Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The USS Trosper was an Oberth-class Federation science vessel in service to Starfleet in the 24th century.

Service history[]

As of 2369, the Trosper was assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. That year, they responded to a distress call from planet Drema IV. (SCE eBook: Progress)


The Trosper alongside the USS Farragut at Veridian III.

The Trosper was one of the first three starships to arrive at Veridian III following the crash of the USS Enterprise-D in 2371. It was their crew that discovered the visual signal being broadcast by a microtransmitter from Geordi La Forge's VISOR, which had been used by Lursa and B'Etor to penetrate the Enterprise's shields. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: The Insolence of Office; TNG movie: Star Trek Generations)

Crew Manifest[]



Oberth-class starships
various configurations Aamot* • Achilles • Alacrity • Aldrin • Andromede • Armstrong • Banting • Barracuda • Biko • Bonestell • Broadsword • Carter • Carver • Cavalier • Cochrane • Copernicus • Cortes • Drake • Faraday • Freedom • Fu Po • Garneau • Gato • Hawking • Intrepid II • Jacequai • Jonathan Levy • Khartoum • Khyber • Lagrange • Lake • Manatee • Martynov • Montgomery • Moray • Narwhal • Oberth • Osiris • Pegasus (2285) • Pegasus (2358) • Pegasus (Late 24th century) • Raman • Rio Branco • Sandhusky • Seadragon • Shepherd • Smallwood* • Stingray • Sun Yat Sen • Surak • Sybil • Tinian • Tobias • Trosper • Trump • Tudor • Vico • Yosemite • Yung Sheng
(*simulated and/or fictional)
Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
2340s configuration Al-Batani • Alexandria • Angelou • Billings • Burton • Challenger • Chicago • Curie • Dauntless • Eliel • Ervolina • Gallico • Hanley • Kahlo • Le Guin • Legionnaire • Lionheart • Mikita • Nimble • Nova • Oyama • Resolute • Riegel • Rue • Sentinel • Silversides • Strother • Valorous • Walters
Clarke-subclass Benjamin Franklin • Clarke • Salutaris (civilian medical vessel) Gagarin-subclass Chaffee • Gagarin • Grissom
Sagan-class Carson • Cochrane • Corby • Crater • Daystrom • Einstein • Fermi • Lowell • Meade • Mendeleyev • Sagan • Shoonedev • Skoatar • Surishian • T'mirea • Tsiolkovsky • V'Ryugenn


The Trosper was named in honor of Jennifer Trosper, mission manager for the Spirit rover of the early-21st century Mars Exploration Rover mission. While this wasn't established "in-universe" within the narrative of the SCE eBook: Progress, this information formed part of the book's acknowledgements.

External link[]
