Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Yellow dwarf star.

UFC-113 (also known as Gamma Zeta 4) was a yellow dwarf star located in the Regulan system in the space of the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.

History and specifics[]

The UFC-113 star was orbited by a number of planets, including the fourth planet, M-113, which was home to Species M-113, a humanoid civilization that died out in the 23rd century. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation)

Template image. This article is a stub relating to a star or star system. You can help our database by expanding on it.

System makeup[]

UFC-113 star's orbit



UFC objects
UFC 113 • UFC 512 • UFC 522 • UFC 611 • UFC 892 • UFC 8177 • UFC 9364 • UFC 78856 • UFC 465537 • UFC 257704 the Galaxy icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (U)
Udarian • UFC 522 • UFC 611 • UFC 892 • UFC 8177 • UFC 9364 • UFC 78856 • UFC 257704 • Ukeb • Ukdah • Uldok • Uleb • Ulira • Ulkeus • Ullion • Ulra • Ulrex • Ultara • Umeb • Unara • Uneus • Unevra • Un'rok • Untra • Unuk • Un'vadi • Upsilon Xi • Ural • Uralla • Ura'tek • Urem • Ureus • Uribella • Urisa • Urhaasi • Uronian • Ursanis • Ursula Maelstrom • Urunka • Ur'vadi • Urwyzden • Usheb • Ushi • Usteb • Utheus • Ux'tara • Uzura • Uzvada Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (U) UFC 512 • Ultima Thule • Umoth • Unefra • Upsilon Andromedae • Upsilon Aquarii Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (U) UFC 113 • UFC 465537 • Umbrios • Una • Unroth • Ustullan Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (G)
Gabora • Gaelon • Gakora • Galagos • Galar • Galina • Galish • Galiul • Gallonik • Gallos • Galon • Galox • Galra • Galron • Galveth • Galway • Gamma • Gamma 400 • Gamma 7A • Gamma Alpha • Gamma Amar • Gamma Argus • Gamma Arietis • Gamma Caius • Gamma Chrysalis • Gamma Delta • Gamma Demetrius • Gamma Emerata • Gamma Hromi • Gamma Kestra • Gamma Llongo • Gamma Meridien • Gamma Omicron • Gamma Tarses • Gamma Tobin • Gamma Trianguli • Gamma Trilesias • Gamma Trixis • Gamma Vertis • Gamma Xaridian • Gamma Ysalis • Ganarra • Ganiel • Ganidra • Ganiez • Gan'thor • Garis • Garka • Garlath • Garox • Garr • Garriat • Garth • Gasiox • Gaspar • Gastella • Gatara • Gat'tek • Gavira • Gazior • Gealan • Ged'tara • Gekiax • Geldor • Gelok • Gelora • Gelrak • Gemara • Gemet • Gemim • Gemon • Gemsa • Genia • Genovese's Star • Gentariat • Gera • Gerapa • Geredex • Geres • Geries • Gesium • Gesok • Geziul • Gezon • Ghandi • Ghar • Ghomba • Ghondr • Ghulion • Gidana • Gila • Ginar • Gin'srak • Girenon • Giriel • Giva • Gixiak • Gizron • Glarin • Glira • Gobi • Goldex • Golgotha • Goliardh • Golmor • Golumbin 699 • Gombara • Gomin • Gon • Gonal • Gonta • Gorak • Gordar • Gorgon's Demise • Gorla • Gorsach • Gossek • Gottex • Gowok • Goz'pek • Gradientes • Graf • Granicus • Gratorva • Great Ichor • Great Maw • Gregon • Grekora • Grem'pat • Grenfil • Greshik Tyrr • Grevidan • Gribbin • Grisellan • Griswald 3489 • Grom'tor • Groombridge 273 • Gro'pek • Gru Daraan • Grumir • Gruyakin • Guanon • Guldammur • Gunarp • Gura • Gus'Tavi Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (G) Galador • Gallina • Gamma Andromedae (Gamma Andromedae A • Gamma Andromedae B • Gamma Andromedae C) • Gamma Aquarii • Gamma Aquilae • Gamma Aurigae • Gamma Boötis • Gamma Capricorni • Gamma Coronae Borealis • Gamma Cygni • Gamma Draconis • Gamma Lyrai • Gamma Ophiuchi • Gamma Persei • Geilod • Gemma • Gemulon • Gentara • Goralis • Gotanna • Great Pulsar • Grevven • Griffondar • Grovran • Gulvaria Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (G) Gacrux • Gains • Galorndon Core • Galdonterre • Gamma Crateris • Gamma Crucis • Gamma Eridani • Gamma Eridon • Gamma Geminorum • Gamma Hydra • Gamma Leporis • Gamma Mensae • Gamma Orionis • Gamma Pavonis • Gamma Scorpii • Gamma Tucanae • Gamma Xertia • Gamma Zeta 4 • Ganalda • Garadius • Garag • Gasko • Gateway • Gideon • Gliese 526 • Glintara • Gomeisa • Goran • Gorath • Gorn • Gornar • Gotara • Gr'oth • Grun Beta Quadrant icon image.

