Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Titan.

The USS Titan (NCC-2752) was a 23rd century Federation starship, an Andorian designed and built mark II-rated Loknar-class frigate in Starfleet service around the 2250s[2] decade.

Service history and disposition[]

Like the Loknar sister ships, the Andorians conceived of the Titan as a warship and the vessel was deployed by Starfleet in the Four Years War.

Active service[]

USS Arkadelphia

In the Four Years War.

Some, but not all, Loknar-class frigates were crewed by Andorians, becoming part of the Blue Fleet, and saw action in the Four Years War, an armed conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

The Titan was commissioned as a Mark II frigate on reference stardate 1/9803. It was constructed either at the Salazaar Shipyard or Sol facilities by the Andorians. The Titan survived the Four Years War. On reference stardate 2/1402, the Titan underwent a refit to Mk IV specifications, improving its weaponry and power systems. Following a refit to the Mk V configuration on reference stardate 2/1810, the Titan became one of the latest Loknar-class models. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)

Legacy and name[]


The Saturnian moon Titan.

Starfleet named its Loknar-class frigates after cities and provinces of the Federation. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual)

Titan was a moon of Saturn, the sixth planet of the Sol star system. (TNG episode: "The First Duty")

Also sharing the name was the Titan V rocket. In the 21st century, the Titan V was the rocket that launched the first Human warp-capable ship, the Phoenix, into Earth's orbit in the year 2063. (TNG movie & novelization: Star Trek: First Contact)

At some point before the Loknar-class USS Titan, a teardrop-shaped starship named Titan had seen service. (LD episode: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")


Model of the Titan in 2381.

By the 24th century, Starfleet had commissioned a new ship named Titan. This USS Titan was a Luna-class starship. Captain William T. Riker kept gold models of ships called Titan in the observation lounge. Around stardate 58001.2 in the year 2381, these included the Titan V missile, the teardrop-shaped Titan and the Loknar-class USS Titan. (LD episode: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")



Ships named Titan
Federation icon image. USS Titan (NCC-1777, Shangri-La-class) • USS Titan (NCC-2752, Loknar-class) • USS Titan (Defiant-class) • USS Titan (Prometheus-class) • USS Titan (NCC-80102, Luna-class) • USS Titan (NCC-80102-A, Constitution III class) • USS Titan (NCC-98100, Titan-class) • see also: Titan-class Federation Starfleet icon image.
Loknar-class class VIII-class X frigate starships
Mark I Ahkeil • Aldebaran • Alondra • Antares • Antos IV • Arcannis • Argelia • Argus City • Aurelia • Berlin • Borga • Boridi • Carinae II • Carinae V • Chicago • Corinth IV • Daran V • Deneb Clar • Ekos • Elas • Epcot • Farside • Gaikos • Halk • Ilyra • Kosk • Loknar • Los Angeles • Makusia • Mjorn • Mordensia • Morgan City • Moscow • New America • New York • Opkapi • Paris • Peking • Proxima • Rome • Sydney • Tokyo • Trantis • Troyius • Vernol • Yonada UFP emblem. Emblem of Starfleet.
Mark II Alpha Colony • Altair VI • Capor Bana • Dallas • Deneva Ra • Helios • Houston • Irilia • Izar • Karrik Al Van • Lactra • Lavinius • London • Ptarth • Rhea • Rio de Janeiro • Thefel • Titan Mark III Ariannus
Mark IV Bondorant • Cairo • Coridan • Cygni Minor • Drox • Fall Den • Garros • Iotia • Janus Colony • Johannesburg • Luna • Mantilles • Molens • New Delphi • Noma Ra Den • Phobos • Que Dane • Salos • Sogon • Stockholm • Thuphylla • Toronto • Trifis • Tryla • Vladivostok
Mark V Arkadelphia • Caitos Prea • Hobbiton • Hong Kong • Jezar • Kism • Mulandra • Tog other ships Akhiel
captured by Klingons Staav'eMara Emblem of the Klingon Empire.

Appearances and references[]


External link[]
