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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Mercury.

Mercury (Sol I) was a planet, the first planet orbiting Sol in the Sol star system.

History and specifics[]

A class F/class B geomorteus planet, Mercury orbits Sol on an 88-day cycle. A small, rocky body, the surface temperatures on the side facing the sun become quite high due to the close location to the central star. The proximity to Sol is so close as to preclude any semblance of a lifeform-supporting planetary atmosphere. (Last Unicorn RPG module: Planets of the UFP)


Since it was uninhabited, by 2166 humanity had established multiple industrial antimatter generators on Mercury. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Patterns of Interference)

When performing a slingshot maneuver around the sun, the crew of the USS Enterprise turned away from the sun after passing Mercury. (TOS episode: "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

After an attack by the Totality on warp drive vessels, Starfleet Command relocated to Mercury where they established a provisional command at the Vostok Academy. (TOS novel: Captain's Glory)

In fiction[]

In the literature of the 20th century science fiction series The Adventures of Captain Proton, Mercury was inhabited by the developing Kokkoki species, a.k.a. sandmen or Mercurians. It had black-colored seas, mountains of crystal, lakes made of quicksilver, and 1,000-foot tall geological formations called Nickel Flowers. The planet was a source of solaradium, a material used to harden spacesuits against dangerous radiation. (ST - Captain Proton: Defender of the Earth short story: "The Planets of the Future")

In the year 2000, Captain Proton came across the sandmen during an adventure on Mercury. (The Adventures of Captain Proton short story: "Captain Proton and the Sandmen of Mercury")

Fictional geography[]

  • Northern Plains
  • Quicksilver
  • Southern Plains

Fictional residents[]



Sol system
orbital landmarks (planets, planetoids, moons & asteroids) Sol (primary) • I. Mercury • II. Venus • III. Earth (Luna) • IV. Mars (Phobos • Deimos) • Sol asteroid belt (Ceres • Pallas • Juno • Vesta) • V. Jupiter (Callisto • Europa • Ganymede • Io • Amalthea) • VI. Saturn (Enceladus • Mimas • Phoebe • Rhea • Tethys • Titan) • VII. Uranus (Ariel • Umbriel • Titania • Miranda) • VIII. Neptune (Nereid • Triton) • Pluto (Charon • Nix • Hydra Elysium) • Kuiper Belt (Eris • Dysnomia • Proserpine • Makemake • Haumea • Varuna) • Oort cloud {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
space stations Khepera Chromospheric Solar Observatory • Aphrodite Terraforming Station • Ishtar Station • Sol II shipyard (Venus) • Spacedock 1 • San Francisco Fleet Yards (Construction support station 173 • orbital office complex) • McKinley Station • Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards • Jupiter Station • Sol V shipyard (Europa) • Saturn drydock • Saturn Station 1 • Sol VI shipyard (Titan) • Pluto Station • Starbase 1 • Defense Outpost 1426 • Defense Outpost 1427 • Defense Outpost 1428
outposts Vostok Academy • Venusian Campus • Phobos Campus • Jupiter Colony V • Jupiter Outposts (Jupiter Outpost 92 • Ganymede Station) • Mimas Station • Titan Outpost • Project Pluto Research Station • Starfleet Archives Annex • Eridian Vault
Kelvin timeline Starbase 1 (Kelvin timeline) • Io Facility • Starbase Zeta {{{2}}} icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Mirror Universe Terran Space Defense Fortress • Terran Control • Jupiter Station • Neptune Station {{{2}}} icon image.
Planets visited by Captain Proton
Planet X • Thyrion VI • Azkam • Pluto • Luna • Queen Fems' planet • Epsey Second Prime • Troon homeworld • Core • Grayhawk II • Earth • Mind-Sucker Ant Creature homeworld • Red Mountain • Mercury • Alpha Centauri • Soltair planet • Mars • Zatonia • Andromeda Prime • Planet X • Earth


Some measurements are derived from real-life scientific studies of the planet Mercury that can be referenced at the Wikipedia page linked in the external link section below.

Appearances and references[]


External links[]
