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  • You may also want to take a look at the Stack Exchange's Sandbox chat room

  • This site, Meta Stack Exchange, is usually used as a "test bed" for pending changes happening to the way text is rendered on all network sites. Changes to text rendering that are going to be rolled out to the network are usually deployed here first to test them out and fix any potential glitches. Currently, there are no such changes pending, but if there were, keep in mind that text posted here may render differently from the other sites until the changes roll out to them as well.

As per Jeff's suggestion in this comment:

You can use this question as a formatting sandbox. You can:

  • edit this question itself (Community Wiki questions such as this one require only 100 reputation to edit instead of 2,000)
  • post answers to this question (This question might be protected, requiring earning 10 reputation on this site to answer)
  • post comments to this question or its answers
  • test suspected bugs with the editor or the rendering
  • post ponies (only when mods are asleep)

Beware that since the changes to syntax highlighting in December 2010, and the inline hints added in March 2011, no syntax highlighting is applied unless the question's tags or an inline hint enable it. So, to test highlighting here in the sandbox:

  1. As of January 8, 2019, you can use GitHub-flavor fenced code blocks in your posts, specifying the language after the opening fence:

    While not hinted otherwise: <html></html> source <b>goes</b> "here".
    var a = 3;
    while (not (a > 0)) {
        alert("JavaScript code <b>goes</b> here.");
  2. Or:

    • Create code blocks in any way (using the fence notation above, the four-space indent form, or using HTML <pre><code> tags).

    • Save your post!

    • Use your browser's developer tools to edit the resulting HTML. To open developer tools, press F12, or ⌥⌘ I on Mac.

    • Find the <pre> element and add the attribute class="prettyprint", or change it into one of the valid syntax hints linked above, like class="lang-vb prettyprint".

    • Run the following in the location bar: javascript:prettyPrint(); or prettyPrint() in the console.

Answers that are considered annoying or obnoxious, or that cause breakage for users, will be deleted. This is codified as a policy as of March 29, 2018.

  • <```>test Commented Oct 30, 2023 at 1:26
  • @TheEmptyStringPhotographer stop trolling!!! Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 14:54
  • @ShadowWizardIsSadAndAngry wait, how did you ping me? Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 15:09
  • @TheEmpty see here. (TL;DR: anyone who edited can be pinged) Commented Nov 10, 2023 at 16:44

290 Answers 290

6 7 8

Testing an issue with link formatting:

What are tag synonyms and merged tags? How do they work?


Note that this is rendered differently in "edit" vs. "view" mode.

View mode:

enter image description here

Edit mode:

enter image description here


"https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/70710/what-are-tag-synonyms-and-merged-tags-how-do-they-work — Quotes just at the start break the link.

https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/70710/what-are-tag-synonyms-and-merged-tags-how-do-they-work" — Quotes just at the end do not break the link.

Road class Syntax explanation
European road E-[0-9]<2-3>
Motorway (Autopista) AP-[0-9]<1-2>
Expressway (Autovía) A-[0-9]<1-2>
Radial motorway R[1-5]
National road (Carretera Nacional) N-`Roman`{a};N-[0-9]<3>{a}
Regional road (Carretera Comarcal) C-[0-9]<3-4>{a}
Community road see region table

Markdown line break directly after an URL with a path:

Foo http://example.com/test.\

Foo http://example.com/test.\ Bar

Foo http://example.com/test. \

Foo http://example.com/test.




Something for me to edit. I need more characters. Hi. This is text that I'm adding. Hiiiii. Hi again Test. Another thing.


Testing for the truck hat.

More words since body requires 30 characters.


To create a link, use text here

This is that


<\!--> <file_check type="TEST" option="Test"> 1 </file_check>


[draft for something else.]

Note: This question is off-topic for Stack Overflow. See How to download video with blob url? on Super User instead.


first line second line

first line

second line

first line
second line

first line with two spaces at the end
second line


The Question.

In July 2015, the insert image feature of the toolbar of the Stack Exchange markdown editor was changed (shortcut Ctrl+G, displayed as the icon "toolbar button to insert image" ).

The behavior since then has been to make the image clickable by default - by adding an extra link to the image itself.1, 2

But the official help pages - Meta Stack Exchange markdown formatting help on how "images can be added primarily by using the the editor toolbar button "toolbar button to insert image"
" (see Images at the bottom of the page) and Meta Stack Overflow markdown editing help on images - have still not been updated to reflect this change (now more than five years later).

Shortly after I posted this question/request, a moderator and Senior Product Support Specialist wrote in a comment that the syntax for images was not changed and is still the same, concluding the syntax in the help pages is correct. - Which indeed is true if you take on a very narrow fail-of-conformity attitude concerning what help and guidance is needed to settle whether a suggested edit should be accepted or rejected.

Let me use a pilot case to explain why I think that a well-thought-out update of the help pages would benefit us all. To see the revision history of the question I have in mind, click on the image below, possibly holding down Ctrl+Shift (if you want it to open in a new tab).

Revision history of question Converting a POSTMAN request to Curl.

If you study the revisions of that question, you will notice that edit number 2 was rolled back. The editor who rolled it back commented: @Henke That edit has made the post worse.

