Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Dorothy Catherine Fontana (25 March 1939 - 2 December 2019) was a writer and script editor who has worked on Star Trek since its creation in the 1960s. She wrote several episodes from The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine as well novels, comics and video games.

Fontana's first and only novel to date is Vulcan's Glory which was published 1989. In 1999 she wrote the story for the video game Secret of Vulcan Fury which was ultimately unreleased. In the 2000s she, with her writing partner Derek Chester, wrote the story for a video game for Activision and later two more for Bethesda Softworks.

In 2007 she was interviewed for IDW's behind-the-scenes book Focus on... Star Trek and shortly after she revealed she was working on a five part miniseries for the comics publisher, again written with Derek Chester. She and Chester are also working on a new Star Trek novel and she would like to rework her Secret of Vulcan Fury story into a novel. [1]

Star Trek credits[]

Title Series Format Collaborator Publishedmem Image
Charlie X The Original Series episode Teleplay for a story by Gene Roddenberry 15 September 1966 Charles Evans
Tomorrow is Yesterday The Original Series episode -- 26 January 1967 John Christopher
This Side of Paradise The Original Series episode Story co-written with Nathan Butler 2 March 1967 Spock paradise
Friday's Child The Original Series episode -- 1 December 1967 Fridays Child
Journey to Babel The Original Series episode -- 17 November 1967 Journey to Babel
By Any Other Name The Original Series episode Teleplay co-written for a story by Jerome Bixby 23 February 1968 Byanyothername
The Ultimate Computer The Original Series episode Teleplay for a story by Laurence N. Wolf 8 March 1968 Theultimatecomputer
The Enterprise Incident The Original Series episode -- 27 September 1968 RomulanD7s
That Which Survives The Original Series episode Under the pseudonym Michael Richards 24 January 1969 Thatwhichsurvives
The Way to Eden The Original Series episode Co-written with Arthur Heinemann under the pseudonym Michael Richards 28 February 1969 Thewaytoeden
Yesteryear The Animated Series episode -- 15 September 1973 Spock and Spock
Encounter at Farpoint The Next Generation episode -- 28 September 1987 Jellys
The Naked Now The Next Generation episode Co-written with John D.F. Black under the pseudonym J. Michael Bingham 5 October 1987 Nakednow
Lonely Among Us The Next Generation episode Teleplay for a story by Michael Halperin 2 November 1987 Lonelyamongus
Too Short a Season The Next Generation episode Teleplay co-written for a story by Michael Michaelian 8 February 1988 Tooshortaseason
Heart of Glory The Next Generation episode Story co-written with Maurice Hurley & Herbert Wright 21 March 1988 Heartofglory
Vulcan's Glory The Original Series novel -- February 1989 VulcansGlory
Dax Deep Space Nine episode Teleplay co-written with Peter Allan Fields 14 February 1993 Daxds9season1
Bridge Commander The Next Generation video game Co-written with Derek Chester March 2002 Bridge Commander
Tactical Assault The Original Series video game Co-written with Derek Chester October 2006 TacticalAssltCover
Legacy Star Trek video game Co-written with Derek Chester November 2006 Legacy cover
The Enterprise Experiment, Part 1 The Original Series comic Co-written with Derek Chester 16 April 2008 Enterprise Experiment 1 Sharp
The Enterprise Experiment, Part 2 The Original Series comic Co-written with Derek Chester 29 May 2008 Enterprise Experiment 2
The Enterprise Experiment, Part 3 The Original Series comic Co-written with Derek Chester 2 July 2008 Enterprise Experiment part 3
The Enterprise Experiment, Part 4 The Original Series comic Co-written with Derek Chester 30 July 2008 Enterprise Experiment part 4
The Enterprise Experiment, Part 5 The Original Series comic Co-written with Derek Chester 27 August 2008 Enterprise Experiment 5



IDW Publishing writers and editors
Writers Mike W. BarrKirsten BeyerBrannon BragaJohn ByrneZander CannonChris CantwellMike ChenDerek ChesterPeter DavidKeith R.A. DeCandidoIan EdgintonTravis FickettD.C. FontanaAndrew GrantAndrew Steven HarrisTim JonesMike JohnsonDan MartinTerry MatalasStuart MooreRyan NorthRyan ParrottJames PatrickChris RyallAndy SchmidtArne SchmidtChris SequeiraPaul D. StorrieDavid TiptonScott TiptonDavid TischmanTy Templeton IDW bulb
Story credits Harve BennettAlex KurtzmanRoberto OrciRick RemenderJack B. Sowards
Editors Heather AntosScott DunbierSarah GaydosAndrew Steven HarrisChris RyallAndy SchmidtDan TaylorDenton J. Tipton

External links[]
