Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Celebrating 50 years of Star Trek: The Animated Series – Never cross ... "The Scheimer Barrier!" – "The Scheimer Barrier" was a TAS comic released digitally in four chapters by IDW Publishing beginning on 8 September 2023, then printed as a one-shot for distribution at the New York Comic Con. Written by Casper Kelly and illustrated by Jonathan Case, the story involved the crew of the USS Enterprise exploring strange alternate realities.


Kirk, Spock, Arex, and company tangle with a rogue scientist intent on proving his wild theory that the universe is actually a comic book. What if he's right? And what if he develops the godlike powers of the comic book artist? And what if that power has driven him mad? Will our heroes find a way to defeat him and restore the universe?


Chapter 1[]

The USS Enterprise locates the missing USS Edison within an anomalous energy field and beams a landing party to investigate. Aboard Edison, walls are graffitied with slogans from 20th century television advertising. The science vessel's crew has gone insane, with Captain Daniel Fontana and his officers deluded into thinking that they are characters in Star Trek: The Animated Series. To prove it, they've built the Fontana drive, a device powerful enough to destroy a star system, but Fontana claims it will open a doorway into an alternate reality. Fontana's crew stuns the landing party and locks them in the brig. Kirk's team escapes, but it's too late. Fontana activates the device, and everyone nearby seems to fall into a featureless void. Interpreting what they see as a two-dimensional universe, Fontana claims that they're now inside a comic book. The landing party begins to perceive real-world elements such as word balloons, page edges, page numbers, caption blocks, and then a full-page ad.

Daniel Fontana • James T. Kirk • Shiboline M'Ress • Montgomery Scott • Spock • Nyota Uhura • unnamed Starfleet personnel (guard)
Imaginary characters
Blargle • the creature • Pleasance • Ubalda
Starships and vehicles
USS Edison (science vessel) • USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser)
star system
Referenced only
Races and cultures
Caitian • Human • Vulcan

Chapter 2[]

Believing that he controls perceived reality, Fontana places the Enterprise landing party into a famous comic book series in which Bessie and Verona compete to win the affections of Artie. Uhura, M'Ress, and Spock convince Bessie to seek a less fickle companion while Kirk finds a communications device. Before he can hail the ship, however, Fontana literally erases the device from Kirk's hands.

Daniel Fontana • James T. Kirk • Shiboline M'Ress • Spock • Nyota Uhura
Imaginary characters
Artie • Bessie • Big Ox • Verona
Starships and vehicles
Referenced only
USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser)
Imaginary locations
Brookdale • Earth
Races and cultures
Caitian • Human • Vulcan

Chapter 3[]

Growing more insane by the minute, Fontana rapidly changes the perceived reality around the Enterprise landing party. They see bridges of different starships from various eras, gathering starship personnel from various centuries as they travel.

Daniel Fontana • James T. Kirk • Shiboline M'Ress • Spock • Nyota Uhura
Imaginary characters
Bradward Boimler • Michael Burnham • Una Chin-Riley • Geordi La Forge • Jean-Luc Picard • Christopher Pike • Saru • William T. Riker • D'vana Tendi • Worf
Referenced only
Roga Danar • Nomad • Q
Imaginary starships and vehicles
USS Enterprise-D, Borg cube, Orion starship, USS Discovery, Gorn starship
Imaginary locations
Referenced only
Q Continuum • Quark's
Races and cultures
Caitian • Human • Vulcan
Imaginary races and cultures
Illyrian • Kelpien • Klingon • Orion
Referenced only

Chapter 4[]

Fontana compels the landing party to fight as part of a large melée. When Spock asks what happens if they refuse to participate, Fontana erases him. M'Ress comes up with a solution that plays into Fontana's insanity. Because Fontana thinks of himself as writer and artist of a comic, he would be at the mercy of the comic's editor. Throwing aquacite boulders at each other and pretending to fight, the officers are actually forming the letters to an editor's note on the ground. When he reads it, Fontana's illusions collapse. He and his deluded crewmates are secured in the Enterprise's brig.

Daniel Fontana • James T. Kirk • Shiboline M'Ress • Spock • Nyota Uhura • unnamed Starfleet personnel (guard)
Imaginary characters
Bradward Boimler • Michael Burnham • Data • Kurros • Ellen Landry • Jean-Luc Picard • Christopher Pike • Quark • Saru • Seven of Nine • Khan Noonien Singh • D'vana Tendi • Deanna Troi • Tuvix • Worf
Starships and vehicles
USS Enterprise
Imaginary locations
Races and cultures
Caitian • Human • Vulcan
Imaginary races and cultures
Borg • Ferengi • Gorn • Jem'Hadar • Kelpien • Klingon • Orion


States and organizations[]

Federation • Starfleet

Science and classification[]

antenna • anthropology • bat'leth • brig • combadge • communicator • computer • Fontana drive • glasses • holodeck • laboratory • phaser rifle • replica • sensor • shields • spear • sword • television • transporter • tricorder • type-2 phaser

Occupations and titles[]

captain • guard • lieutenant • officer • science officer

TV series[]

Star Trek: The Animated Series • Star Trek: Discovery • Star Trek: Lower Decks • Star Trek: The Next Generation • Star Trek: The Original Series • Star Trek: Picard • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Other references[]

1970s • 20th century • anomalous field • aquacite • Artie's Gals Bessie & Verona • assignment patch • beam • bikini • blood • bordeaux • boulder • bridge • captain's log, USS Enterprise, 2269 • comic book • crew • decade • DNA • dollar • donkey • electricity • elephant • Federation Starfleet ranks (2260s) • god • hail • headache • high school • home universe • illusion • log entry • logic • milkshake • mining • minute • movie • oxidation • pencil • planet • rank • sand • science • space • Starfleet ranks • Starfleet uniform (2250s) • Starfleet uniform (2265-2270) • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • Starfleet uniform (early 2380s) • Star Trek within Star Trek • swimming • swimming pool • transporter room • uniform • Vulcan nerve pinch • warp factor (warp three)

Log entries[]

Captain's log, stardate 5371.3
The Federation has lost contact with the science vessel USS Edison, and sent the Enterprise to investigate.
Captain's log, stardate 5371.3.
We are back in our home universe. Fontana and his minions have been apprehended.


Related media[]





published order
Previous story:
Star Trek vs. Transformers, Issue 5
TAS stories Next story:
Forewarned and Three-Armed
Previous comic:
Echoes, Issue 5
TOS comics Next comic:
latest comic
Previous story:
Very Short Treks
Stories by:
Casper Kelly
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latest story
chronological order
Previous adventure:
Beyond the Farthest Star
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
Forgotten History
Chapter 3, Section 3

External links[]