Just to be clear - I completely agree that rolling back the edit was the right thing to do. But the question remains: on what grounds? Just referring to gut feeling? Or by saying the edit made the post worse? Without any further references this is simply not good enough or acceptable as a motivation. Out of respect for both the editor and the reviewers we must be capable of doing better than that!

Let me for a moment put myself in the shoes of the editor/reviewers of the edit that made the image non-clickable. Suppose I go to one of the help pages, such as the Meta Stack Exchange help about adding images. The current content about images is shown below.3

Meta Stack Exchange help on how to add an image

If the editor in this case did their homework and read the help page, they would conclude that an image can be input similarly to adding a link by using the suggested syntax:4
![sample image](https://example.com/img.jpg)
Judging from this help page neither the editor nor the reviewers did anything wrong!

Why on earth would they look any further? In my mind this is exactly how a help page is supposed to work. You look up whatever information you need and apply whatever syntax you find there. Bear in mind that a first-time reader might not even consider that an image could be clickable.

I have taken the liberty of supplying an answer of my own, so that you can vote it up or down however you like.5

When can we expect the help pages to be updated?

From now on, the image uploader automatically wraps images in a link to themselves
Meta Stack Exchange help on how to add an image via "toolbar button to insert image"
Meta Stack Overflow Markdown Editing Help: Images
The recommended syntax for an image with a link
Extra square brackets and numbers when using automated link or add picture feature in ...
Why does the images index on Stack Overflow appear twice?

1 The previous default behavior was to just display the image - without any click link.
2 If you are curious to learn more about how this works, see the reference list. - Or simply click the Edit feature of this question and start reading the markdown code. I have included a few different styles and methods on how to make an image clickable or non-clickable.
3 If you find it difficult to read the text in the image, click on it, and then on the back arrow of your web browser.
4 Of course, this syntax will not result in a clickable image.
5 There is nothing personal about these downvotes. It is just an elegant way of finding out the opinion of the community as a whole.


const words = ['save', 'hello', 'world', 'save'];
_.forEach(_.filter(words, elem => { return elem==='save' }),
  word => { console.log(word+' '); });
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.19/lodash.js"></script>

#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Global $timeout = 3


Func example_1()
    Local $returnValue = MsgBox($MB_YESNO, "Example", "Press a button :-)")

    If $returnValue = $IDYES Then
        MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "You pressed Yes!", $timeout)
        MsgBox($MB_OK, "Ok", "You pressed No!", $timeout)
EndFunc   ;==>example_1

Func example_2()

    Switch MsgBox($MB_YESNOCANCEL, "Example", "Press a button :-)")
        Case $IDYES
            MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "You pressed Yes!", $timeout)
        Case $IDNO
            MsgBox($MB_OK, "OK", "You pressed No!", $timeout)
        Case $IDCANCEL
            MsgBox($MB_OK, "Cancel", "You pressed Cancal!", $timeout)
EndFunc   ;==>example_2

Footnotes are weird

testaabbc [^1]

test2 ^2

test 3 3

[^1]: The URL is https://www.google.com


Testing Rollbacks

Just a test answer to get my hands on rollbacks. Edit 1111 Edit 2222


But what if, hear me `out, I just place

a backtick and

let it do whatever`?

Because inline is fine, but if it's multiline, does it disallow blanks?

what if a paragraph is awkwardly placed?

what about inline single, double, triple?


this is also 
    a part of the block

testing some testz



This is a test for a crude markdown "parser" (which is really more of an identifier than anything else, but I have a lot of edge-cases to test). Though using a unit test would make this easier, wouldn't it?

This is plain text. This is plain text after a newline.

This is plain text after a blank line. This is not a code block

This is a code block

And here's some text

and another block

Followed by text

And here's even more text

 ... and (you guessed it)
another block
std::cout << "Followed by backticks" << std::endl;
print("Immediately followed by another block")

With an inline triple start, followed by double and single, and some random bold, because why not?

also a link (inline), and another link that's named.

This is not an image

And neither is this

... but pretends to be one on a TV show.:tm:


One column table |C| |-| |1|


Is this the only sentence?


I can't type Hi, in the beginning!

  Epcot Center  

Epcot is a theme park at Walt Disney World Resort featuring exciting attractions, international pavilions, award-winning fireworks and seasonal special events.

Id Value
7E38AD4A-4C6E-40D9-B805-08C1F4EE14D0 1,370
E48A0A4A-6E6C-41A8-B379-0E14452938C6 1,200
  • code
  •  full line code
  1. code
  2. full line code


Raw links

Formatting Sandbox
Formatting Sandbox

Links + Markown

Normal Italic Bold Inline code Keyboard (style wrapping link) Keyboard (link wrapping style)

Blockquote (HTML "A" tag)

Blockquote (Markdown "[text][1]")

HTML <pre> is nessesary for code block. Weirdly enough they doesn't have the same color (at least in the preview):

Code block (HTML "A" tag)

Code block (Markdown "[text][1]")

Code Snippets works ! (Doesn't work with Markdown "[text][1]")

"Special" links:

Top of the page
Bottom of the page


Enter ↲

6 7 8

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