Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Cadet Picard's first space mission could be his last!—Nova Command is a young adult novel, the 9th installment of the Starfleet Academy series of The Next Generation books. This story was authored by Brad and Barbara Strickland and was released in December 1995.


Before he became the captain of the USS Enterprise…
Cadet Jean-Luc Picard is struggling through his first year at the Academy. He's near the top of his classes, right behind Roger Wells. Jean-Luc is determined to do everything better and bigger than Roger. But privately he has doubts. And the lack of communication from home only reminds him of how badly he left things with his father.
Then Jean-Luc and his friend, Marta, discover they've been selected to fly with the Nova Command team, a special training mission through the solar system. This is no simulation—it's the real thing! Jean-Luc tries to ignore the presence of Roger, but the pressure builds between the two cadets. When the mission leader falls ill and the ship receives a distress call, Jean-Luc and the other cadets must decide whether to obey orders or attempt a rescue… as the ship heads for disaster!


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Marta Batanides • Liam Boothby • Cal • Tom Franklin • Jomo Nkolo • W. G. Page • Jean-Luc Picard • Yvette Picard • Tabath Ran • Redderly • Gene Sayre • Silona • Spock • Roger Wells
Referenced only
Auguste Picard • Maurice Picard • Robert Picard

Starships and vehicles[]

Aphrodite • Ishtar • Quetzalcoatl • Ra
Referenced only
USS Enterprise • USS Enterprise-D


Bradbury Orbital Base • Earth • Golden Gate Bridge • San Francisco • Scobee Hall • Sol system
Referenced only
Alkalurops • Alpha Centauri • Ellipsias • France • Helene • Jerusalem • Kemora • Labarre • Mars • McKinley Station • Voltaire Station

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Betazoid • Human • Kemoran • Vulcan
Referenced only
Klingon • Romulan

States and organizations[]

Federation • Nova Command team • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy • Worrell Mining Commission

Science and technology[]

combadge • humanoid • lifeform • matter • space • starship • star • star system • time

Ranks and titles[]

cadet • captain • commanding officer

Other references[]

24th century • black comet • clothing • cobra-cat • communication • continuum distortion topology • distress call • Ellipsian gambit • Federation Starfleet ranks • Federation Starfleet ranks (2360s-2370s) • government • HMS Pinafore • insignia • Kobayashi Maru scenario • nation-state • planet • races and cultures • rank • rank insignia • sonic shower • Starfleet uniform • Starfleet uniform (2278-2350s) • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • technology • title • toli • uniform • Valusian skitter-mouse • year


Picard's first Academy year.




published order
Previous novel:
TNG books Next novel:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Pocket Next Adventure:
An Easy Fast
Section 2

German : Picards erstes Kommando. (Heyne)

External link[]
