k.a. the 2015 Questions to Answer Refactoring Konversion (QuARK) A.k.a. the great cheese move of 2015. TL:DR; we are looking to change the navigation of ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
  • 36.3k
244 votes
20 answers

<kbd> elements are way too intrusive [closed]

<kbd> is a great way to mark up text to be entered. But when you use it on Stack Exchange sites, it's really difficult to read. For instance, say I typed this sentence by starting with a Shift+F,...
239 votes
13 answers

Feedback Requested: Design-Independent Graduation

Last month's announcement about our updated criteria for graduation and site closure sparked some solid examination into the intended nature of public beta and graduation. One thing these discussions ...
Ana's user avatar
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222 votes
3 answers

Stack Overflow T-shirt, 3rd anniversary edition [closed]

I was talking to Jarrod the other night about the early days of Stack Overflow. I then realized SO came out of private Beta three years ago. What better way to celebrate this milestone than making a T-...
Jin's user avatar
  • 9,551
189 votes
12 answers

All tag labels suddenly appear in bold font

On all the sites, the tag names started appearing bold in the last 15 or so minutes. Looks rather garish. Is this some new un-announced feature release? For example: One of the worst affected pieces ...
Dan Mašek's user avatar
182 votes
6 answers

Allow the <small> tag

Can the <small> HTML tag be allowed and properly styled? Currently people wanting to write something small use either sup or sub which achieves a similar effect, but using it for small text is: ...
Andreas Bonini's user avatar
181 votes
11 answers

Colors update: A more detailed look

A few months ago, we let you all know that in order to progress our goal of being more accessible, we would need to redefine our colors within our design system, Stacks. Before I walk you through the ...
Piper's user avatar
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169 votes
0 answers

Please revert the new question list style change [duplicate]

For many years, the question list view was such that you could easily move your eyes up and down along a column of numbers with the same meaning. Now the numbers are not aligned, the text is small and ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 26.8k
156 votes
60 answers

We are switching to system fonts on May 10, 2021

Update 3 - The changes from round 2 are live, but with one notable exception: On Linux, we spec’d “Liberation Sans” and “Liberation Mono”. Did some digging on that PR and installed a few Linux VMs and ...
Aaron Shekey's user avatar
  • 14.8k
150 votes
31 answers

Ch-ch-ch-changes: Left nav, responsive design, & themes

Thanks everyone for your feedback. The team has responded to feedback in the post Left nav, responsive design, and theming next steps . Check it out. Ch-ch-ch-changes are coming. As you've ...
Joe Friend's user avatar
  • 16.5k
144 votes
4 answers

Why do some questions in question lists have a yellow background? [duplicate]

On SO, when I'm scrolling through "questions" some have a yellow background. Is this intuitive to everyone but me? What is the yellow background trying to tell me about this particular question?
Kurt W. Leucht's user avatar

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