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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Planet X.

Planet X is a TNG novel written by Michael Jan Friedman, a crossover with the Marvel Comics X-Men franchise that is a sequel to TNG comic: "Second Contact".


On the planet Xhaldia, ordinary men and women are mutating into bizarre creatures with extraordinary powers. But is this a momentous evolutionary leap or an unparalleled catastrophe? The very fabric of Xhaldian society is threatened as fear and prejudice divide the transformed from their own kin.
Dispatched to cope with the growing crisis, Captain Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise receive some unexpected visitors from another reality—in the form of the group of mutant heroes known as the uncanny X-Men. Storm, leader of the X-Men, offers their help in resolving a situation that is agonizingly similar to the Human/mutant conflicts of their own time and space.
But when hostile aliens appear in orbit around Xhaldia to try and abduct the transformed for use as a superpowered force in an attack on the Federation, even the combined forces of the crew of Starfleet and the X-Men may be unable to prevent an inferno of death and destruction.
Starfleet's finest crew and Earth's greatest mutant heroes will need all their powers and abilities to save the Xhaldian people and stop a deadly threat to the Federation.



Starfleet personnel[]

Bertaina • Calderon • Clark • Beverly Crusher • Data • Demeter • Ditko • Glavin • Guinan • Kane • Yoshi Kashiwada • Kirby (USS Enterprise-E) • Geordi La Forge • Miles O'Brien • Marco Palmieri • Jean-Luc Picard • Sariel Rager • William T. Riker • B.G. Robinson • Saffron • Relda Sovar • Stephenson • Suttles • Deanna Troi • Lee Wayne • Wilkes (USS Enterprise-E) • Worf • Yeowell
Referenced only
Reginald Barclay • Jadzia Dax • Benjamin Sisko • Stanley


Praddis Amon • Corba • Cudarris • Denara • Nikti Eilo • Leyden • Tessa Mollic • Osan • Paldul • Rahatan • Seevyn • Erid Sovar • Tollit


Cyggelh • Ettojh • Ruugh Isadjo • Mynaagh


Warren Worthington ("Archangel") • Sean Cassidy ("Banshee") • Piotr Rasputin ("Colossus") • Kurt Wagner ("Nightcrawler") • Kitty Pryde ("Shadowcat") • Ororo Munroe ("Storm") • Wolverine

Holodeck characters[]


Charles Xavier.

The Blob • Juggernaut • Sabretooth • Unas the Untouchable • Charles Xavier

Other characters[]

Ben • Q • Uatu the Watcher
Referenced only
Kang the Conqueror • Khan Noonien Singh • Brian McGonaghy • Alexander Rozhenko • Traveler

Starships and vehicles[]

Chris Pike (shuttlecraft) • Connharakt (Draa'kon starship) • USS Defiant (Defiant-class escort) • USS Enterprise-E (Sovereign-class explorer) • Onizuka (shuttlecraft) • Voltaire (shuttlecraft)
Referenced only
USS Venture


Antiacus • Starbase 42 • Starbase 88 • Xhaldia
Referenced only
Deep Space 7 • Deep Space 9 • Gamma Quadrant • Kataan

Races and cultures[]

Bandelaar • Betazoid • Chardeni • Draa'kon • Drilikan • El-Aurian • Human • Klingon • Shriiton • Watcher • Xhaldian
Referenced only
Cardassian • Douwd • Jem'Hadar • Pandrilite • Trill

States and organizations[]

Starfleet • United Federation of Planets • X-Men
Referenced only
Dominion • Founder

Science and classification[]

control panel • intercom • space • star • subspace • warp factor

Ranks and titles[]

administrator • captain • chancellor • commander • first officer • lieutenant • Number one • officer • scientist • security officer • whipmaster

Other references[]

day • homeworld • planet • sector


Related media[]




published order
Previous novel:
The Best and the Brightest
TNG unnumbered novels Next novel:
I, Q
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Year of Hell, Part II
Pocket Next Adventure:
Previous Adventure:
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Next Adventure:
Bedside Matters

External link[]
