Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Captain Terrance Riley was a 24th century Human, a Starfleet officer who served as commanding officer of the Federation starship USS Intrepid in the early 2370s decade.


Riley was the son of former Starfleet officer Kevin Riley, who served aboard the USS Enterprise in the 2260s.

In the year 2371, Riley and the Intrepid were ordered to intercept the USS Yorktown, which had been stolen from Starbase 179 by Captain Montgomery Scott, and persuade him to return home instead of entering Romulan space. Once Scott reminded Riley that his father had served with him and Spock aboard the Enterprise, and explained that he was on a mission to rescue the currently-captured Ambassador Spock, Riley eventually agreed to let the Yorktown continue on its way. (TNG novel: Crossover)



Intrepid personnel
SS Intrepid (Intrepid-class prototype) C. Ramirez • M. Reed (alternate timeline) Intrepid (NX-07, NX-class) R. Brazzi • A. Byelev • H. Croft • J. Lambert • G. Larssen • G. Toussaint • Z. al-Qatabi • Y. Kawazana Seal of United Earth. Emblem of Earth's Starfleet.
USS Intrepid (NCC-1631, Constitution-class) Garth • Spiak USS Intrepid II (Constitution-class) Setek • Sehlk • Si'jsk • Sobek • Suvuk • T'Kiha • T'Leiar • T'Noy UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
USS Intrepid II (Oberth-class) Atherton • Clayton • Chang • Diver • Duchamps • L. McCoy • F. Mercier • Richards • Spock • N. Uhura
USS Intrepid (NCC-38907, Excelsior-class) D. Dieghan • S. Rozhenko • J. Tavares • Tobias USS Intrepid (NCC-74600, Intrepid-class prototype) W. Emick • J. Hayek • D. Kaplan • T. Riley • V. Stadi

Appearances and references[]

