When trying to see changes in the Winter Bash (WB) Network-wide leaderboard, I found no changes during several hours. No hats attributed at all. What was the reason for this bug?

I should have received the “I voted” hat on Unix & Linux (voted at: 03:06 PM UTC) and on Photography (voted at: 07:51 PM UTC).

Then I found out that the leaderboard doesn’t update and was following its output

737,171 users from around the network have earned a total of 902,906 hats!

Checked at 08:25 PM UTC Again at 09:06 PM UTC

737,169 users from around the network have earned a total of 902,902 hats! Checked at 22:49 PM UTC looks like 2 user were removed (incl. 4 hats)

737,167 users from around the network have earned a total of 902,898 hats! Checked at 23:57 PM UTC looks like 2 user were removed (incl. 4 hats)

737,164 users from around the network have earned a total of 902,895 hats! Checked at 01:09 AM UTC looks like 3 user were removed (incl. 3 hats)

737,163 users from around the network have earned a total of 902,894 hats! Checked at 01:44AM UTC looks like 1 user were removed (incl. 1 hats)

737,162 users from around the network have earned a total of 902,893 hats! Checked at 02:55AM UTC looks like 1 user were removed (incl. 1 hats)

Does this mean eventually triggered hats got lost? Did WB stop due last year's 2nd of January end date (not updated)? Are hats which should have been earned recoverable?

  • 2
    I asked my first questions during WB on Stack Overflow and Code Golf, both were positively received, I commented several times, and on CG it was my first post, and yet I got ZERO hats...
    – user1091571
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 1:49
  • I also didn't get I voted(after testing). How did you get the data?
    – Wolgwang
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 2:58
  • 1
    @Wolgwang On the Network Wide leaderboard Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 2:59
  • 5
    Weirdly, the number of hats went up by about 20 since the last edit... Not really what I would expect as making up for the time it wasn't doing anything. It's more likely that the process is either timing out or otherwise failing for some reason.
    – animuson StaffMod
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 6:56
  • @animuson Realized that too, but now it needs to be fixed, since New Moon's could be awarded already. Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 7:53
  • 2
    Fixed by Yaakov Ellis.
    – Wolgwang
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 8:59

1 Answer 1


Yes, the hat awards were hung for about 12 hours network-wide. I have run it manually a few times, trying to figure out some timeout issues with it (but limited with how much I can fix over the weekend).

  • 1
    thank you for fixing it on a Sunday !
    – Vickel
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 14:33

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