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Questions tagged [community-vp-questions]

Questions from the current VP of Community, Philippe, to the Stack Exchange user community, as part of an effort to understand its opinions, wants, and thoughts in general.

-25 votes
16 answers

Let's talk about (community) health

In my team, we spend a lot of time thinking about the nebulously defined concept of "community health". It seems to be one of those things that everyone knows is important, but nobody can ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
28 votes
13 answers

What we really need to know to understand your community

Obviously, being there and seeing for myself is ideal, but with a network as big as ours, that’s not always possible. So please tell me: what’s one thing that you think it's critical to know, in ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
35 votes
4 answers

Your input: (Non-engineering) priorities for the community team

As you probably know, we're in the midst of planning for 2022, org-wide. One of the challenges that we've long had on the Community Team is that while it's (relatively) easy to get wish lists for ...
Philippe's user avatar
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41 votes
16 answers

The Skills of Great mods

I'm spending a lot of time thinking about mods, mod tools, and the critical skills that great mods have in common. Can you tell me about a time a mod did something that struck you as really ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
33 votes
18 answers

What's one thing that you wish we remembered?

Twice this week, I heard some permutation on the phrase "if only [they (mods, staff)] knew that we...." In the first case, it was "if only the staff knew how much time we spend on sock ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
26 votes
16 answers

What makes a community healthy?

Continuing my series of questions to the community here: Shifting back to community theory a bit, because I’m a geek that way… How do you define a healthy community? By the standard that you just ...
Philippe's user avatar
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47 votes
30 answers

What's the best of Stack?

Continuing with my series of questions to you - I've got one that's a bit lighter this week. We spent last week firing up our magic wand and changing things. This time, let's celebrate what exists. I ...
Philippe's user avatar
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68 votes
46 answers

Magic wand time - what does your community need?

Continuing in my series of questions to you: Last week, I heard some great origin stories. This week, I’d like to refocus a bit on what could be better (in your view). I’m very curious about whether ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k
21 votes
40 answers

How'd you get started?

OK, it feels like this is tapering off a little, so I'm going to do the same thing as last week ... I'll still check in here and read, but I'm probably not going to post much more here. The next ...
Philippe's user avatar
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90 votes
31 answers

What should we be looking to change and what is inviolable?

Updated note (with the original post still below the line)- Thank you, very much, for the time you've spent answering these questions. I learned a ton. In fact, as I've hinted below, I'd like to do ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 21k