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Questions tagged [graduating-sites]

For questions about the process of site graduation, which is when a site moves from the beta stage (where a site's scope is defined and the user base is grown) to a full-blown member of the Stack Exchange network. For graduated sites themselves, use the tag [full-sites].

3 votes
1 answer

Why didn't CS50 (a Beta SE site) graduate?

I hope this doesn't open Pandora's Box regarding public beta site graduation. I read several posts on the topic and realize it has generated a lot of discussion. Let's break up with "Graduation&...
kcw78's user avatar
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3 answers

How should a newly graduated site decide when to request reputation threshold changes?

SE site graduation used to involve a bunch of things happening at the same time: removal of the "beta" label, a shiny new design, privilege thresholds increasing from beta levels, inaugural ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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Are all undesigned graduated sites getting their design? [duplicate]

As of recently SE has hired new developers to make site designs it appears: Bitcoin Ethereum Others? There are many more sites that have lost their beta labels, and graduated since SE stopped ...
Luuklag's user avatar
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8 votes
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Remove/Re-think "How to Ask Questions in Private Beta" page on communities no longer in beta [duplicate]

Please review the help page at /help/how-to-ask-beta for all communities that are no longer in beta status. This will lead to reader confusion. I think the right panel link (which is available from /...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Area 51 reps and badge counts are still being updated for sites that graduated in 2019 or 2021

I have just noticed that the reputation statistics and the badge counts for users of sites that graduated in 2019 or December 2021 are still being updated, even though the other data are frozen. My ...
Tsundoku's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Our site just graduated/launched/left beta! Do we need to do anything?

A bunch of sites on the network are graduating and losing the "beta" designation. This also enables more features like establishing migration paths and community ads. As a mod on a newly ...
luser droog's user avatar
218 votes
11 answers

Congratulations to the 59 sites that just left Beta

This is an exciting day for all of us who work on community here, and for the communities that have given thousands of hours of their time to build sites on the Stack Exchange network. Today, we are ...
Rosie's user avatar
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How to best leverage the Community Ads feature for maximum contribution?

The beta community that I moderate may be up for maturation in 2022 -- which would allow for "Community Ads". I am very excited to gain this feature because it represents a real opportunity ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Inconsistency in displaying the results of elections on sites after their first election?

The election results for Physical Fitness SE show only one user: Two other users ran in the election and presumably were not added to the list in the above screenshot, because they already had their ♦...
user1271772's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

When will a graduated site get a theme or custom branding?

I'm hesitating to ask this question because we have been asked for years to be patient. And I think we have been. But for the last one/two years I can no longer find any updates on that matter. It's ...
q9f's user avatar
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7 votes
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Redundant links in [site]/help/asking [duplicate]

I haven't checked on every graduated site but both Super User and Stack Overflow have a redundant link in the site "Asking" help centre page ([site]/help/asking): On both these sites there ...
DavidPostill's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Exact dates of stages before launch of a website [duplicate]

Is it possible to know the exact dates at which Stack Exchange websites have passed each of the development stages before being launched officially? I refer to date of proposal, date of commitment, ...
jacb's user avatar
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Add launch date to Area 51 proposal page

Currently, the launch date of a site is only shown as a relative timestamp. That's fine if this happened recently, but for example Bitcoin's page says the site was launched "1 year ago". That's rather ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Is there a way to know the new launched sites over the years?

Stack Exchange now has more than 170 sites. Is there a way to know when those sites were launched? I know I can download all dumps and figure it out, but is there any cheaper way to do so?
Wang Shaowei's user avatar
24 votes
1 answer

What is the state of the new site designs promised after the redesign?

Last year, Jon Ericson wrote in an announcement about the completion of the responsive design rollout: We'll continue fixing bugs and starting in 2019 we'll be working on designs for sites with the ...
User that hates AI's user avatar

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